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The newlyweds slowly got used to their new normal in the weeks that followed that first moonless night. The princess' wound from her first trial in protecting the Shikon Jewel healed over by the end of her third week in Musashi Castle.

The stitches came painfully out, and the scar was fresh and pink with the new, shiny, peach-fuzz absent line trailing the line where her ribs met the soft, unprotected belly. Kagome had known very well that it would never leave, but she was proud of it. In her opinion, it had shown she had faced danger head on and survived to tell such tales as the ones she was sure Inuyasha had lived through countless times.

Now that she had healed, and five weeks past her initial injury, it was in her opinion something that could be put behind her and she was now free to do as she wanted. It no longer hurt to draw her bow as it had when she first began learning, the light object surprisingly straining on the muscles of her arms as she aimed it at the targets in the training grounds.

She wasn't very good, she had to admit. It had taken a week just to get the hand of pulling the heavy drawstring, let alone hold it long enough to infuse power and aim. But she was getting better, getting used to the way it felt to draw a bow and fire her arrows.

Inuyasha flicked an ear as he leaned on the edge of the railing, mentally cringing as an arrow soared past the target, wide off from its course. She was slowly, very slowly getting better seeing as at least it was now reaching the vicinity of her target.

The last few weeks, getting more used to the princess hadn't been all that bad. The blood scent that came off her when he transformed back on the moonless night faded after a day, and fully disappeared after a couple more after. And the newer, stronger scent that nearly had his mouth watering the week after? Yeah that was...tolerable, he supposed.

With a trip or two to the cold, rushing water of the forest stream, that is.

He had strong senses, and he was half-human, which meant when those senses picked up what her body was putting down over the three damn days that made up her invisible to others fertility, well he noticed when he was already carrying a scent he enjoyed being around. And after having caught a passing glance of what lay under her robes, however unintentional it had been, sheer will hadn't been enough when he tried to mentally order that second head of his to just forget it. Especially not when she rolled around so much and ended up laying half on top of him during the night.

It was readily approaching that time again, probably a few days from now, and he was already dreading returning to his daily trips to the river stream again with the cool weather of the early rainy season.

However, the hanyo prince was not the monk who called himself Miroku and refused to allow that part of him to call the shots.

Hell, he'd even slept out on the balcony one night, telling her when she caught him that he'd just wanted some fresh air. When she expressed that she was worried about him sneaking away again, hiding things that didn't need to be secret anymore, it resulted in a lowering of his ears and following that unavoidable scent like a lost puppy back into the bedchamber and forcing himself to endure. It took a little more than a soak in cool water to resolve his problem that morning, and he thanked the Kami it had been the last day that the scent tortured him or might have snapped and done something he really didn't want to do.

"Lady Kagome is quite fetching this morning," He heard to his left, and he turned to look at the monk as he approached. He looked back as the princess frowned and pulled another arrow from her quiver and tried to focus on the target. The blue yukata she wore made her eyes stand out and the braided ponytail in her hair fell off her shoulder as she pulled it back the bowstring. Aiming, she fired, and it showed a soft glow as it ricocheted off the edge of the target, a flicker of sacred power glowing for a moment and then dying out.

"The Shikon Priestess of fifty years ago, this woman is definitely not," Inuyasha thought before addressing the monk. "Keep your lecherous thoughts away from my wife, monk! " He made the last word slide from his lips with contempt, a growl trying to rise in his throat. Miroku flinched a little and held up his hands, shaking his head.

"You misunderstand, my friend. I was simply implying you're a lucky man," He said, "I would never betray you in such a way."

"No, you just give the wench the ability to rub my nose in the dirt," He huffs and the monk smirks.

"It only made sense that your wife had the end of the leash, seeing how ill-behaved you can be," Miroku sighs and both turned their heads to look at Kagome as she let out a groan, seeing another spent arrow skitter against the pole she was aiming for. "She's improving."

"She's frustrated," Inuyasha thought as he saw the grimace on her face. "I really don't see the point when she was so feeble in the first place. There's really no reason to keep testing herself like this. I already told her I would keep her and that damn crystal safe."

"You told her to do as she wished, and the Lady of Musashi wished to learn to fight," the monk says, "Is it really such a bad thing for her to learn arts related to her powers?" Inuyasha lets out a scoff.

"Feh!" he says watching as for once the arrow struck the target, a small flash if light having illuminated the missile for a second as it hit. "It ain't like she's a priestess protecting a village or nothin.' She doesn't need to learn that." His friend noticed his tone of voice and started to piece together maybe why he was so displeased.

