Chapter 4 : Alone

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⚠️*Contains mature content - TW mentions of abuse (physical & mental), sexual harassment & PTSD* ⚠️ 


That same night

I took the rest of the night off from my serving duties and returned to my hut for a well needed lay down.

Some of the other servants invited me back to have dinner with them in the palace's kitchen.




Because the last thing I needed was more people asking about my appearance and starting at me as if I needed any kind of help.

Sence, Ryia, Edith or my older sister Maud.

Right now all I wanted to be was left alone.

Well I thought i was gonna finally get my wish until I heard a loud at my door.

I got up and turned the doorknob feeling exhausted. The person stood behind the door was the last person that I wanted to see.

"Hello, Kathrine" Hugo greeted me curving an unsettling satisfied smirk across his face, dusting off his velvet brocade and panne doublet jacket with golden trims.

As an attempt to seduce me.

Well his wishes.





"What do you want, Hugo?" I queried in a demanding tone, folding my arms across my  chest.

Hugo closed the door behind him and strolled towards me to caress my cheek. "I wanted to see you, my delicate flower" he tried to kiss me but I turned my head in response.

I warned him. "Just let me be, Hugo! Whatever happened us is no more. I don't how many times I've made that clear to you"

The water in my eyelids started to swell as one of them fell upon my cheek. "Please leave"

"What if I don't have went to leave?" Hugo spoke fuming through his gritted teeth. I expressed, enraged. "Hugo please just leave me alone!"

The prince turned on his heels to leave my hut. But he soon caught me off guard grabbing me by my hair and kicked me behind one of my knees.

Knocking me onto my bed, I try to stand up aching in pain but Hugo started to strangle me so I couldn't move.

"I'll leave when after I'm finished with you!" My heart quicken in speed as I felt Hugo's hand underneath my robe. "Stop it Hugo!" I pegged, hostile sobbing.

Hugo started to undo his pants and I acted by poking him in one of his eyes before he could forcefully have his way with me against my will.

"You stupid whore!" He roared rubbing his eye.  Dashing towards my front door Hugo grabbed my leg tripping me up on purpose.

I yelled out for help in the hopes that someone in Rottingdean would hear me.








Hugo got on top of me pinning my hands to the ground and kicked open my legs with his feet.

I attempted to fight back against him but he punished more than twice so I was vulnerable.

Was this going to be my last farewell. No I couldn't go out like, I wouldn't.

"No one's coming to save you, Kathrine!"  Hugo exasperated through a devilish smirk. "Why fight the pain when you can embrace it, now stay still and let me give you my seed"

Blood from my nostrils entered my mouth as I cried. Hugo did nothing but mock me for it.

With the all strength I had left, I shifted my knee into Hugo's groin and him shoved off me as he shrieked like a banshee in pain.

I wander to the front door as i quickly as I could. Hugo tipped toed behind me holding his precious royal seed.

Before I could turn the doorknob, a dark leather musketeer synthetic boot kicked it in as I stood against the wall quite frighted and dripping with sweat.

But afterwards I became relaxed after I recognised who the boot belonged to.

Felix Reyes, a brave and loyal protecter of Rottingdean.

He wore a red tunic V-neck with golden sleeves. Which complimented his tawny skin complexion, thick almond brown hair and facial hair.

Felix drew his sliver sharp arming sword from his belt holster and points it towards at a bitterly defended Hugo.

"Get on your feet your pathetic waste of a man!" He spoke furiously holding his sword at the dirty blonde haired prince's chin.

Felix dragged Hugo to up his knees. "A man who puts on his disgusting prick like hands on a woman. Has no respect for her or himself!"

Maud and Edith bolted into my hut out of breath and the two stared at Hugo with vermin in their eyes.

"Did he do this to you?" Maud asked raising her concern for my wellbeing.

I couldn't sum up the words to answer her question. So I simply nodded through my tears.

My knees became weak and my vision was blurred. Maud caught me in my arms as I fainted.

"Quick" Edith told my sister in utter panicked. "Take, Kathrine to doctor Aswin as once. I'll stay and help Felix take care of Hugo"

Maud wiped her watery eyelids and politely thanked her. "We're talk anon, Edith"

"I'll see you anon, Maud" the younger female protector expressed through a small grin.

"Anon, Edith" Maud stated in a whisper tone and dispatched with me to see doctor Aswin. As I was falling in and out of consciousness.

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