Chapter 17

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The scene of the badger played over and over in my mind. I was just doing my assessment,and all of  a sudden a badger came out of nowhere and attacked me. I had no time to react. I turned around, and the badger no there. It must've smelled my fresh kill.

   I could still hear and smell in my unmobile state. It seemed only a few moments before cats were brought in. I scented my brother, Bunnyleap, and Bloodstar.

I sensed the life fade from Bloodstar, but only a portion. But Bunnyleap. She died. Sorrow hung in the air.

After a while I fell asleep. Starry warriors stepped out in front of me. Bunnyleap's familiar large ears and golden coat stepped forward.

"Tortoise and serpent will bring down the darkness." The StarClan warriors faded behind her. My sister licked my ear, then faded with the rest.

Opening my eyes, I saw a gray pelt in front of me. His yellow eyes met my own green ones. He jumped up and yowled, "Yay! He's not dead! Thank StarClan! Look Darkpool! Look look!"

Darkpool chuckled and meowed, "Let him rest."

"He's been resting for the past four days!" Dragonpaw whined.

"How you feeling Shadowpaw?" Darkpool mewed.

Suddenly, I felt I had all the energy in the world. "I'm fine!" I assured him.

He nodded and said, "Go then,"

I ran out, and ran out the camp. But in my rush, I slid off the edge of the cliff and fell.

I thought I was gunna die. I fell and fell. Suddenly I stopped. But now I was sinking. I thrashed my paws to swim up, thinking I was in water. Doing that made me sink faster. I stuck my muzzle above the powdery substance and yelled, "Don't come in! Save yourself!" The white stuff pulled my down, and covered me. I couldn't see or breathe. I was wiggling and thrashing my paws. I was going down back first.

I touched the ground softly with a bump. I stopped trying. I was running out of air. Would I drown? I realized I was panting, and the white powder was turning into water when I breathed on it.

I breathed harder. Freezing water was now lapping at my sides, and I started to panic. Digging with my paws, I tried to get out, but it collapsed on top of me.

Bringing my paw towards me, I scraped an area of air carefully around my face. I took in a deep breath. I rolled over, and pushed up. My back hit something solid. Turning my head, I saw the roof of the little cave I have carved was frozen solid. So I did the only thing I could.

I took another deep breath and unsheathed my claws. Scraping away at the frozen roof sent more powder down. Perfect. I pushed up with strong hind legs and made my way up. Eventually I made a big enough hole that I could see the sky.

Reaching up, I hooked my paw over a rock and hoisted myself up. I made it up and into the cave.

I realized what I must have looked like. My black pelt was sticking up everywhere, with clumps of the white powder stuck to the ends. My eyes were round, and I was shivering.

I turned around. Looking at the forest, I saw it covered in a blanket of the powdery stuff. Trees were half buried, and anything that made it look like a forest was gone. From up on the cliff, it looked like a white field with bushes.

I looked down at the place I had fallen. It looked like a badger had rampaged there. I laughed to myself.

A tom's voice sounded behind me. "Looks like someone's had their first encounter with snow!"

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