Death and the ShadowKiller

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You cannot escape it. You can run from it, but you will never be able to hide forever. It encompasses us, engulfing us in times of war, abandoning us in times of happiness. Death. All of our fears. All of our worries. Death.

There was a man in shadows. Shadows everywhere. He stood under a lamppost next to the street. A huge light was above him, but still he stood in darkness. No one paid him any heed. It was as if no one saw him. Except for one.


Hi. My name is Alex. I am a human. Now I am dead. You could say I am dead as a doornail, but a doornail was never alive, so how could it die? Anyways, you might be wondering how I am talking to you right now. You will find out. Here, let me show you my last seconds.


There was a man in shadows. Shadows everywhere. He, or she, stood under a lamppost next to the street. A huge light was above him, but still he stood in darkness. No one paid him any heed. It was as if no one saw him. Except for one. Me. I stared at him, wondering who this person was, and I pulled over to ask him, or her, what she wanted. For some reason, I thought he was getting clearer. Almost as if I was getting closer to something so that I can see him.

"What do you want?" I asked. "You really should not be out at times like these. These roads are known to have many murderers walking through them." The figure stared at me, and I felt a sense of discomfort, like someone stepped over my grave. Have you ever had that feeling? It is not a good one. It feels... cruel, like the world is laughing at you, ridiculing you.

He says "Your time is near", and that was when I got shot. It didn't hurt. It was instantaneous. What did hurt, though, was the pain I felt in my heart: no, not my real heart, but my conscience heart. I saw my body, laying on the ground, and this, this person come to me and steal everytjing I was wearing and had on me, except for my clothes. At least I would die with no shame.

The mysterious shadowed man looked at me, saying " You have a choice. You can go to death, and face the trials, or you can stay alive. ". I was just about to say that I wanted to live, as I was just 13, and I had so much to live for, but then the catch arrived. "You must be my assistant, however, to find the people whom have eluded me for so long. Those people are called shadows. You shall be part of my elite group called ShadowKillers from now on.

I, being the person I was, accepted this request from Death himself. My old name is gone. My name... is the ShadowKnight.

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