Chapter 2 - The Shadow Walker

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The ride was long and cold, it was exactly three o'clock at night and that would give him exactly three hours to find the shadow walker.

He finally reached the river and there was a little well pump for water, and he then got off his bike and walked to the pump. When he got to the pump, he pumped it three times, so it would give him enough for a good drink before he goes into the dark woods.

He then put his head under the pump and the water came flowing out of the pump, and after getting a good drink, he got started to walk into the entrance of the creaking woods and all he saw was trees. But then, he saw something running from the west side of the woods. 

Billy gasped, that must be the shadow walker. He walked faster and faster on the west side of the woods. But then his foot got stuck on a branch and fell hard on the ground. He then looked up and all he saw was dirty muddy feet. Then it went black, he had to be blindfolded.

"Move this way, Now!" The voice said as he got shoved with a stick

"Who are you, and where are you taking me?" Billy told the voice.

"None of your business, now move." The voice said now shoving him harder in the back.

"Are you the strange boy with torn clothes?" Billy said while stopping himself. But then he heard a girl's voice.

"Move jerk!" The girl said. Her voice sounded so familiar, and he only knew or person that calls him a Jerk. He bumped into her the other day. But he couldn't remember the name of the girl and, he needed to hear that voice again. He thought.

"What did you say?" Billy said.

"I said, move jerk!" She yelled louder. Rosie! This girl had to be her. He thought.

"Rosie! You're Rosie Harris!" He yelled.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Rosie said.

"I know who you are. Your Rosie Harris, you don't have to deny it." He told Rosie. Then they all stopped. But then, Billy heard running coming from the east side of the woods. A minute later, someone took off his blindfold. And he and Rosie were both standing by the pump.

"What are you doing here, jerk?" Rosie asked him.

"I was looking for someone. What are you doing in the woods?" Billy asked Rosie.

"None of your business, now leave and never come back." She said pointing to his bike.

"Who is the shadow walker? "Billy asked Rosie.

"What are you talking about?" Rosie said as she was laughing.

"The shadow walker. You know, the boy in the photo you had. The barefoot kid, and he wears torn clothes. Don't act dumb you know exactly who I'm talking about. I just want to talk to the boy. I want to help him." He told Rosie.

"Just leave me alone," Rosie said then ran back into the woods, and disappearing within the trees.

Billy then checked his phone, and it showed at four o'clock, and he has had a message from Amy. The message read are you almost back? I'm feeling a little better and I can't wait to hear what had happened. Billy started to text back I'm on my way. But instead, he just got on his bike and rode off.


Two minutes later,

He finally reached Amy's home. He then opened Amy's front door and, walked upstairs. And then he went to Amy's room and opened the door. But, she wasn't there. He then grabbed his phone out of his pocket and then sat on her bed then he called Amy's phone. Her phone rang but, it was sitting on her table ringing. She had to be in the bathroom. He thought, but suddenly she got a notification. He hesitated to look at it because it was none of his business. Then she got another one. He had to check it. It could be important. He though.

He then got off Amy's bed and walked to the table and turned-on Amy's phone. He then looked at the phone, and she had two messages from Rosie. Why would Rosie be texting her? He thought. He then turned her phone off and sat it back on the table and sat back on Amy's bed.

When went to her room she sat down on her bed next to Billy, and Billy told her what had happened that day. After that conversation, he asked her why she has Rosie's number. She told him it was for a school project. He then told her to tell her to meet him tomorrow but, don't tell her I was coming. Billy said. 

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