"This is not necessarily because you think she's wasting her time, is it?" Miroku says. "It's because she reminds you of someone, and learning this art only reminds you more." Inuyasha looks down at his claws, and he felt his ears lower a little. As the wind rustled through the clearing, he swore he almost smelled the other scent, the one that now seemed to resemble Kagome only slightly, as she became less and less Sesshomaru's imitation. "Have you, perhaps, confided in her?"

"Of course not!" the hanyo prince snaps, quickly taken away from his memories, "It's none of her business." He noticed Kagome's blue eyes glancing his way a moment and he let a deep breath fall with his shoulders. "Besides, I promised myself she wouldn't become involved with the sins of the past. She deserves better than that."

"And as I told you, you deserve happiness, my friend," Miroku says, "You have suffered much, but that lovely woman that was offered as a bride to you, that is a good thing. You clearly care for her. Why not confide some of your past pains and allow her to heal you?"

Inuyasha watches as Kagome crouches down, gently picking up a stray arrow between her fingers and seeing Kirara pad carefully forward with the ones that had headed off course, into the depths of the forest. The princess smiles and pats the giant cat on the snout, carefully taking the offered retrieval. He felt his lips trying to turn upward, but he quickly shook his head.

Kagome stood, gently running her hand behind the nekomata's ear. She could see Inuyasha sitting up on the fence, speaking with Miroku, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. Every once in a while, she could see her husband's yellow eyes glance over at her which gave her a clue. They were definitely talking about her. But seeing as his face wasn't turning red, she supposed it couldn't be anything too perverted.

Instead, he looked so sad, giving off an odd feeling that had her grabbing onto the jewel at her neck. Why was he looking at her like that? Did he really think so little of her for her pitiful work?

No, it wasn't pity she saw in his face. If she didn't know better, she could almost swear it resembled regret. But as far as the impression that he tried to give her, he didn't have a life around others enough to have accumulated any regrets.

Did this have to do with why the Tetsusaiga had lay dormant after the Shikon Jewel was recovered in the Battle of Inu no Taisho Fangs, the battle of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru with the Onigumo, the spider-oni who called himself Naraku? 

Something more than the legends that had been told to her, something more had to have happened that night, she was sure of it.

But it almost seemed to be an unspoken rule that the vague story was all there was to tell, that no one knew any more than the simple epic of the two brothers joining forces and slaying the retched spider, in the process Tetsusaiga losing the will to serve its master and Sesshomaru gaining the Bakusaiga, a sword born of his own body and raising him to his stature as the New Yokai Lord Emperor of the West and Second Inu no Taisho. 

No one knew more than that, any real reason as to why the Shikon Jewel was in Naraku's possession at the time in the first place when it was protected by a shine of powerful, Midoriko priestesses, nor how such details could be lost to time already when only fifty years had passed.

She knew she should ask him, but something told her she wasn't trusted enough to get that answer. Even when she knew his most closely guarded secret that was the new moon, that was not a secret that had been willingly revealed to her and she had a feeling there was a reason that no one but the blood brothers knew the whole truth of the last true battle for the Shikon Jewel. Turning back to Kirara, she scratched her ear, sighing.

"What do you say we stop that whispering about me?" She asked her softly. The large cat yokai tilted her head, hearing the conversation between the two men rather clearly with her large ears. They were talking about her new mistress, but not in a way that should make the princess feel bad. It only affirmed what she had witnessed being a fly on the wall, or rather, a cat in the laundry hamper of the royal's private quarters.

The master of Musashi Castle was falling in love with his new wife and was too flustered and bull headed to do anything about it, only showing her those little touches of affection when no one could call him on it.

Anyone who could verbally express it at least.

But she saw, with her red, night-sighted eyes, how he would gently pull her blanket back over her when she'd turn over in her sleep and eventually plop onto his middle. Or how he would tuck her hair back with a gentle clawed finger when it covered her face, looking at her like she was some precious, breakable treasure.

He would occasionally meet her gaze and a quiet defensive growl would escape his lips as he was careful not to wake Kagome and the old cat would knowingly turn over and look away, not wishing to give her master the impression her knowing look was teasing him about the affections he had for his bride. He was a dog, possessive when it came to what he was protecting, even against her in the vulnerable darkness.

No matter the safety that came from living in a castle, he was still a stray that had learned to never let his guard down in the darkness.

