Chaper 6 : Rot in hell

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That same day

"Good morning" I spoke, sarcastically entering Hugo's cell in the dungeon above the palace holding a bucket of cold water above his head.

"Dear prince" my voice echoed pouring the bucket of water on top of his head while he laid curled up on the dark and dirty ground.

Like the rotting dirty fucking rot pig he was.

"It's bad enough that you've come to disgrace me, Edith by pouring a bucket of water on my head!" Hugo spat through his gritted teeth, soaked water head to toe.

Hugo stood up curving a devilish grin across his face."So?" He pressed arching his blonde brow "Is that all you've got? And I thought women were more braver than men"

I crossed my arms and scoffed at him. "All you woman are full of shi!" My fist flew at his face knocking me to the ground.







"Repeat what you said to me about women to again" I chuckled enjoyed the sight of Hugo covering his nose as blood dripped out from above him.

"I dare you" I tensed flipping my long chestnut brown ponytail tied into a French braid to the side.

"Nice aim, Edith!" Tillot beamed lending against the cell's rusty gates. "I could've of done it better myself. I'm very impressed"

Hugo angrily stood to his feet hissing through his teeth. "Shut up you pathetic bollock brain!"

Tillot and I started at one another trying not to crack a smile or chuckle.







"It's such a shame, Hugo" my lips parted to show my teeth in a dazzling smile in an attempt to mock him.

Hugo asked in a demanding tone. "It's such a shame about what?"

"After the horrific attack on Kathrine yesterday. What you just called Tillot and not to mention your pissed and shitty ideas you have against about women!"

Tillot nodded shaking his head from side to side in agreement. While his long thick brown walnut hair bounced above his shoulders.

"And as a punishment you're not getting any food or drink for the rest of the day!" Tillot he told the spoiled prince nonchalantly wandering into his cell.

Hugo's nostrils flared in response to Tillot's remark. "You can't do this!" He snapped. "I wanna speak to my mother about this at once"

"Well" I spoke up walking over to Hugo firmly crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm afraid that's not possible"

"Her royal majesty is currently occupied in a face to face meeting with our follow protectors"

Hugo scoffed rolling his eyes. "And I take it that meeting is important more than me!"

"Well if you put it that way Hugo" Tillot chimed. "That's exactly how it is and the only person your have to blame for your crimes is yourself"

Tillot and I disputed out of Hugo's cell and watched him wallow in self pity.






"Why you can't just keep me here!" Hugo's voice roared as he hands griped the cell's bars.

"Exactly we can" I beamed locking up the cell as Tillot proudly stood beside me.

"We're under orders to do by your mother"
Tillot added smugly before we started to head back to the castle grounds.

"And if you even think about escaping, I'll chop your fucking precious seed with my own sword and feed to you!"

Hugo loudly growled frequently banging on the bars. While he huffed and puffed like a small child.

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