Chapter 19

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   I woke up, and realized Dragonpaw was getting out of his nest, and out of camp.

   I decided to follow him and see where he was all day. Following him through the snow, I realized that it was starting to lower.

   I followed him to the river that borders TreeClan's territory. He went to the gathering island and crossed onto TreeClan territory.

   Following him, but on WildClan's side of the river, I watched his tail go up at the sight of something I couldn't see.

   A tortoiseshell she-cat wound around Dragonpaw. They played around a bit, touched noses, and nuzzled.

   I had seen enough of my brother break the warrior code. I ran into the WildClan forest, sending snow up behind me.

   A blackbird was tugging on an acorn. I leaped and caught it.

   When I got back to camp, Mudpaw bounds over to me with Gingerpaw not far behind.

   "Give that to Cherryleap, she seems hungry. When your done, come back to us!" He mewed.

   I ran over, dropped my blackbird in front of Cherryleap. She coughed a reply, and then I ran back.

   "Were doing battle training. Let's go."
He told us as he exited camp.

   He showed us a move in which we tunnel under the snow, and collapse the snow out from under them, then scratch them while they were confused.

   We tried it. Gingerpaw spun around to face me, but I was under the snow already. I say her paw's shadows cast through the thin snow. I bumped the snow with my muzzle and backed away quickly.

   Gingerpaw fell, and as she was getting up, I batted her nose with my paw.

   Her face suddenly filled with deep affection. She looked at the entrance to the tunnel, and then licked the snow off my muzzle. A rush of heat shot from my tail tip to my nose. It felt as if the snow was going to melt.

   "You coming?" Called Mudpaw.

   "Yea!" Gingerpaw yowled back as she slid past me and out of the tunnel.

   We had a challenge after that. Whoever caught the most prey won.

   Mudpaw won. By a long shot. He got 3 squirrels and a blue jay. I got 2 squirrels and a thrush. Gingerpaw got a blackbird and a squirrel.

   Darkpool called me into his den once we got back at sunhigh. He handed me a piece of moss on a stick. It had foul smelling mouse bile on it.

   I knew what it was for. Cleaning ticks. I did that, but before I could leave, Cherryleap coughed, "Wanna hear about the time I was your age, and I had my first encounter with snow?"

   I knew it would be rude to decline, so I nodded. It was almost sundown before she had a coughing fit so bad she had to lay down and try to grip the stone with her claws. That can't be good....

   I went to inform Darkpool about her coughing, and he said she would have to move to his den.

   "Greencough." Darkpool muttered. "We don't have any catmint. Tell Bloodstar I want you, Gingerpaw, Riverear, and Foxclaw, and also Mudpaw and Lillyclaw, to go ask IceClan if they have catmint to spare."

   I nodded, and ran to Bloodstar, explaining everything, and he said we left at sunhigh tomorrow.

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