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The cherry blossoms blew on the wind, just starting to fall outside the Sunset Palace, the home of the Higurashi clan. It was a beautiful morning, full of all the hopes and dreams of the people of the region. A marvelous day for such a splendid event as a princess's wedding.

There was hustle and bustle through the rooms of the castle. Flowers being wrapped, jewelry and silks being packed, and horses being tacked in the grandest of harnesses to best deliver the Higurashi Star Flower to her future husband.

Everything was going perfectly, Lord Higurashi thought as the servants carried the last of his granddaughter's keepsakes to the wagons outside. The protection of her new husband's power would ensure that the mortals of Musashi would live in peace from the Yokai that plagued many neighboring regions. It truly was a day to celebrate.

Down the hall, the castle's beloved princess had been being prepared for her big day since dawn. She was woken at first light to be bathed and cleansed in mild soaps as not to offend the sensitive nose of her prince charming. Oils were rubbed into her skin to make it soft and glowing after every offending hair upon her body was plucked. The finest silks in the colors of the Inu-Yokai clan were laid out to adorn her as well as hair ornaments to make her more than suited for her new station.

Princess Kagome, the Star Flower, was set in front of her mirror as one of her new maids carefully dried her hair. Her eyes were like sapphires, a deep blue-grey that resembled the night sky. Her hair was silky and black, with a slight wave to it appearing as it was dried. To many she was a beauty beyond compare, only needing subtle addition of eyeliner and rouge to decorate her face for her big day.

Kagome looked down at the jewel in her hand, rolling it around nervously between her fingers. The Shikon no Tama which had been delivered into her hand 3 years ago nearly to the day as an engagement gift. It was a round, pale purple marble with a glow to it, supposedly holding the power to grant any wish. The necklace that had sealed her fate, becoming filled with a pure white light when laid in her hands that fateful day the demon slayers brought it to her and sealing her fate as the Hanyo Prince's bride when she came of age.

"My Lady, how might you like your hair?" The maid asks softly from behind her, and Kagome slowly looked up. Her bangs fell softly across her face, and she glanced up at the young woman, not much older than her. "Perhaps a small braid knot pinned at the back and allow your tresses to hang on your shoulders. Your curls are so pretty and shine so bright this morning, I would hate to think we were hiding such beauty from your husband on your first impression."

"Whatever you think is best," Kagome replies softly, feeling her start running the red comb she held through her hair. "I don't really, I'm not used to all this fuss. I usually just wear a yukata and wrap skirt and leave my hair loose." She looks down the white nagajuban she currently wore as underclothes, the first of a few layers that she was to be adorned in. "I guess such days are over."

"La! But of course," the maid says, starting to weave a braid on one side of Kagome's head, just behind her ear. "You are the bride of the Great Inu no Taisho's second son, who is Lord of Musashi. Such garments do not even begin to befit your station." Sticking a pin in her hair, the maid begins on the other side of her head. "Nor your beauty."

Kagome let the Jewel of Four Souls fall back to its place on her chest and watched silently as the maid completed her hair, a pair of bone chopsticks that dangled with gold ornaments holding the braids behind her head. A purple and gold ribbon was carefully wrapped around them and tied in a bow that rested below her bun.

Kagome's belly was filled with butterflies. These were her last moments of freedom. When she left in the carriage, she would be delivered to a man she had never met and would be declared his wife. There would be a wedding banquet, where they would feast with his brother, the Dai -Yokai of the West and his wife. And after that...it would be time for her to perform her duty and give herself to her new husband.

For the last few weeks, she had read works about such matters that were the ones performed in the bed chamber. What she was to do, different things he may ask of her. She had been encouraged to study such works by the elders because they wanted to ensure this match worked. That Princess Kagome would be everything the Hanyo Prince could hope for and she could appease him as she was supposed to.

Her mind nervously raced at all the horrible things that could happen. She knew it wasn't going to be necessarily pleasant the first time he mounted her, that it would probably hurt until her body got used to him.

