Chapter Four

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With my racing heart, entered the Shadow.

Owing to the distance that was between us, I could only see that he was wearing a navy blue tuxedo with a black tie.

A peculiar choice; I mentally shrugged. It was his choice anyways.

As he began approaching me I was able to make out more of him.

He seemed pretty well built.

He came more closer.

He had dark brown hair, shorter on the sides and longer at the front.

More closer.

His eyes were ocean blue. They looked as if piercing straight into my body.


Finally he came and stood a few feet ahead of me.

He was tall. I might only reach below his ears.

Ha! I was tall too.

"Good morning Bria."

"Sorry?" The words left my mouth as a response to my startling.

However I quickly replied, "Good morning." to prevent any awkwardness.

Wait! Did he say Bria?
But my name's Bridget.

He probably got it wrong.

"Umm, I think you got something wrong. My name's Bridget, not Bria."

"I know," Came his curt reply.

"So you intend to use Bria instead of Bridget?" I asked.



"Alright then." I guess, I mentally added.

"So, uh, what's your name by the way? If you have one, that is," I cringed inwardly at the last sentence. Of course he would be having one.

There was a pause before he spoke.

Have you forgotten your name Shadow?

"Callan," Did he not know how to form sentences?

But... Callan. I liked how that sounded.

" How are you?" I mentally facepalmed. Really Bria... Bridget? How are you?

But I guessed it was supposed to be good manners.


Why was he giving one word answers? Didn't he had something more to ask or say?

This guy was really confusing.

"What about you?"

Seems like Sha- Callan too has some "good" manners.

"I'm fine too," That came out really flat Bridget.

"Good," There was a pause before he spoke again, "So, you said that you know how to use weapons."

"Swords and bows and arrows to be precise," I replied.

"Right. How about a quick match between us?"

"Match? In this gown?" I almost shrieked at his suggestion.

He looked down to my emerald gown that had no accessories or embellishments except a simple brown belt.

"Why not? A warrior doesn't worry about his clothes or the place. He just fights."

Wow. So now we're doing this?

"You do realise that we're supposed to be conversing with each other in order for "you" to select your bride. Right?" I asked with some extra emphasis on 'you'.

"Consider this as an assessment."

Pointing my finger towards him, I hastily spoke again, "Okay... Before starting let me quickly ask you this one thing... Have you done this assessment with every other princesses?"


"Then why with me? Only," His actions just keep on adding to his puzzle.

"Is that hesitation that I'm seeing in you Bria? Or is it that what you told me yesterday was false?"

Although his face was hidden behind the mask yet I was certain he was having a smirk sitting on his face right now.

"Excuse me Mr. Callan! Let me make this clear once and for all, I am not a liar," I spoke in the most slow and clearest voice that I could muster.

"Well what's the problem then? Let's do the match."

Sighing deeply, "Alright then. Bring it on," I gave in.

He ordered the guards positioned outside the doors to bring two bows with some arrows and two boards.
It took them less than a minute to bring that and set it up in the room.

What else did Callan wanted to do with me? Was this even worth it? I couldn't help but dive into these thoughts.

I was brought back to the surface from my sea of thoughts by the snapping of fingers in front of my eyes.

"Here take this," Handing me a longbow with my set of arrows, Callan went and took his position for the shooting.

"I hope you know that the winner will be the one with the most points, that is, the most arrows shot at the centre,"  Turning his upper body towards me he spoke with hints of mischievousness both in his speech and eyes.

"I know. Thanks for the valuable information, Shadow," I shot back unable to control the irritation in me further.

Let's show him who's the expert.

Remembering the lessons given to me in all these years, there came a smile on my face. Taking an arrow and positioning it on the string I closed one eye and focused on the center.

Closing out all other items and objects.

There was nothing else visible to me except the red circle. The room as if had faded away leaving me alone with my arrow set at the centre.

Having the target set, I released my fingers from the arrow. It flew straight and went to shot the big red circular centre.

And with that even before I could let my focus go on to any other thing, all my arrows were shot, direct at the centre.

Piercing it enough to make it fall down in just one flick.

Wearing a proud smile at my result, I turned to see Shadow's result.

5 at the centre and 1 on the next ring.

My smile changed to a smirk as I said, "Looks like the Shadow needs some more practice. What do you think Callan?"

"It's good for you that you've scored higher than me. Otherwise you would had to be eliminated. And just so you know, I did this on purpose," He spoke more like to made him look like the winner who lost on purpose.

"And why did you do that. Will you please enlighten me, Your Grace," I bowed down for the extra dramatic effect.

"Because..." He pause, "Because..."

"Because...? Because of what Your Grace?" I couldn't help the smile forming broadly on my face.

"You are selected for the final round. Congratulations," Speaking this he turned around and started walking towards the door.

"Hey wait! Wait a minute! You're not allowed to leave this room until you've answered my part of questions," I quickly paced... No ran up to him.

"Which questions?"

Trying to take long, deep breaths, "About you. The Shadow! Who else?" I managed to spoke out.

"And why do you think I'll answer them for you?" He asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Because that's the objective of today's meeting," I replied in a matter-of-fact voice.

Letting out an irritable sigh, he said, "Fine. But just one question and the meeting's over after that," Irritation then filling his voice.

"That's fine with me," I hastily said.

With his arms still crossed, he waited for my question.

Meanwhile I'd gone completely blank as to what to ask him. All throughout these years, I'd wanted to ask him so many questions but now as I'd been given the chance to ask, my mind wasn't able to conjure up anything.

"Why did you choose me in the first round?" Finally those were the words that came out of my mouth before I could give myself the time to think about them.

He slowly uncrossed his arms. His irritated breathing and sighs now converted into deep, relaxing breaths.

"I don't know," He spoke so low I thought for a second that I'd probably imagined it.

"I guess it was your mention of your education in warfare. Probably your other expertise too," He finished his answer and now stood with his eyes gazing something behind me.

"Okay, thanks. I guess I'll see you soon," I guess this will have to do for now.

There were just so many things and subjects and questions which I wanted to ask and talk to him about.
But at that moment all we did was to gently nod to each other in a silent goodbye and started walking back to our rooms.

While walking back to my room, I realised I still didn't know anything about him.

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