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In a store we see a boy looking at a few magazines as another boy was seen as well as he looks at his hand as it turns black and grows claws then changes it back.

Dimitri: What the?

As that was happening a girl in a hooded cloak walked up to him

Ruby: Excuse me are you ok?

Dimitri: Yeah I'm fine.

Ruby: Are you sure?

Dimitri: Yeah. My name is Dimitri.

Ruby: I'm Ruby. *notices another young man standing at the counter* Is that guy with you?

Dimitri: Yeah that's Ashton. My big brother. Ashton come over here!

Ashton: *walks to Dimitri* Yeah?

Dimitri: Ashton this is Ruby.

Ruby: Hi.

Ashton: Howdy. Dude you have got to check out some of the dust crystals they have here!

Then he and Ruby walked to a shelf of crystals to the far wall of the store when a cigar smoking man and his goons came in as they came to the owner of the shop

Roman: Do you have any idea how annoying it is looking for a dust shop open this late at night?

Store owner: Please just take my Lein and go.

Ronan: We don't want your money. *to his goons* Get the dust.

Then His men began to collect the dust from the shop as one noticed Dimitri, Ashton, and Ruby.

Goon: You three put your hands up! *sees they weren't responding and taps Ruby on the shoulder* Hey!

Ruby: *noticing the guy she turns to face him as does Ashton and Dimitri* Yes?

Goon: You three put Your hands up.

Dimitri: Wait, Are You robbing us?

Goon: Yes I am.

Ashton: *evil smile and laugh* Buddy you picked on the wrong teenagers. *puts on his dust powered gloves and punches him in the face with electricity*

The goon gets launched out the window as Roman watches as He then sees Dimitri come at the other goons with a sword.

Dimitri: Why is it that you criminals never learn?

Then they were seen out of the store as they were fighting the other remaining goons, then Dimitri saw Roman aiming his cane at Ashton.

Dimitri: Ashton look out!

Then he ran as Roman fired at Ashton as an explosion was seen as the smoke cleared he saw was a grimm shielding Ashton as he saw it.

Ashton: Grimm! *fire manifests in his hands* Barbeque time!

Dimitri: Grimm? Where?

Ashton: Wait did you just talk? Grimm don't talk!

Dimitri: What are you... *sees his hand as it became tendrils* AHHH! What am I!?

Ashton: Dimitri? Is that you?

Dimitri: Yeah it's me. Guess we figured out what my semblance is. *sees the tendrils and looks at Roman getting away as the Tendrils formed into his arm.* Let's get him! We can't let him get away.

Then we See the two run after Roman as he was on the rooftops. He then gets on an aircraft but we see Dimitri jump up on the windshield of the vehicle.

Dimitri: Oh No you don't Ashton stabilize this thing so I don't fall off!

???: No need! I can do it!

We turn to see a beautiful blonde woman wielding a riding crop like a wand

Ashton: *with hearts in his eyes* I think I'm in love.

Dimitri: Dude do you have any idea who that is?!

Then we see her use her using her riding crop as the aircraft was now being pulled to her as Roman took the controls as a woman with black hair was seen at the side of the aircraft as she then sent a fireball at them as Glynda made a barrier and blocked the blast as Dimitri was then shook off the airship

Roman: We got a huntress! Take care of her!

Cinder: But what about the grimm?
Roman: Then take care of both of them!

Cinder: Alright.

Then we see Cinder as she then sent a blast of fire at them as Ashton literally ate the blast as Dimitri's arm then made a blade of lava

Dimitri: You ain't getting off that easily!

Then Roman threw a red dust crystal at the group which then exploded so he could get away. As the aircraft left we see the smoke clear up we see Dimitri as he was ok.

Dimitri: I'm Ok?

Ashton: I think I have some bad indigestion from that fire. *burps* Evil fire has a bad aftertaste.

As Dimitri looked at Ashton he then sees Glynda pointing her riding Crop at him

Ashton: Whoa hey! Hold it pretty lady! Don't kill him!

Glynda: Are you insane? This is a Grimm.

Dimitri: No I'm not! *changes back* See?

Glynda: I'm guessing that was your semblance right?

Dimitri: I think so.

Then he sees Glynda looking at Ashton with joy As ruby looked at Glynda

Ruby: You're a huntress. Can I have your autograph?

We then see the three in a interrogation room as Dimitri and Ruby were waiting the cops to come in as Glynda was sitting in Ashton's lap

Ashton: Not that I'm complaining but why are you sitting in my lap?

Glynda: You're cute and there are not anymore chairs so you'll have to do.

Dimitri: We're not gonna be arrested are we?

???: Of course not young man.

An older man in green carrying a mug of coffee and a plate of cookies walked into the room

Dimitri: Oh then why are Me and Ruby here?

Ozpin: Because I want the three of you to join my school.what

Dimitri: Really?

Ozpin: Yes and you have an incredible semblance my young friend

Dimitri: I didn't know that I could do that.

Ozpin: Same goes for you Ashton. What a sight it was seeing you eat that fireball!

Ashton: Thanks. But it tasted awful though.

Glynda: Poor guy. *grabs a cookie from the plate* Here.

Ashton: Thanks.

Dimitri: When i changed it felt like I was an actual grimm.

Ozpin: I can assume so. You seem to have a rare semblance . By the way Ruby where did you learn to wield such a weapon like that? I only know of a dusty old crow using one.

Ruby: *with her mouth full* That's my uncle!

Dimitri: What?

Ruby: *swallows the cookies*  I said that's my uncle.  He taught in Signal Academy!

Dimitro: Oh. Well I was kinda hoping I could join beacon.

Ashton: And what do you mean Dimitri has a rare semblance?

Ozpin: No hunter or huntress was seen with a semblance like him, an ability to transform into a grimm at will.

Glynda: It's true you're the first one to have that semblance.

Dimitri: Oh. So I'm special.

Ashton: I've been saying it for years! 

Dimitri: So when do we head to beacon?

Ozpin: You three will be going to beacon tomorrow.

Then we see the tree smile as the scene changes to see Ruby being hugged by a girl with blonde hair.

Yang: I can't believe my baby sister is going to beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

Ruby: Please stop!

we then see Dimitri and Ashton come to them as Dimitri saw Yang

Dimitri: Woah.

Ashton: *gasps* Can it be? My little brother has a crush on someone?!
Dimitri: Says the guy that let a huntress sit on his lap.

Ashton: Touché.

Dimitri: Do you think I'll be on a team because of my semblance?  *Shows his hand as it Changes to a grimm's hand*

Ashton: Dude, of course you will! You're my brother!

Dimitri: Thanks.

Ashton: Hey Ruby, who's your friend?

Ruby: That's Yang, she's my sister.

Dimitri: *stuttering* U-U-um I'm D-d-dimitri.

Yang: Dimitri, That's a cute name.

Ashton: You sly dog! You just met her and already she's flirting with you!

Dimitri: *calms down* So you use any weapons?

Yang: I have my gauntlets Ember celica

Ashton: I have something similar *puts on Kreig* I call mine Kreig.

Dimitri: I have something like that but they make talons and absorb kinetic energy and I have a sword that changes to a gun

Yang: That's cool, maybe we might get to be on the same team.

Dimitri: Maybe. *blushes*

Ashton: Dimitri your blush is showing.

Dimitri: *covers his face* You think we'll make lots of friends at beacon?

Ashton: We will.

Then Dimitri looked out of the window to see Beacon at a distance as he placed his hand on the window it turned into a grimm's hand as he then covered his hand.

We hope you guys like this new story

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