And she didn't know him, this Hanyo Prince named Inuyasha. She had never met him, never seen him, never even witnessed his portrait on a hanging scroll. Her mind constantly wondered as she read more and more about the manners of what was only known to unmarried women as brothel workers, whether he would be gentle about it, or rough, or even brutal.

He was, after all, not all human and some of the writings of geishas described the brutality of mortal, human men when they took in their pleasure of women. Would someone who also had demon, Inu-Yokai blood running in his veins be better for it and more considerate, or would it be worse as he used his immense strength to make her do as he wished?

These thoughts terrified her, this unknown world that she was entering. They had kept her up all the last night, almost until the maids came for her.

"Princess?" She heard and Kagome looked up, snapping out of her thoughts as she saw the three maids that had been getting her bridal kimono ready. She hadn't even known the maid on her hair had finished and left she had been so lost in her thoughts. "Are you ready to dress?"

Dipping her head, the young woman let go of her internal turmoil and carefully stood up, standing, and allowing the maidens to move in and begin draping her in the three layers of the wedding kimono. First was a thin, royal blue yukata to cover her white one from view. Next, a purple kimono that reached the floor and drug behind her, with sleeves that belled out, past her red lacquered fingers. 

The final layer was different though. Instead of a simple solid color like the one before, this white silk was decorated with a red pattern of vines and lilies. As it was tied around her carefully, the maids moved around the princess, adjusting the layers so they sat properly and straight with the final layer's red obiage before they grabbed up the obi to be worn around her middle for this special day.

The strip of blue fabric was the finest any of the ladies gathered had ever seen. The intricate pattern was of Inu-Yokai, leaping through the clouds, the background of a deep purple making the white creatures stand out like the great beings they were. The young bride's hand rested gently on the smooth fabric as two of her maids walked around her, looping her in the sash of her new family and carefully working to tie it into a decorative bow at the small of her back. The third maid came forward with a gold obidome, jeweled with rubies and already strung on a blue obijime which was quickly tied to her middle as well.

A pair of geta sandals were set in front of her and with the help of one of the maids taking her hand, she stepped into them. Her feet settled into the raised clog, her skirts furling out and settling. The final touch was the laying of a purple veil over her, hiding the bride's true appearance clearly until her husband removed it during the small wedding ceremony.

"Kagome," the bride heard spoken behind her and she turned to see her mother smiling at her from the chamber entrance. The middle-aged woman had tears in her eyes as she gazed upon her daughter, both happy and sad. She would not be attending the wedding, so this was the last time she would see her child for some time. "Oh sweetheart. You truly are the most beautiful bride." Kagome bowed a little, her hands folded on her middle.

"Thank you, Mama," she says straightening as her mother reached forward and gently touched her cheek.

"I wish your father could see you now," She says. "He would have been so happy to see you off to such a marriage. We both knew the moment you were born you were meant for great things. What could possibly be greater than becoming queen of all Musashi and to live in happy love for centuries to come as the wife of the Inu-Hanyo Prince?" Kagome's eyes looked down a moment, nodding despite her reservations.

It was well known that marriage and being the wife of a yokai as a mortal was a serious matter. Especially Canine types, like dogs, foxes, and wolves, who mated for life in most cases. As such, their nature allowed them to give their weak, mortal companions the gift of their heartbeat, in which they would sink their teeth into the life-giving artery of their bride's neck and infuse a piece of their own lifeforce into her. After that, the legends told that as long as his heartbeat, her youth and beauty would be a reflection of his and her days would be as innumerable as his. Their heartbeats were tied to one another until he died of old age or was slain, in the case the connection was broken, and she became mortal again.

Kagome knew that as a mother, Lady Higurashi would likely overlook her daughter's apprehensions and pretend they did not exist in exchange for the security of knowing that the grips of mortal illness and Kami forbid, death in childbirth, would never take her child so cruelly. She would live to see the world change and possibly even move beyond these bloody days of war.

"Your Grandfather waits for us," the older woman says softly, removing her hand from her cheek and taking a step back from her daughter. "The escorts are soon to arrive to help your procession to the Musashi Castle." Kagome looked forward and her mother turned, leading her out of the chambers the girl had been raised in. Leaving behind the childhood she once knew for good as she stepped over the threshold.

