Roles in this book.

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This is only here in case I forget or fail at writing about them well. So this chapter is going to be dedicated to them all.

Leader, there is only 1 of these shadows at a time. They all tend to be mean and ruthless shadows and it shows. They make decisions on what children become and also choose who will be executed then the council has to vote on it.

Council, the council is made up of 4 shadows that tend to be cold. They vote on what happens to shadows the leader wants executed they also decide on some of the rules.

Hunters, they are the shadows who provide food for everyone else. They aren't treated well but they are treated better than servants and maids. They seem hungry most of the time due to the fact that everyone else must be fed before they can eat leaving them with almost nothing.

Guards, are well treated and respected. They are the ones who protect where the shadows live. They are also the ones who provide the punishments to shadows unless told not too.

Servants and Maids, the worse treated shadows they are the ones most often sent out. They are the ones most commonly punished to teach the everyone what happens when they disobey.

Students, they are the shadows that are learning to become a certain role mentioned above.

Children, shadows that are not old enough to be students. They are cared for by servants and maids.

That's all of the roles for now. If you think of anymore you think I should add you can tell me about it.

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