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I'm sorry it's come to this. I just... can't get into fandoms or writing fanfictions anymore. So... I'm abandoning my work. I'm half tempted to delete the entire thing and forget it existed. But... there are too many of you who enjoy my work. I was going to pass my Wattpad onto either one of two people. So, they can either finish my work or add more stories but... seeing how you're seeing this... They both declined. I'm not upset at them and neither should either of you.

I'm so, so, very sorry. I just can't. I've tried. I've failed. I have a novel I've been working on for at least four years now. Fanfiction distracted me from that and acted as practice so I can better my writing for my novel. I think it's time I got back to my novel and end my rein of fanfiction writing. I want to eventually get it published and everything. I've had so many ideas for my novel that I even have backgrounds, appearance details, power details, and story arc ideas written.

I'm sorry you have to find out this way. But it's better than just leaving you all in the dark. I've been left in the dark before, several times, and it's not fun. Anyways, this is it for me. I hope you all understand and forgive me for doing this.

Yours truly, DevinBear224.  

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