The people who had gathered outside looked at their princess in awe as she walked past. They had never seen her dressed like this, in the attire a princess should wear, and they could not help but think she resembled a celestial maiden more than a mortal woman when she strode forward dressed in the vibrant robes that shown so bright in the morning light. Her eyes were focused on the floor as she walked, not wanting to trip on the high shoes she wore, but to the servants of the castle, her down cast eyes made her look regal and demure.

Lord Higurashi watched happily as his granddaughter approached, guided by her mother to stand in front of him. Glancing up at him, she first bowed her head before carefully kneeling on the ground, the maids who traveled with her carefully spreading her skirts elegantly behind her. She rested her hand upon her chest beneath the veil, the Shikon Jewel clutched between two of her fingers.

"Kagome," He says. "Have you completed your preparations?"

"Yes, Grandfather," she says, despite the small tear that fell from her eye.

"You have done well to earn your place at the side of the Prince of Musashi and have made our clan proud as set forth on completing your purpose. You have brought honor to the whole of the Higurashi clan, and we hope you continue to do so as you become the wife of the Inu-Hanyo and are steadfast in delivering a son that would permanently solidify our alliance with the Inu no Taisho clan," he continues and Kagome nods, her stomach flip flopping at his last remark.

"Thank you, Grandfather," She replies, "I will do everything within my power to continue to make you proud." To her right, Kagome heard the nickering of horses and then gasping of the servants.

"It appears your escorts have arrived," the old man replies, and she turns her head to see a large yellow shape floating just above the carriage. Upon it rode three people, a man and two women and as the shape lowered, she realized that it had a large face. Once it touched the ground, the people climbed off and it did a summersault, morphing into a fat tanuki wearing an obnoxious purple robe.

The three mortals slowly approached the castle steps where the princess kneeled. In front was a young man, a monk in black and purple carrying a staff that jingled with gold rings. Behind him, a young woman in red, pink, and gold armor over a black jumpsuit, a large boomerang strapped to her back and a small yellow cat held in her arms. And following behind, a warm smile on her face, was a woman the bride recognized, dressed in an orange kimono nearly as bright and beautiful as her own.

"Why that's-" Lord Higurashi began before quickly dropping to his knees and bowing to her, the vassals and maids quickly following suit. As Kagome looked up and shifted her position to bow in front of her, the young woman smiled and shook her head, raising her hand.

"There's no need for that, Lady Kagome," She says, "We are equals, sisters through the marriage of blood brothers." Kagome blinked at her, slowly standing up. "You look lovely in your wedding kimono." the bride looked down, her hands resting on the Inu-Yokai Obi.

"Thank you, Lady Rin," She says, dipping her head slightly. "Though I believe it is all due to the lovely gift you have given me in these fine silks you and Lord Sesshomaru were so kind to send me." The monk stands up and walks up the steps, offering his hand to the young woman.

"Oh, Lady Kagome," he says, a flirty tone to his voice. "Clothes certainly are not what makes a beauty like you. If you were not already betrothed to our master, I would ask that you bare a son for me instead." Kagome's eyes blink at him and

"Miroku!" The woman in armor at the bottom of the steps says. "Now is most certainly not the time for your lechery with Inuyasha's wife of all people!"

"Of course, you're right, my dear Sango," The young monk says before turning to Kagome. "Might I help you down the stairs, Princess?"

"Yes," Kagome says softly, "Thank you." He takes her hand and starts walking with her down the steps of the castle, the princess carefully holding her veil and silks up with her other hand, so they did not drag upon the stone. As they stopped at the bottom, she stood still in front of the two women, not sure what to do.

"Perhaps I should formally introduce you to our traveling companions, " the Lady of the West says softly. "This is Monk Miroku, an advisor and good friend to Lord Inuyasha and Sango, of the Demon Slayer Clan as well as Officer in the Western Joint Army." The demon slayer bows slightly before carefully offering out the small cat she held.

"And this, Lady Kagome, is Kirara," She says softly. "Former nekomata mount of Midoriko and the sent wedding gift from the Demon Slayer Clan to you, My Lady." She looks up, a slightly saddened smile on her face. "May she serve you and Prince Inuyasha well as she has our clan for centuries."

