Ch.3 Breaking in and serving

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The palace was huge, so huge it could almost take all of the citizens of Dakmight could all fit inside it. The walls were all almost the size of a whale.

The windows shined with clean glass as if it would break, you wouldn't be able to see the broken reflection of yourself.

Luna stared at the palace with a hungry curiosity gaze as she walked with a soldier who was leading her to the maids work area.

"Enjoy your time here." The guard called out to her sarcastically as he shut the tall steel door behind her.

Luna rolled her eyes and walked down the cold stone wall corridor. She gripped the knife close to her wrist as it was hidden under her sleeve black jacket.

The corridor seemed to go on forever. An endless nightmare that seemed never to change, never to escape from. Finally, light came out from the other end as Luna poked her head out first.

The room was busy with maids going all over the place. From cleaning, to dusting, then mopping, and sweeping every spot from head to toe.

A middle aged plump women walked slowly up to Luna with a drink in her hand. Taking sips from it while talking to Luna.

"You must be the new girl." Sip, "What took you so damn long to get here?"

"I'm sorry ma'am. The ride over her was more expensive and travel difficult then I thought it would pay."

The old women squinted her tiny eyes at her. Looking her up and down, "Alright then. I believe your story, but first."

She put down her drink on the nearest stations which was sewing. A girl with dirty black hair with short curls was working fast. Her face was set on concentration while the old lady when to the closet full of clothes.

She asked for Luna size as she gave her the number. She nodded slowly as she pulled out an maid outfit as it looked like to was meant for her. It was long enough past the knees so when she run she wouldn't have much trouble. The back was tied with a white bow lace as it travel upward though the neck lace and downward to the end. It cuffs were lacy with just the right amount to make sure it wouldn't irritate the skin. Though the rest of it was black except the white bow that when around the whole dress. It was perfect to Luna's own eyes.

"I love it! Can I wear it now?"

The old women looked at her strangely as Luna took it from her grasp, "Ummm... sure I guess so...?"

Luna giggled and when into the bathrooms to change. She when out and looked at herself in the mirror. It fit her perfectly, as if the dress was just made for her.

Luna looked around the saw her dress must have been old because the other women didn't have the white bow behind them, but only a gray tie just around the waste to set off their mood.

Luna sighed. She knew working in a place like this would be no fun, but she knew this was for her father.... and herself as well.

"It fits just perfectly! So, were do I start my first job as a maid?"

The old women looked around, "I believe at the sewing station."

Luna nodded, "Thank you."

Luna walked off and sat by the black haired girl she had seen earlier. Her face was wore out from years of working. Luna sat next to her and grabbed a needle sewing the clothes in front of her.

"How are you?" Luna asked.

"Tired..." The girl replied with a monotone voice.

"Oh... well... have you don't anything besides sewing?"

"No... Once they put you in a station you're their forever... it's like a never ending cycle of hell for us who can't improve are skills..."

"I'm sure you'll improve!"

"I've been in this same spot... for six years... wasting my life away..."

Fear grasped at her chest, 'would I end up like this if nothing changed?!' Luna though to herself, taking short deep breath to calm down.

"I'm sure it will get better! I promise!"

"That's what they always say... maybe I should welcome death to end this..."

She stopped the hand working with the needled and raised it up. She looked at it with lifeless eyes as if she already killed herself.

Luna heart jump with horror. She looked down at her shadow and saw the demon raising her hand for her, whispering into her ear the lies they tell. The needled stopped and pointed at her heart.

Luna acted quickly like the wind. On instinct she drew the knife from her wrist and stabbed at the shadow. It roared in pain as Luna could only hear it's cries of agony.

Luna stabbed at it more all over, ducking her hand and head under the table to make sure people weren't watching, thinking she was only looking for something.

The shadow of the demon slowly faded away. Luna sighed in relief as she rose her head out from the table.

"I found it!" She held up her needle while the girl blinked looking at the needled raised to her heart.

"W-wha... what happened...?"

"Hmm? I don't know. Maybe you were day dreaming." Luna place a hand on her shoulder giving the girl a light small smile. The girl's eye slowly regaining light too them, "I guess if I were in your place. This job is boring so I don't really blame you."

The girl blink, one, twice before speaking, "Yes... I guess so..."

She turned around and when back to work. Luna sigh in relief in her head and when back to working on her own pile.

'I need to think of a way to get myself higher in rank to the Emperor and kill him. I can't work down here all day long. That's too much work done.'

A door opened with gasps having Luna snap from her thoughts. A boy around Luna's age came in. His sliver hair gleaming in the light above him having his blue and green eyes glow in the shadow casted area behind him.

"All right ladies. The Emperor himself told me the news. Their royal majesty, Emperor Robin and Empress Amber, are soon to heir a child."

