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Its another day for these things. All maids and servants get to meet each other. Every other role is always to busy too. Though we don't mind much.

We come here to learn if anything is happening in other groups there are 3 main groups of shadows. The objects which is the group that are shadows for objects, animals which is the group that are shadows for animals, and the plants they are the group that are shadows for plants. We do these meeting based on what the main group leader and council think.

There are very few difference between each group. Shadows in the object group can sit and wait longer than any other group. Shadows in the animal group tend to be able to imitate animals perfectly and are fast in case they end up with something like a cheetah as the animal they shadow. They the plant group of shadows is the best at size manipulation and seeming like they are being moved by the wind, the plants groups ability is actually quite good.

Once me and other shadows in the animal group got over a stream by some vines which was a bit of a challenge for shorter shadows especially student. Once we got across we reached the area we all meet which is an area that is full of objects, has some plants, and some animals come around to occasionally. Some of the older shadows say that this place used to have no objects but then some large truck like things came and started putting the objects here they say they made a lot of noise and ended up killing most of the plants that were here under there weight. But, most of us try not to believe them. I mean there is no way something like that exists, right? If it does it would of crushed some shadows most likely especially plant ones.

We all gathered around a servant from Flowers which is a sub group of the plant group was the first one to say anything he said, "Flowers isn't doing to well. A lot of us are getting crushed with no chance to escape it. They have started to only let males go and be shadows due to the fact that we need more of us with how often we are getting crushed. They have even stopped sending maids and female hunters out of the flower field out of fear of them getting crushed by human technology." Shadows in the Objects and Animals group were the only ones that seemed surprised. The grass group said, "same with us these humans need to calm down." Most shadows nodded they few that didn't getting glares.  All of the Shadows in the plant group complained about basically the same thing except shadows in the tree group who said, "it isn't the machines crushing us its them chopping down trees that result in us being crushed right now."

Then it was the objects turns the ones that shadow the large technology that crushes plants said that some of them we're getting themselves killed because of it and there numbers were dropping more and more because of this. The smaller ones had almost no interesting news.

Then it was us animal groups turns most didn't have anything to say then when got to insects and they said, "a lot of us are getting crushed by humans and some of there objects." Then it was my turn my group is Polar Bears I said, "from what I've heard are numbers are dropping due to the climate warming up. We might end up having to change what animal we are again due to this." Some others reported the same thing that I said with there animal. I hope that things will get better for all of us. But, for now we are stuck like this.

We all waves goodbye and went are separate ways. Once we could I used my magic to get back to the ice area that the subgroup I live in lives. We live on a pretty flat area with some mountain like pieces of ice that block it from animals views.

696 words

I hope you like this I'll probably write the next chapter at some point.

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