Chapter 2

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Chantria sighed heavily as she padded her luggages. She looked around still speculating of what else was remaining. Since she couldn't find any, she zipped the bag close. By now, her friend who was sitting on the bed watched her closely. When she was tired of watching her hesitate, pack, hiss, repeatedly, she decided to speak.

"Chantria, don't tell me you are packing all these?" She asked surprised as she pointed at the luggage with her. She thought she was just going to stay there for a while not eternity.

Chantria sighed. "Yetunde, what else are you not getting?"

"What I'm not getting is why you would have the gut to spy on a serial killer, the one who stabbed a little girl fifteen times. What else do you think he might do to you?" Yetunde asked worried. She was trying to make it known to her that her decision was something risky. Her life could just go down the drain if she slips.

Chantria straddled beside her. "This serial killer and assassin has been massacring people randomly, what is our job if not to stop the offenders?"

"I'm still finding it hard to believe, Chantria. Where would you keep your child." Yetunde inquired.

She didn't know what to say if she tells her what she planned, what if she isn't okay with it?

"Babe, I thought of that. Maybe Ezekiel should stay with you just for the main time, please." She asked with pleading eyes.

Yetunde sighed and held her hands. "I'm not saying I can't take care of him, he wouldn't even be bored because April and May would keep his company but you are endangering that little boy's life, Chantria."

Chantria immediately stood up as she recalled something. She walked to her wardrobe, rummaged through some stuff and walked to her friend. "Last week, I had to create a fake identification card. My new name is Kathryna Morales." She winked.

Yetunde smiled. "But you haven't answered my question."

"Look here friend, this isn't for my benefits alone. It's for our nation and for Ezekiel's surgery too. I'm doing this because of him. How then would I plan to endanger him?"

"Okay fine. Since even me can't stop you, what are your tactics? You know you have to be ready for anything," Yetunde said.

Her eyes found comfort at the ceiling. At the same time, her toes were dotting the floor repeatedly. She didn't think of any tactic, she was so engrossed at the forever anonymous killer and all her thoughts has been to bring him down, she didn't for once thought about how.

She snapped her fingers together as as an idea crossed her. Her smile beamed which gave her weird glances from her friend.

"Any idea?"

Chantria nodded positively. She looked around, as if to ensure no one was watching them especially when she was about to say something expected to be evasive. She leaned towards her so her lips were a bit distant from her ears. "I could plan to be dumb."

Yetunde burst into a deep laughter. "Are you hearing yourself at all? Now you are so dumb." She flicked her eyelashes in a slight disgust. "You would pretend to be someone dumb? What if eventually you are caught talking?"

Chantria smiled as she now understood what she was trying to say. She wasn't getting her point at all. "I never meant dumb like not to be able to talk. I could just pretend to me someone dull, an introvert or someone shy. In that way, if eventually I got entangled, there wouldn't be any suspicion."

Yetunde thought for a second and nodded. Trying to understand where her friend got that brain from. "If everything is planned then you should get going. Delaying is dangerous as we don't know who might get killed by the mask man today. I can't even wait to see who is behind this in a cold prison."

Chantria nodded. She stood up, after walking to the privy, she came out with some tooth pastes, brush, toilet soaps and a bathing sponge. She kept them in her bag.

After few minutes, a deep breath followed. "Guess I am done. I guess Myles is on his way to pick me. Have you guys handled that case? The Mr raper?"

Yetunde stood up. "We are sorting it, it's more sophisticated than we reckoned. Can you imagine, the raped girl repudiated that she wasn't raped by him. I guess the man might have tortured her."

"He must have. Rape cases are stuff really needed to be handled with total sobriety. I was raped, I know how traumatic it was."

Yetunde walked closer to her and played with her braided. "It's all in the past now. Move on. And I think Myles, has a crush on you and I guess you do too. Why not take it to another level and get Zeke a father?" Yetunde blushed like she was the one crushing.

She slapped her hands off her hair. "Cut it, bitch. Myles and I are no thing. No-thing! Know that and know peace." She intensified.

Just immediately a little boy with a gold twirly hair walked in lazily. His eyes were bright blue in contrast to Chantria's own. He was on his pyjamas. When he saw the packed bags, he frowned. "Momma, are we relocating again? If so, thank virtue because I hate this place already!"