The room filled with silence. The silence made Luna uncomfortable in a way as a voice finally spoke up.

"What about the never name princess?!"

The boy sighed deeply before facing them again, "The princess will not count as a alive heir to the throne. This must happen."

Cries of anger filled the room making Luna surprised at the maids, who are lifeless like, have this new spark something inside all of them, rage.

"This can't happen!"

"Dakmight's nation will be laughed at!"

"We don't need a new heir! The one when missing told us to be strong for her in spirit! Now we're giving up on her?!"

"Yes, yes I know you feel ladies..." The boy spoke as he walked along the room with gentleness having the women quiet down, "I will talk more with the king later to make sure this doesn't happen. The lost princess soul is telling us to be strong for her sad death! This is not how we repay her! We must rise above this!"

"YEAH!" Everyone shouted in the room but for Luna who sat their looking at the boy with pity. She couldn't tell why but something about his sliver hair made so.

The silver hair boy smiled at the crowd, "This is good! That is the speech I have been given to tell you. Now, I need the new maid who just came here. She is being moved to a new spot for serving around the castle. We need more maids up there."

The old women from before nodded as she point at Luna's direction, "Over there, Sir Jason."

The silver hair boy, Jason, nodded and when over to Luna. Her heart pounded inside her chest. She quickly and safely tucked the knife inside her sleeve as the boy came over.

"Come along with me. You're lucky, you're out into the real world of working more."

His voice just made Luna's insides melt, "Y-yes sir!"

Luna quickly stood up as Jason gave her a questioning look but waved it off.

Jason lead her up the stairs and though a door to the inside of the palace. Luna's eyes widen huge, this place was bigger than she thought. The room was at least twenty feet tall as the curtains were deep velvet red. Light enter through the window having the fancy walls light up more brightly than before. Outside the windows were the gardens. It went out far than the eyes could see.

Luna took in the room slowly, fascinated by everything she saw. Jason stopped in front of her suddenly having Luna bump into him.

He turned around and scowled at her, "Make sure to look where you're going."

Luna gave the cold stare back, "I was until you suddenly stopped making me bump into you. So, technically, this wasn't my fault."

"You dare say this was my fault?!"


His face grew red with anger as his eyes darkened, "You little! I'm a noble!"

"Shouldn't you be off flirting with girl while drinking wine like the rich man you are?"

He grabbed her hand so fast making Luna jump from the touch. He slowly twisted her wrist, "I am not a noble who sits on my butt wasting my life away with wine! I'm a noble who acts on knightly duty! If you ever say something like that about me again I will break your wrist to the point where you will be begging for mercy."

Luan was listening to his words making her space off not feeling the sharp pain in her wrist, "I got it sir. Now, if you please let go of my arm and let me continue my job at hand I will making sure this never happen."

After a second beat, he let go. He turns on his heels walking down the grand hallway.

Luna huffs and goes towards the maid's office upstairs to start her new job spot as a maid... as being one step closer to the Emperor...

Jason walks down the hallways angrily. He hadn't been this mad in a while. It was because that girl he was talking too back talked in a way he wanted to slap her for it.

He walks up the elegant steps to the Emperor's office and knocks on the door, twice.

"Come in." The Emperor's voice from the other side called.

Jason slowly pushed open the doors and pressed his hand on his heart while bowing before marching up to his highness like the knight he was.

"Your highness, I believe we should talk about last night more differently."

The Emperor sighed deeply. He ran his fingers through his hair while his other one drag down his face making him seem a wise old man.

"What is it now, Jason?"

Jason cleared his throat, raising his chin high, "I've talked with the people here in the palace and they seem too not want you your highness, too have another child. We all want to keep are dead never name princess legend alive. Her death gives people hope she's alive and can change this world! Your royal highness, I believe you are a fool to spread this news as people all over Dakmight with be very unhappy."

"Jason, I understand and don't want this to happen as much as you and all my people do. But, the royal lineage must always have an heir to the throne. If there is no heir to the throne then Dakmight will be taken over a country. My people will suffer and I will be up their helpless to do anything about it. So please, Jason, do this old man a favor. Let his old man have his ways with the law..."

Jason couldn't believe his ears. The people lost... to the law... what the Emperor said was true... it would be a bad if Dakmight would be under another country's control. Heck, a war would break out to see which would be able to take it for themselves.

Deep breath, and outward as he made eye contact with the Emperor, "All right. It is the law... I guess... everyone will have to get use to this and see the new replacement for are forgotten princess!"

Jason yelled in rage as he slammed the Emperor Office doors. He pounded the stairs pacing down then as if he owned them. Today he would go out and drink to escape this real world of hate and lies...


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