Ch. 20 Magic of Heart

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Water ran through the opening of Luna's toes as she smiled and giggled. She had always liked water, it was a way to calm herself down when she was in danger or stressed out. A bubble popped as she blink and turned off the water and started draining it. She wrapped herself in a towel and came out into the huge bedroom all to hers, as a note was left on the bed.

She picked it up, it was her mother saying she was invited to dinner in the dinning hall if she wanted to eat with them. Luna rolled her eyes and threw the note away. "They still think I'm going to join them for dinner?"

Putting on a set of a dark blue night dress, her mind wonder off about how her parents reacted too her saying no to them. She couldn't let them find the true father who raised her all these years, she just can't. It wasn't a way to repay someone back...

A sigh was followed by a yawn as she looked in the mirror and saw the crescent mark on her neck. She always thought it was a birthmark, or something happened to her very young for her too get it. Never would she have thought it was a royal mark. It did explain why people didn't know what the symbol mean.

Siegfried told her; her mark meant the darkness and light of people inside. The darkness on the side of the moon told of evil, as the light side where the sun always hit told of good. In a way it made sense to her. She could always tell when a person lied sometimes or were good nature secretly.

A knock at the door stop her train of thought as she opened it too the pale blond prince, Siegfried.

"Princess Luna," He bowed to her.

Luna rolled her eyes and threw her door more open. "Don't call me that, and what do you want?"

He rose back up as his gray eyes held a joy of amusement swirling inside. "I came to see you... and bring you too dinner."

"I'm not going to dinner, my clothes already say my bed is my date tonight."

Siegfried laughed, "Oh come on! You have to come out of this room sometime or day!"

"Humm... nah. It has all what I need in my life."

"What is that?"

"A comfy bed softer than clouds."

A smirk appeared on his lips as he walked inside and flopped on it. "It is comfy, maybe I should make this my room."

"No way!" Luna said as she flopped beside him.

Siegfried laughed as he rolled on top of her. Luna yelped at his weight as she smacked at his side to get off. It didn't work as he leaned against her more. Luna chocked out a half laugh half cough in defeat, "I give up! Get off me!"

He did as he was told and got off of her. Oxygen was able to fill into her lungs as she took handfuls of it. "Your heavier than you look!"

"Are you calling me fat?" He gasped mockingly, "How dare you!"

Luna giggled as she tugged on his hair. "No I'm not silly! You're just imagining things!"

"I'm still hurt." He turned his back to her as a smiled could be seen on the corner of his lips.

Luna giggled as she climbed on his back. "I'm so sorry prince Siegfried! Forgive me!"

He didn't answer, but grabbed her hand and threw her over her shoulders. Luna gasped in surprise as he soon quickly pinned her down on both sides. "Your trapped now princess!"

"Oh no! Not the big bad prince!"

"Yes the big bad prince, and this is your punishment!" He poked her neck as she squeaked.

Siegfried grinned in joy as he attacked her neck in tickles. Luna's laughs where sounds of heaven to his ears as her face was full of laughter and joy. The day after talking to her parents she became almost hollow to everyone. Siegfried feared he had lost Luna, but soon realized if he kept her happy, her light would never go out.

Her face was big and red from laughing as Siegfried smiled and stopped. Luna took in air again as she punched his chest. "You're an ass!"

"You mean as royal pain in my ass?"

"You're more than just that!"

He laughed and when to get up, but tripped his foot on the blanket of the bed as his face landed close to Luna's. Her face flushed bright red as Siegfried brain when dead. His own face when scarlet with the same red. Their lips so close to each other and longing for them too touch. He wanted to kiss her so badly... to make her his own queen... give her anything she wanted.

Another knock at the door came and made the two royals jump in surprise. Siegfried brain started working again as he coughed to calm his blushing face. He opened it too a sliver haired boy who looked just like his age. His jade eyes held a tiredness as a cough made his shoulder shook. Siegfried eyes widen a bit as he could see the faints line of his rib cage through the heavy guard coat.

"The Empress and Emperor would like to know if the princess is coming to dinner."

Siegfried looked back as Luna shook her head a no. He turned to face the pale man again and made his love hate him with one word. "Yes."

He could feel Luna putting daggers into his back as the sliver haired boy nodded. "Alright."

"Wait, tell me your name."

"Jason, your highness."

"Meet me in my cambers tonight." He whispered quietly too him.

Jason looked at him confused, but nodded his head before bowing. "I'll take my leave."

The door closed with a soft thud as Luna growled at him. "Do you not know what no and yes mean?!"

"No, now get dressed. If you would like, I'll come with you to dinner."

Her face drained out the anger as she thought for a long while. "Alright. I'll go with you."

Siegfried grinned in victory as he turned around. "I won't look while you change."

Luna opened her mouth to say something, but thought against it as she when behind the screen door and started dressing, clumsy, into a nice back open red dress. She didn't wear many dresses so the feeling of skin being show made her felt naked.

Siegfried turned around once he hear her say you can look, as his eyes widen bigger than he thought. Luna blushed as he took her elbow into his.

"Don't worry, I'll stay by your side."

"Thank you, Siegfried."

He gave her a small smile and opened the door and down the hallway as Luna could feel the pounding of her heart inside her tiny rib cage.

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