Chapter 6~ Party Animal

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Song- Ready to go by Panic! At the Disco

Jace pictured above (played by Brant Daugherty from Pretty Little Liars)

  Today went by in a haze. We woke up and did our everyday school routine. Finally when night came we got ready together exactly like planned. I leant her some of my clothes since our sleepover wasn't planned and neither of us felt like going to my house to get my clothes. My main focus now was the party.

  Vicky was standing in front of her closet while I watch her from my position on her bed. The sound of metal scraping metal from her hangers against the racks pierces my ears. She turns around holding a short dress. She tosses it to me and encourages me to try it on.

  I close the closet door behind me. The last thing I need to do is flash my bestie. She has a walk-in closet that is the size of a small bathroom. Both sides are lined with racks of clothes organized by season and shoe boxes cover the majority of the floor. At the end is a full length mirror. I pull the dress on over my head and allow the material to cascade around me.

  The dress is a simple red sheer material that barely passes my bum. It's strapless, so I match it with a jean vest to be less exposed. I open one of her many shoe boxes and add a pair of black flats to complete the outfit. My hair falls over my shoulders in loose natural waves. I check my appearance in the mirror one last time before returning to Vicky.

  She has on a navy blue body con dress that hugs to every curve on her body leaving nothing to the imagination. She has a pair of black flats with bows on the toes. She carries a black clutch in her right hand. She's dressed more for a club than a party, but i don't say anything. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail that is pristine with no bumps and no loose strands. She links her arm through mine and tugs me towards the door.

  "We look hot. This is so exciting. Im ready to go," she squeals in delight.

  I take a deep breathe and put on a fake smile. "Me too."


  She parks the car down the block once we arrive. The entire street is lined both ways with cars. Half of the school is here! I readjust my dress pulling it down so it covers more. As we near the house the distinct scent of alcohol and vomit fills the air. I crinkle my nose in disgust. Vicky doesn't seem fazed.

  Well duh. She goes to parties at least once a month.

  And at least once a month I have to help her overcome a hangover and drive her home from whatever place she spent the night at. No matter how many times I lecture her she does listen, so I've learned to not say anything and leave her alone. I've already designated myself as the driver for tonight so she can have as much fun as she wants.

  We enter the house. The house is packed with sweaty people and the halls are hard to walk through. Bodies bump and grind against me as I make my way to the beverage table. There's crushed chips all over the floor and spilt beer stains on the once white carpet. Someone is going to have fun cleaning this up. In the far corner of the room is a couple making out. Awkwardly, I turn to Vicky who has already helped herself to a red cup of something. She takes a sip.

  "Now, don't get to wild on me. I need you to drive me home. Don't do something you'll regret tomorrow you party animal. If there's one thing you need to know at parties its this; Wrap it before you tap it." I stare at her blankly. Oh my god. She's giving me the speech. It should be the other way around. Im the responsible one not her!

  "Don't be silly cover his willy," she says while waggling here eyebrows. If she's trying to be funny it isn't working. She pauses before continuing, "Don't be a fool wrap his tool." She glances around the room. I guess she realizes I don't find this funny. "Okay. This is awkward. I'm going to go over there...or anywhere."

  Before I have the chance to grab her arm she is swallowed into the large mass of bodies. I let out a frustrated groan. Great. She's already left me and we haven't even been here for 5 minutes. I help myself to a drink of whatever is in the large bowl, the same bowl Vicky took a drink out of, and take small sips.

  In the next room over I hear loud cheering. I stand on my tiptoes and see someone being held upside down above a keg. I roll my eyes. This sucks. I might as well go find Jace. I don't want to suffer alone.

  I leave the table and walk into the room with the keg. I walk past him and straight into a hall. At the end I can see Jace talking to one of his friends. I assume it's Alec. I sigh in relief and march over to him, avoiding bodies left and right.

  Suddenly, my right hand being grabbed and my body is forced to spin around. There, standing behind me, is Bryan. His tall muscular build blocks my vision of whats behind him. I can see why Vicky would date him, he was hot. He was tall and had muscles and his eyes could make any girl swoon. But he was the definition of a dumb jock. He was all brawn no brains.

  I stare at him. His breath reeks of beer and his hair is dishevelled. Earlier I'd seen him with a blonde girl who had her hands tangled in his hair and her body pressed firmly against his.

  "Hey sweet thing," he says huskily. "What are you doing?"

  "Not you if that's what your looking for."

  "Oh come on don't be that way. Most girls here would love to spend some one on one time with me," he states cockily.

  Like I said before; no brains. I was in a relationship and if he thinks I'm willing to cheat he has another thing coming.

  "Well, unlike most girls here I don't have an IQ low enough to trip over which is the only possible reason i can think of as to why someone would sleep with you. It's not happening. Go hit on someone more drunk than me," I hiss. I try to turn myself back around to go to Jace, but I'm too slow.

  Bryan takes my shoulders with both his hands and shoves me against a wall.  The cup I have in my hand goes flying to the floor. He uses all his strength to keep me pinned. I thrash around in his grasp and feel his hands move from my shoulder to my wrists so I can't hit him. Crap. I'm stuck. I continue to try and break free, but to no avail. He leans forward and plants his lips roughly on mine.

  Let me tell you, he tastes as bad as he smells. He licks my lips asking for entrance. I keep them firmly closed. This isn't happening especially not with him. He needs to get it through his thick skull that I'm not interested. Also I'm not doing this because Bryan is Vicky's ex. You don't go out with your friend's ex-boyfriend. It's like the rules of feminism!

  I regret coming to this party. He pulls back and smirks menacingly. He's such a pig. "You're a challenge. I like that."

  Anger surged within me. Who does he think he is? He may have my hands pinned, but my legs were free. I raise my right knee and hit where the sun doesn't shine. He bends over releasing my hands in the process. His hands then move to protect where I just hit him.

  "The only challenge you have now is walking. Best of luck to you." I slide my back against the wall and rush past him. I watch over my shoulder to make sure he doesn't come after me. His body shrinks and dissolves into the crowd as I make my way further down the hall.

  I wasn't paying attention to where I'm going and accidentally crash into a wall of flesh. I stumble backwards, almost tripping on my feet in the process. My head whips around to see who I hit. My eyes widen when I realize who's in front me.


  Holy crap on a cracker. The expression on his face indicates he just saw what happened. I'm in trouble.

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