She was glad for him, sensing many times before the pains of his life, as a cat was prone to be able to do, and was happy to see him taking and caring for a mate, even if it wasn't in the truest sense of the word that their kind might view it.

Letting out a soft chuffing sound, she transformed back into a kitten with a burst of flames, padding hurriedly after Kagome as she walked over to the two men, greeting them happily, the bow and quiver strung on her shoulder. Kirara hopped up on the fence next to Inuyasha scratching at annoying itch behind her ear.

"Lord Miroku, how nice to see you," she says, "I heard you were out preforming an exorcism. I hope it went well."

"It did, thank you, My Lady," Miroku says softly, "I'm glad to get to witness you channeling reiki in your arrows after all the hard work Inuyasha has been telling me you've been putting into it despite that nasty injury you suffered a few weeks back." Kagome turned her gaze to her husband, as though searching for some semblance of a compliment as she had finally made a shot. He stared a moment before sighed.

"Yeah, she can even pull the damn bow back now, which is surprising considering how feeble she was to begin with," he grumbles, and she crosses her arms angrily.

"Inuyasha sit!" she says, turning away from him, "Leave it to you to give a back handed compliment." Miroku chuckled and was immediately sent an angry glare from his lord. Rising up to his feet, he turned and shot the monk a look.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" He asks through gritted teeth, hating the monk's amusement in a power he gave the wench in the first place. Miroku smirks and pats his friend's shoulder.

"Why yes, I suppose I do," He says. "Sango and I have been requested to look into a rat problem for a pretty penny. But of course, I would hate to abandon you and the lovely princess if you two might require my guidance." He winked at the last part, causing Inuyasha to glare at him. He did not want the kind of guidance the monk was offering, nor expose Kagome to this perverts teasing.

"We'll be fine," he grumbles, and Kagome reaches for the cat on the fence post, scratching her ear.

"Do you mind if we borrow Kirara, Lady Kagome?" the monk asks and she looks up at him, "She might prove pretty useful on our job. I'll be sure to compensate you for her absence and I know Sango would appreciate the opportunity to battle with her." The princess smiles and carefully picks the twin-tailed cat up.

"Yes, and I'm sure it would be more exciting for Kirara than wandering around hunting the plain old mortal field mice chewing on the garden flowers," She says, "Of course she can travel with you. I know a yokai like her probably misses her life as a battle mount and I'm certainly in no shape to be going and preforming any heroics with her." The nekomata let out an excited mew and leaped from Kagome's arms, crawling up onto the monk's shoulder. "And don't worry about any compensation. It's her choice to go with you. If you want to give a reward, get her some treats and I'll be happy. After all, it'll be her work, not mine."

"How very gracious of you, My Lady," Miroku says, bowing to the castle princess. "We will return in a few days." Glancing over at Inuyasha as the hanyo finally brushed himself off. He leaned over to his master and chuckled.

"Be nice while we're gone," He whispers, his voice with a bit of a scolding edge to it, "She won't have anyone but Ayame to talk to about you being an ass and you know how the she-wolf is. She sticks her foot in her mouth more than Kirara does when she's giving herself a bath. I'd almost say she's worse than you, when it comes to blurting out the wrong thing at the wrong time.."

Narrowing his eyes at the monk, Inuyasha let out an exasperated sigh and lifted his head. Yeah, Ayame meant well, but that woman was the reason Kagome had been so on edge when he'd discovered her "time of the month" as she had referred to it, upon his vulnerable night's end.

Because the dumb wench had basically insinuated he was gonna pin Kagome to the futon he would be so overcome by desire for his bitch once the mating season finally came. Gods, that yokai woman was stupid. He wasn't a dog. Well, he was, but not all the way like the boneheads that made up her wolf pack. He had enough common sense in his head to know better than that.

Kagome blinked at him, and he was thankful she couldn't overhear what was being whispered to him, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just get a move on and be careful."

"I always am," Miroku says pulling away and glancing at the princess as she stands straightening her yukata in front of the two men, "Perhaps this time with half his counsel away, Inuyasha will let the two of you enjoy your honeymoon properly." As the words were spoken, the young woman turned the same red as her husband's clothing. Inuyasha was similarly feeling shocked at his friend's boldness after the conversation they had literally only just had moments before.

"How about you focus on making sure Sango doesn't kill you for the crap you pull while you two are in that village and leave us alone," he growls as Kagome covers her face in embarrassment.

