Ch1. The Shadow Assassin Princess

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The cold fall air bit at the wind as it swirled with leaves crossing path with other leaves. The sun was meeting it's peek as it's shine was about to be covered by the moon's glow.

Their walked a girl with dirty auburn hair that made her slender face look have an innocence with whatever word she spoke. Her long black cape swirled around her as the wind picked up making her lift her face up into the night air so the leaves didn't hit her head on the way down. But in the moonlight shined a tiny sliver scar that was shaped like a crescent moon on her right cheek that made people look at her strangely.

She did not mind though. It was a reaction until they stopped and stared into her purple spell casing colored eyes that remarked her beauty. Often others would ask her if she was using make up or a trick for her beauty. But no, it was always the answer she gave them as their faces lift up surprised.

Under the red wine colored dress that was laced up like an old time dress with white lace at the end and v neck of the dress, was a knife she gripped tightly in her pale hand. It was covered in blackness that dripped like blood when new red blood was spilled.

The girl finally arrives at the small warm cozy house that was big enough to house five people. She put her finger to the scanner as the door opened with her auburn hair flying passed her face.

She entered to house only to be hit with the smell of dinner. She licked her lips, smelling the meat of deer being cooked.

"Luna" Called an elderly voice. "Dinners ready."

Luna smiled at the older women as she toke off her hood and hung it on an signal hook. "I am. I just ran into a lot of targets today."

The older women named Berta, look down at her hand and knew. "Lot of shadow demons today."

"It's a bit usual for this many around this year. Almost twice the years kill than last years. It's making me wonder if anyone's alright at this time of year."

Berta smiled at the young girl as she started cutting up the thick juice blood that pour out from the meat from the knife with each cut. "I'm sure their safe. You safe them after all Luna."

Luna looked down at the ground, remembering the dark shadows people casted around themselves. Luna had no shadow, she knew where her shadow was. "I only save them until their time with death comes at a later date. I'm only helping the people sinned or non-sinned because I've seen things other can't. Things that would make a man weep and scream at the terrible things he's done. Why I've seen these kind of things before so many time that I laugh at the things and objects that happen." She pauses as she grab she meat from the old lady and sits down at the table. "I think I'm going insane Berta. I know you and Owen took me in all those years ago when I was a young girl. The professor, my father, doesn't think that when I do my killing... I'm going insane Berta! To the point where I fear I might not be able to save myself even from death!"

To her surprise, Berta laughed. It sounded like chime bells that swung back and forth with the cool night's air. "Honey, my dear crescent moon, you not going insane. Even if you were Owen and I would still love you for who you are. Right now even! I know you don't get to see your father that much because he sits down their doing God knows what. So, even if you do. Just know we will never think differently about you. Because you saved both are lives."

Luna heart race with adrenaline from hearing the words coming from Berta's soft but cracked lips. "Thank you Berta. I wouldn't be here having a nice home if you two didn't take me in. But... I hope this doesn't hurt you... but I want to kill someone. Not you two! I could never do that! I just need to kill someone, anybody! To prove after I do I won't go insane..."

The old women lead back. Taking a deep breath before setting her deep ocean blue eyes on Luna. Whose face talked about death, but hold an innocent feel to it as it at sometimes surprised her. "I understand. I don't care who you kill. Just talk to your father about this. Maybe he'll have someone you can kill."

Luna's eyes shined like stars with her scar like the crescent moon shining brightly under them. "Thank you Berta!" She kissed her cheek as she open the door by first letting it scan her before she took off.

Berta chuckled to herself, but then looked at the untouched deer meat for Luna. "Oh well. She can finish it after she gets back."

A single leaf enter the high towering opened window that reflected against the pale moon. It landed near a piece of paper as a man in his mid-thirties writing on an stack of paperwork. His shaggy and neat brown hair wiping with his head going back and forth reading the papers as his hand wrote on the paper with hardness that make the ink seep through on the other end. He wrote like he was mad at someone. Which he was as fifteen years of hate was written all over his open slender face as he looked down at the paper and wrote like a mad man.

"Your highness" a voice called him snapping his attention up towards the servant at the open tall wooden door. He held a table sized thing in his hand as it projected words into a 3D matter. Words were up in the air with blue tint to them.

"What is it?" The emperor asked in a scruffy but well tone voice that could get the attention of thousands and millions of people to look up at him.

"Your royal advisor is calling you to his room. Along with the Empress. To seems to do with family and royal matters."

The emperor rose his eyebrow. Thinking what could his royal advisor call him down for so late at night, even along with his wife, Amber, down to a meeting.

"Alright. Tell him I'll be right down."

"Yes, your highness"

The servant bowed to him and closed the tall door behind him. The emperor rose to his feet. Looking at himself in the body view sized mirror. Thinking how him, Emperor Robin Dakmight, had his only child kidnapped on the day she was born.

He sighed and left his office and made his way down the long elegant hall. The windows were draped with long deep red curtains to go with the golden colored tin walls and floors as his county was the most powerful one in the world.

Even if he was the one emperor and all the other kings looked at him with honor and respect, he felt like a failed leader... all because of that one faithful day...

Robin blinked in front of him as he was surprised he already found the door to the meeting room. The guards there quickly bowed before him as he slowly enter and found the beautiful face of his wife.

Robin smile and gave his wife a hug. "Amber, Darling how are you doing? I'm very sorry if I've haven't been able to see you or be with you most of the time."

His loving wife gave him a soft laugh as he helped fix her husband's hair. "Robin, dear I understand what you are going through."

The emperor sigh in relief to know his loving wife understand him. "Thank you dear."

He gently kissed her forehead as he took in all the beautiful features of her face. She had a baby like face as her deep violet eyes shined like stars to him. Her wavy black hair set off her eye color along with her long heavy midnight gown.

He himself had dirty brown hair almost too the point of being just light brown in the right lighting. He had his long slender face that was the image of handsome. He had deep blue eyes with a speck of gray in them to making them stormy with lighting.

"I love you dear." His wife said giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

He gave her a loving gaze while putting a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you as well dear. More than you can think of."

Amber gave him a bright loving smile as the door opened to a tall man just an inch higher than the emperor himself. The man had slick black hair as was dressed in a gray business suit carrying a screen tablet.

"Sorry your royal highness, I got caught up in words I was thinking about saying too you and your lovely wife."

Robin waves off his excuse. "Sure, sure. Just tell us why you've brought us both up here in the middle of night for, Ben."

Ben sighed and looked at his glowing tablet. Then back up to then with tiring eyes. "I believe, you two need to produce another heir to the throne."

Hi guys! I update this book once a week so please stay in tune for the next chapter!
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