5. "I will kill you..."

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/"I will kill you..."\
With the amazing Y/n~

Getting ready for work was a pain. Y/n's feet burned from the cuts and she had no way of hiding the cut on her face. She shakily got dressed in her uniform and left for work through her mirror.

When she arrived in her alley way she walked into the door to be greeted by Quinn.

"Hey Y/n!" Quinn chirped. Y/n smiled back with sparkling e/c eyes. "What happened to your face!" Y/n walked around the counter and made some coffee. "It was an accident, no need to worry." No other word was spoken. They just listened to the sound of the TV and the report of three officers who died of a heart attack.

After an hour of cleaning tables and serving customers, a certain someone walked in with some friends. "Hey Y/n," snickered Quinn as she poked her best friends arm. "Some cute pale dude is staring at you! I'm gonna let you take this one!"

Y/n eyes widened a fraction as she caught a glimpse of the pale teen her friend was talking about. His eyes were normal as was his face. He looked human, just deathly pale. His friends were interesting as well. A link cosplayer, a kid who kept twitching, a girl with green eyes but one was covered with an eyepatch, and another link cosplayer just darker.

"I don't know...." Y/n hesitated. "Go on!" Quinn put a tray in Y/n's hands and nudged her forward.
Y/n walked over to the group with a fake smile that would fool anyone. "Hi," she said. "what will it be today?"

The pale teen glared at Y/n. "How'd you get that cut?" Y/n looked over to him with a smile that said 'I would kill you now if I could'.

"Oh you know, my cat is very mean." She laughed nervously. "Anyways, what would you like? I suggest the vanilla cof-"

The pale kid slammed his hands on the table and stood up making the girl with the eyepatch gasp in surprise. "Well, Shadow, I know I gave you that cut on your face! You came to me and tried to kill me!"

Y/n backed up in fake surprise. She clutched her tray and in a shaky voice said "Sir, if you don't stop I'll call the police!"

"Sit down Jeff, she's just a waitress!" The blonde cosplayer said, frowning at y/n. The ticking boy put his hand on Jeff's shoulder. "Sit down J-" Jeff cut him off back getting up and storming out of the shop. Luckily these guys and a lady were the only ones here. "We're very sorry." Said the dark link cosplayer. "We'll get out your hair." They all got up and left.

Y/n walked back behind the counter and sat down on the floor. Quinn sat down next to her. "Sorry, n/n. I should've taken that..."

Y/n smiled at the pink haired girl. "It's okay, Quinn, it want your fault."


After work Y/n walked out into the alley and up to her mirror. "Stupid pale kid..." She murmured. Putting a hand on the mirror she was about to go through when she heard someone yell "I told you it's her!"

Y/n's e/c eyes were taken over by blackness. Her face scrunched up in anger as she got up and spun around. There stood smile boy and his friends. "Guess you were right." The girl with the eyepatch said.

"What are you doing, smile child? I have business to take care of. I don't need to deal with your pale ass!"
Y/n snarled.

Jeff growled and ran at her, knife in hand. Y/n morphed into the shadows and came up behind Jeff, sweeping him off his feet. He fell forward and in front of y/n's mirror.

"Wow, smile child. I thought you'd be better than this." Y/n spat. Jeff raised his knife and brought it down onto her mirror. It shattered everywhere. Y/n could see her shocked face in a piece of broken glass. "M-my mirror! You broke it!"

Y/n's pure black eyes filled with rage. Shadow's shifted in the darkness. Red eyes of a shadow person appeared behind y/n. Than another one. And another one. Jeff looked over to y/n in horror as shadows traveled along her angered form. Jeff rubbed his eyes thinking the wings made of shadows on her back was just his imagination. But his friends saw it too. Y/n was about to reach for Jeff and strangle the life out of him when a black tentacle wrapped around her. "Let me go!" She roared. Turning her head she could she the dark link cosplayer had some type of magic and was the one who trapped her.

Jeff took this chance and ran off, his friends went with him leaving a broken hearted shadow demon crying on the ground.

A single tear of black blood left y/n's eye and splashed into the ground. "I will kill you..."

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