"Yes, leave you two alone," Miroku says with a smile as he waves and starts to walk away, smirking to himself, "As I said, that is exactly what the two of you need. Time to get to know one another better. Please, do enjoy yourselves, my dear Lord and Lady. I bid you both farewell until the task is taken care of."

"He isn't a very pious monk is he?" Kagome asks softly and he looks back at her after having sent the passing monk a lingering glare.

"No, he's not," Inuyasha sighs, "It runs in the family. His grandfather was the same way. Do you really think a Buddhist monk running around with a full head of hair wouldn't use his position to try to get into every kimono this side of Japan? Their family isn't really all that traditional."

"Does he ask all women to bare his children?" the princess asks and Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Yes, he does," He says before looking at her as the question sank in, "Wait a second. Don't tell me that letch actually asked a married woman that?!" Kagome felt a small blush rush to her cheeks, and she shook her head, flattered by the hint of a jealous growl in his voice.

"Engaged woman at the time and no, he didn't" She says with a giggle, "He just said I was such a beauty that if I weren't being delivered to you he would have asked." Inuyasha sighs and leans back before suddenly feeling something piercing into his neck. He let out a grunt and reached for the little prick of pain on his neck. "What is it?" Smacking the back of his neck, he felt the tiny yokai there flatten and fall into his palm, pulling his hand way to look at his father's retainer who had been nibbling at his neck.

"Well, well, if it ain't Myoga the flea?" He says and Kagome's eyes widen a little before she looks up at him.

"You, you have fleas?" She asks a little cautiously and he felt his ears pull back.

"No!" He says, feeling his cheeks dust pink.

"But you just said-"

"He's a servant, he doesn't live on me," Inuyasha states bluntly. "I know I'm a dog, but I do take baths, wench." Kagome just blinked at him and then looked down at the tiny bug in a tan and green kimono as he popped back to a fully formed shape. He blinked his large eyes up at her and gasped.

"My, my Sire," he says softly as he looks up at her. "Don't tell me this lovely young woman is your wife?" Kagome smiles at the little bug and blinks at him.

"It's nice to meet you Myoga," She says, "Yes, I am Higa-, I'm Kagome." She glanced awkwardly up at Inuyasha as she realized she had almost introduced herself by her old clan name. She wasn't a Higurashi any longer.

She was an Inu no Taisho, or maybe it was Musashi? Possibly neither of those, seeing as Inuyasha had admitted he had been born elsewhere in the region during their first real conversation (which had ended with her ending up storming off to a near death).

 In all her time here, she had never thought to ask and everyone had been kind enough to simply call her Kagome or the more formal My Lady or Lady Kagome. She hadn't needed to introduce herself since the castle was so tight knit everyone had already known who she was before she'd even met them. 

She'd really never realized she didn't know what the clan she was now a part of was called. Inu no Taisho was Sesshomaru's clan name, the name Toga went by when he walked the Earth and sky. But seeing as Inuyasha ruled a separate domain of his own, and wasn't born to the Musashi clan as it hadn't existed until over a hundred years after his birth, she couldn't know for sure without asking a very embarrassing question when he already thought she was stupid.

"Why, she's even more beautiful than Lady Izayoi," Myoga says excitedly, "And I would never make such a compliment so lightly." Kagome noticed Inuyasha stiffen as the name was spoken and she looked up at him, seeing how uncomfortable he looked. She wanted to ask who that was, as clearly he knew, but something told her a fight might ensue should she delve into something that was none of her business. "Her blood smells absolutely delicious, too." Inuyasha growls angrily and Kagome took a step back.

"She isn't gonna be your next meal, you filthy little dog sucker and if you try, your days are numbered," He says, "Why are you here, Myoga?"

"Why to meet the new princess, of course!" He says. "After all, this is a very important marriage you know."

"If you were interested in meeting her, you would have been here a month ago," Inuyasha says, pinching the bug between his claws, "I know you were hiding out with Sesshomaru, so perhaps you could tell me what the problem is now."

"Inuyasha," Kagome says softly and he looks up at her, "I get that maybe you're upset if it is Sesshomaru who sent him, but you could be a little nicer about questioning the old man. " The little bug pulled out a handkerchief and wiped sweat from the side of his head.

"Thank you, My Lady," he chirps up, "But you needn't worry for my sake. I have served Master Inuyasha for many, many years. His bark is much worse than his bite for most things." Kagome smirks and looks up at her husband, arms in her sleeves.

"So I've noticed," She says, and he scrunches his nose, his cheeks turning pink and ears growing hot.