The small yellow cat blinked her large, crimson eyes at Kagome. She looked like a well-groomed, long furred kitten with a thick ruff around her neck. As she stood up on Sango's hands, she revealed soft black paws and a pair of two fluffy tails, stripped with black fur. A black ear flicked, and she glanced at Sango before jumping down on the ground, letting out a small mew at Kagome's feet. The young woman carefully squatted down to her level and offered her hand to the cat, who again glanced at Sango, who nodded, before coming forward and rubbing her head against Kagome's palm.

"Are you sure, Sango?" she asks, looking up at the demon slayer from under her purple veil.

"My Lady?" She asks and Kagome let her hand fall on the kitten's head, scratching her ears.

"It seems the two of you are quite close and I would hate to take her from you," Kagome says and Sango just shakes her head.

"I live at the castle too," she says. " It isn't as though I'm saying goodbye forever. I'm just making sure she is with her proper mistress. And I highly believe that protecting the guardian of the Shikon Jewel is exactly where Kirara is meant to be." Kagome smiled and carefully picked the kitten up, allowing her to nestle herself against the bride's chest, purring as she came into contact with the jewel and thus the soul of her original mistress.

Kagome stood up and looked around, noticing the racoon dog walking up to them from where he had been speaking with the carriage men. He quickly bowed and then stood up tall next to the monk.

"Master Miroku," he says. "Everything is ready, and the wolf escorts have been spotted. We are ready to go."

"Thank you, Hachi," the monk says. "Let's go ahead then and allow the ladies to begin their journey." He shakes his head and looks up at the sky. The gods would have to give him strength as he went back to deal with the angry dog-eared prince and make sure he was at least nice to this beautiful maiden he was being gifted on a silver platter.

Perhaps though, his gift to the new Lady of Musashi would help that a little. Smirking to himself, he turned and bowed to the three women.

"My dear ladies, I shall see you all back at the castle," Reaching forward with both of his hands, he clasps the demon slayer's looking up at her with his dark eyes teasing and playful. "And as for you my dear Sango, I shall count the heartbeats until you grace my eyes with your presence again." He straightens and wraps his arms around her, making the young woman blush.

"M-Miroku," she says and suddenly she felt his hand sliding down to try to grope her. He turned red and quickly slapped him across the cheek. "You Letch! This is hardly the time for that!" The monk straightened and rubbed his red cheek.

"Sorry, guess I got caught up in the feelings that come on such a happy and joyous day as a royal wedding!" He joked and she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, farewell for now, Lady Rin, Princess Kagome." He bowed once again before turning to the tanuki beside him who transformed and carried him off in the yellow form he had arrived in. Rin turned to the bride and smiled brightly.

"Well, on that note, let us proceed," She said. "Can't have the bride being too late for her own wedding now, can we?" She turned and the three women carefully bowed to the Higurashi Clan once more. As Kagome straightened, she could see her mother's eyes filled with tears and her grandfather's filled with pride as the servants bowed around them.

This was it. This was goodbye.

Kagome slowly turned and followed as first Rin then Sango were helped into the carriage. She took the hand of the carriage man and carefully stepped onto the stool and lifted herself up into the decorated coach, sitting down across from the two women and facing the direction of the Higurashi Castle. As she sat down, she allowed Kirara down onto her lap where she promptly yawn and curled up beneath her tails to sleep through the long journey that would nearly take until sunset.

"Are you ready?" Rin asks excitedly and Sango adjusted her weapon, so it set between her and the Queen of the West, who was soon to be Kagome's sister-in-law. Kagome slowly nods, nervously petting the soft fur of her new companion, afraid her voice might waver if she spoke aloud.

With that, Sango nodded out the window to a guard. He moved from the window and after a few heartbeats, the carriage creaked and began to move forward, towards the far away mountains. Kagome stared between her two companions, out the window as everyone she knew waved at the departing wagon.

As it disappeared in the distance, Her head turned downward, a tear slowly trailing down her cheek.

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