Chapter 1 The cattail bird

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I have no limit to my imagination. I play, I dance, I run like a normal 9 year old. But I can't whistle! The cattail bird only follows the best whistler, but I can not whistle. I try to. But the cattail bird does not stay, it only flys away. So I try a new way, I get a whistle and I play.
There it is the cattail bird dancing to my music! It gracefully shows it's tiger-like stripes wile twirling along. I go one direction to show my mom but it does not follow. it has to follow me for I am the person whistling or else some one in that direction is whistling better than me. So I follow the little cattail bird. The bird zooms across the land faster than me. I make a wrong turn and I see the gate. And I see a house upon the gate. I climb up on the gate into the house garden. I see a little garden with lots of plants. Oh my favorite, strawberries! I go to pick one, but remember the cattail bird. I Ring the doorbell . No One answers. I ring it another time no one answers. So, I peek through the window. Empty! no one but a cat. So I think ; what would a few minutes due in the house? I sneak into the house. It's so beautiful it has a diamond chandler right in the middle. Then I go upstairs and see a locked door. I use my hair pin and open it expecting a great grand room. But to my surprise it was empty only a window that was broken. Why would a empty room need a locked door? Unless it has something valuable some were. But where? there is no where to hide something. I then saw a brick in the wall that was sticking out. So, I took a piece of glass , from the floor ,to cut the brick out and I see a bag of gold and silver. Oh yay money! I need money ! My family is poor. And next to the bag I see a whistle. A cattail bird whistle? Maybe now I can Whistle to the cattail bird. Suddenly I hear the cattail bird perhaps wanting to hear a tune. I get out of the house and use the new whistle . Oh the cattail bird loved it! All the kids came to see the cattail dance it's special ways. Then I got sleepy so I went home. Not noticing who was following me.

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