Chapter 2

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  About a moon later I woke up to the steady breathing of my denmates and a paw poking my side.

   Gingerpaw whispered, "Bunnyleap wants us and our mentors to go hunting."

   I look around. "Where's Dragonpaw?" I whispered back.

   "Dawn patrol." She replied with a flick of her tail. "Now get out here before you wake up Mudpaw."

   I padded out of the den, stretched my paws out, and yawned.

   "There you are, sleepy head." Foxclaw purred.

   Riverear nudged him and said, "C'mon let's go already."

   We squeezed past the waterfall and into the forest.

   "I smell mouse," Gingerpaw whispered to me, "imma try catching it." She crouched down and pulled herself forward into a bush. I heard her paws thud on the ground, and know she missed it when I hear, "Fox dung!"

   I purred and dropped into a crouch when I smelled a rabbit.

   Foxclaw whispered, "Stay downwind, keep your flank down and your tail still. Get as close as you can before pouncing, because you most likely can't outrun a rabbit yet." I nodded and stalked into a bush. I saw the rabbit and got downwind. My fur itched as I got closer and closer. My hind paws dug into the soft dirt as I leaped at the rabbit. My paws thud on the ground a whisker length from its white tail.

   Foxclaw padded through the bush with a blackbird. Riverear and Gingerpaw emerged from the trees. Both hoding a pigeon and a mouse respectively.

   "Bad luck," Foxclaw mumbled through the feathers.

   As we padded back around the waterfall and dropped our fresh kill beneath the pile, we heard Lillyclaw call out,

   "Everybody! Cloversnow is expecting my kits!" As Cloversnow padded towards him.

   "Who's having kits?" Darkpool mewed as he guided Juniperpaw out of the medicine den.

   "I am," purred Cloversnow.

   "Then you better come to my den so I can check you out real quick, I want to teach Juniperpaw all she can about kitting."

   Cloversnow nodded and padded with the two medicine cats to the medicine den. Grasspine also went, to congratulate her sister.

   Falconflight and the rest of his patrol padded around the waterfall, and Dragonpaw raced towards us.

   "It was so cool!" Dragonpaw purred, "The territory is awesome! There was this river, and the patrol swam across and taught me how! Can I show you guys?" Dragonpaw asked eagerly.

   "Not yet" said a rough voice. We whip around to see Minnowheart return from his patrol. "Bloodstar!" called Minnowheart.

   Bloodstar faced him, "What is it?"

   Darkspot twitched her tail, "We scented other cats."

   My eyes widened. A growl formed in Bloodstar's throat.

   Bunnyleap padded out of the medicine den, "Other cats? Where?"

   "Near the other side of the mountain. They said that they were Iceclan." Minnowheart said.

   Worried murmurs broke out in the growing crowd.

   Cloversnow wailed, "Are they still here?"

   "No. We showed them the edge of our territory and told them to live on the other side of it." Darkspot mewed with a flick of her tail.

   The crowd started to break up.

   Gingerpaw picked up a squirrel from the fresh kill pile. "Hey, Dragonpaw, Shadowpaw, wanna share this mouse?"

I padded over to her. Nodding, my bright green eyes meeting hers, before flitting away to see Dragonpaw prancing over to share the mouse. Dragonpaw started explaining his patrol.

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