"Just tell me why you're really here, because I'd bet half my lands that it wasn't to meet Kagome," He grumbles and the flea sighs, nodding and crawling up onto the hanyo's knuckle.

"No, it wasn't," He admits. "There's been trouble in a village east of here. Young women who are deemed lifeless but then become pulled up by unseen strings and attack their brethren."

"Okay, but what does that have to do with me?" Inuyasha asks.

"It is believed that they are being manipulated by a high class yokai, possibly an oni," the flea says, and Kagome tilts her head.

"A-an ogre?" she asks and the flea nods.

"Oh, not to worry, Lady Kagome," Myoga says, "Such a demon will be easily felled by our master."

"Why the hell would a random oni be my problem?" Inuyasha snaps and Kagome just gives him a look.

"You're lord of the realm," She says, "Why would a yokai problem not be at least investigated by you?"

"It is also said that this oni is one who seeks the Shikon Jewel," the flea continues. "So actually, as guardian of the Jewel of Four Souls, if you do not wish to dispose of the demon, the responsibility falls upon Princess Kagome."

The young woman carefully reaches for the large glass marble that rests on her chest. The bow on her shoulder suddenly feels as though it carries the weight of ten men on it, digging into her shoulder and pulling her down. A lump forms in her throat as the words sink in.

Inuyasha smelled her fear as she stood there, gripping onto the soul stone. She was looking down, her thumb circling the smooth surface, as though she were trying to figure out what to say to such a thing. 

She had no training; save the attempt she was now making to rectify the neglect her family took in teaching her how her powers worked. She was scared and had every right to be. She couldn't face an oni, even a weak one, on her own.

"Fine," He sighs, making the young woman lift her head to look at him, her blue eyes clearly confused, "I'll check it out." The young woman in blue shifted her weapon and looked up, stepping forward.

"I'll come with you," She says, and he shakes his head, scoffing at her.

"Feh! You'll only slow me down and get in my way," Inuyasha huffs, "Especially as feeble with your bow as you are. Just stay here. It's just an oni and most of them are dumb as the boulders they resemble. I'll be back by sundown."

Kagome opened her mouth to protest, and he just gave her a look. "Stay!" She took a step back, caught off guard by the way he just commanded her like that, and he smirked "Good Girl. I'll be back before sundown."

"You don't even know where you're going!" She says as he just glances back at her, rolling his eyes.

"You heard the old man," he says. "I'll just head East until I catch the scent." Without even waiting for her response, he suddenly ran off, disappearing around the side of the castle in a red blur.

Kagome sighed, shaking her head as she watched as he faded into the trees, suddenly feeling very perturbed. What did he take her for? She had expressed her desire to be involved, to learn to do what she could to protect the relic she had inherited.

"Did he really just tell me to stay? Call me a 'good girl'? I'm not a pet! He's the one who's related to Inu-yokai!" She huffs. She felt something crawling on her fist and glances at where the flea demon had hoped onto her hand.

"Don't take the master's words to heart, Lady Kagome," Myoga says, "He tends to be a little more crass than necessary. And to be fair, as his wife, he does instinctively think of you as his bitch. He isn't exactly inciteful when it comes to humans." Kagome narrows her eyes at him, knowing it made sense at a base level, but still not really liking that word seeing how her mortal word tended to use it.

"That's still no excuse," She says. "He may be protector of the realm, but the jewel is my responsibility. If this oni is hurting innocent villagers because of the Shikon no Tama, I want to try to help, and he won't even let me. I refuse to just sit by while he keeps fighting my battles for me." Adjusting the bow on her shoulder she turned towards the nearby stable to see a saddled horse tied to a post. Lifting her head, she started walking towards it.

"Uh, Princess, what is it you are doing?" the flea demon asks, and Kagome rips the slip knot free, pulling the horses reins with her as she walks to the horse's side.

"What does it look like?" She asks, lifting a sandaled foot and slipping it into a stirrup, heaving herself up. "I'm following him."

"But as you stated, you have no idea where this oni is," Myoga squeaks out and she quickly turns the horse, thankful for the riding lessons she had been able to talk her grandfather into letting her take as a child.

"If Inuyasha is following his nose, then I can follow him," She says, "I've slept next to him for over a month now. I've been with him during his night of vulnerability. I know his youki, what it feels like to be near it. I can sense it and follow him from there."

Kicking the horse, she focused on the pulsing feeling of his power and directed the horse towards the nearby village, determined to not allow him to ever leave her in the dust.

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