7. Taste Of Payback

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With the Menacinglasagnas:

Toby and BEN tried to keep Jeff calm, but ever since he broke that mirror he'd been acting even more crazy than usual. He attacked a Starbucks! He loved that place! Now Jeff was in the kitchen yelling at a toaster to give back his bread or he'll stab her, her being the toaster.

Toby walked over to Jeff and the toaster, he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and said "Jeff, you didn't put any toast in the toaster."

"Yea I did! I remember...wait no I didn't...." Jeff sunk down to the floor and covered his ears with his white hands. "What is happening to me?"

"I have a feeling it's something about the mirror and I'm probably right. Hopefully Y/n will meet with us-" Toby was cut off by BEN.

"You told her where we lived?! The crazy lady who cursed Jeff!" Toby looked at Jeff.

"I had no choice..."

With the charming Y/n~

Y/n didn't know why she decided to go and help the stupid killers. But she found herself driving to their home.

When she had finally reached the house she took in the scenery. It was a large house, maybe two stories. the house was in the country part of the town so there was no other house in sight. The house had a sign near the sidewalk which read 'Creepy House of Creepyness'

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked up to the front porch. She was about to knock when she heard a crash then a "JEFF! CALM YOURSELF!"

Y/n opened the door and ran inside. Jeff was on top of the dark link guy holding a knife above his head ready to strike. Toby stood holding the knife also so Jeff couldn't bring it down. A girl with brown hair and blue eyes and a guy with a orange hoodie were trying to help the dark link guy.

Dark Link turned his head toward Y/n and said "Hey look! It's the hot demon chick from the coffee place!" Y/n facepalmed.

Jeff slowly and creepily turned his head toward Y/n, his face still angry from whatever Dark did. He slowly put the knife to his side and got off of Dark, Toby let go of Jeff and backed up. Jeff inched forward, every step his fist tightened on his knife. Y/n stood with a blank face, ready to morph into the conveniently placed shadow behind her.

Jeff was now right in front of her, she could feel his breath on her face. He stared into her eyes with pure hate. He raised his knife and aimed for her head. Then, he dropped his knife and...hugged Y/n?
He started apologizing so fast she only heard jumbled up words. "Uh...."

Toby walked over and pulled off Jeff, who didn't want to let go and started hitting Toby. "I can't feel pain you idiot." Jeff than started crying when Toby said that.

"Is he on his man-period?" Y/n asked, pointing at Jeff.

"That's what I said!" The guy with the orange hood said. Y/n sighed and walked over to Jeff and bent down to his level. "I think we might have to do some magic. I can create a potion, but if it doesn't work we need magic, which I don't posses." Y/n scratched her head than got up, much to Jeff's displease.

Y/n walked into the kitchen, which was connected to the dining room they were in, and started digging through the fridge.

With the fabu Tobeh~

Toby watched Y/n grab a bottle of mustard, relish, some pickle juice, peanut butter, grapes, strawberries, Italian salad dressing, and some ice. She took all those things and threw it in the blender. She then poured her concoction into a plastic cup and said some words under her breath. She walked over and took it to Jeff.

Jeff took the gross looking 'drink' and took a large gulp. He threw the drink to the floor and dashed to the restroom.

"Well," Y/n said. "Now onto the potion."

"What'd you give Jeff?" Dark asked amused.

"A taste of payback part 1."

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