Chantria smiled as she sat down on the bed and pulled him closer. "Zeke...we aren't relocating, okay?"

"Then what, mum?"

"I'm going on a business trip for a while. You would be staying at my friend's house."

"Okay, fine." He said and lazily walked out but before he could escape, she stopped him and squatted to his size while holding his cheeks. "Momma will be fine, Zeke would be fine. We all are. Are you annoyed with me, baby?"

The little boy glared at his mother softly and in few seconds tears fell down his succulent cheeks. "Momma, don't leave me. Please don't leave me." He hugged his mother tight as if his mother would disappear if he let her go.

Chantria rubbed off the traces of tears. "Momma will cry if you cry. I want to fight the bad guys, okay?"

"Let's fight them together. I will beat their ass off. I don't want them to hurt you, momma."

"You are still a kid. When you grow up a little, I would train you, okay? We will both fight the bad guys."

"Sí." He nodded.

"Oh baby, you are speaking Spanish."

"Who doesn't know Spanish here?" He rolled his eyes.

"Well, momma doesn't know. Okay, Zeke, I think the car is here. Please do not disturb Mrs Williams. Don't eat what isn't beneficial to your health."

"Okay sire!" He shouted like those in the military force. He had always thought of holding a gun and shoot bad guys ever since the day he saw his mum shooting on some circles.

Chantria chuckled. "And when mum is back, we would have a lot of money to buy cars, houses and for your surgery. Don't tell anyone about your operation, okay?"

"Por qué?" He grimaced. He always remember his mum used to say that but he had no reason why.

"Zeke, so they won't think you are not strong when you are ver...yyy strong, baby."

"Yes momma, estupendo! I'm veryyy strong."

Tired of all the mum and child's talk, Yetunde interrupted. "I am aware, you can hear the car's horn, Chantria."

Chantria stood up. "Yes yes. Yetunde, please take care of Zeke, okay? I will send the lists of the diets dangerous to his health and please if he has any problem or something, don't hesitate to inform me."

"Sí." Yetunde replied her in attempt to mock Ezekiel who in return laughed.

After some minutes. They both packed the stuff and got outside. Chantria had packed Ezekiel's belongings because he Isn't old enough to live alone.

The three of them got to the car and drove off.

Chantria closed her eyes to meditate. She knew what she was about venturing into is something dangerous, she isn't ready to back out either. It is either, the masked man goes down or he goes down, no different options. It would be hard but she doesn't care.

*** Zagan's Clan***

Ryker tossed in and out the room. When he was tired he finally decided to keep on tossing only in the room. With him were some men and a lady whose eyes were fixed on the computer. She looked serious. She wore glasses and a yellow scarf, though her red hair could still be seen. You could tell she was a typical nerd.

Ryker stopped for a second. "Maya Lee, are you able to connect?"

"No sir, it's very tight. They were able to block the cameras."

Hearing that, he groaned and walked to the others who were also worried. "Who was in charge of this operation? Who spied here again? If the boss finds out you all know you would be dead. This contract has been longed pursued and we don't expect anyone from nowhere to destroy it."

A young blondie walked to him and whispered, he nodded then faced the lady on the screen. "Connected?"

Maya Lee nodded. "Uhm here, zero's men at it again. They just finished the operation." She clenched her fists.

They were about seven in the room and all walked to the screen.

The camera showed six men all in black walking out of a hotel.

"Oh gosh!" Ryker breathed out angrily and stormed out.

Maya Lee stood up too. "Shit shit. All that was shit. Who the heck leaked out this damn plan?" She hissed as she looked through everyone's eyes except Ryker who was obviously not in the room again. When her eyes balanced on a lady whose eyes were just low, she walked closer to her and held her cheek. "Ria... I am suspecting you. I heard you've got a boyfriend in Zero's clan?"

"Emm No. That isn't true."

Maya Lee brought out her gun and slowly held the trigger. "Speak now!"

Before she could fire the gun. A guy hit her hand and it fell down. Luckily the bullet hit somewhere else. "Maya, she wouldn't do that, okay?"

"Maya Lee" She corrected as she squatted to take her gun, when she picked it up she walked away.

Ria walked to the guy. "That stupid ass almost killed me!"


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