Questions at the Park

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Gon's POV

Out of seven classes, I have five with Killua. Yes! It was currently our last period. History. I grin as the bell rings. I instantly walk over to Killua. I see him sigh. He raises the wipe board. Was he expecting that? "I surrender. What do you want?" I read out loud. "I... Just want to get to know you better. I want to help." I look down. "I-If you're really dead set on me leaving. I will." I stutter. I feel a tap on my chin. I look up and see him holding the board. He was looking away, red faced. 'You can stay. I'm just not used to people wanting to help me. I'm sorry.' It read. 

Killua grabs his bag. "Um... want to go to the park?" I ask. He bites his lip, looking at me. He eventually nods. "Let's go then!" I grab his wrist, missing his slight wince. We head to the nearest park. We sit on the swing set. He rubs his wrist. "Um..." I feel a tap. I look down at the board. "Can I ask some questions?" I read out loud. "Of course!" I say. I get a glimpse of his wrist. I see a few lines. Cuts? I go to say something but the wipe board slides in my lap. Killua stands up and walks around. 

I look down at the board. 'Why are you so interested in helping me? I'm just someone who does bad things. I'm a complete mess. Didn't you listen to some of the others? Why are you different from the others?' It read. "I... needed help once." I start. I see his head turn, but not enough for me to see his face. I close my eyes. "I never received help. Being the 'weird kid' that I am. So it's a habit for me. You aren't bad. You are also not a mess. I don't listen to bullies. I grew up on an island? Maybe that's why? I don't know. I've always been told I have a kind soul" 

I hand him the board back. He sits down next to me. I start swinging. I stop when the board taps my knee. I read the board. He quickly snatches the board back. I already read the question though. "I don't mind telling. First step of trust is being truthful right?" I sigh. Killua grabs my hands. He opens his mouth. Then he shuts it, biting his lip.

He writes something on the board. he hands it to me. "I don't want you to say anything personal. Especially if I'm not willing to share." I read it out loud. "Then, how about this? I tell you one personal thing, you tell me a personal thing about you" He opens his mouth and closes it. That must be a habit. A cute one. But it... kinda bugs me. Like, he wants to talk but can't. Mentally or physically?

"Fine" The board says. "Go ahead and ask me anything" I say, leaning back. I see a faint pink color on Killua's cheeks. It takes a few minutes. I kept stealing glances at him. He was biting his lip. The board slides across my lap. Before I can read it. Something hits Killua in the head. "FAG!" Someone shouts. I instantly stand up. "Who did that?!" I shout. Killua tugs on my shirt. I look down. He shakes his head. "Why!? They hurt you!" I he pulls me down with strength I didn't know he had. He wipes some blood from across forehead. 

I hand him the wipe board. The bleeding won't stop. I rip my shirt up. I tie it around his head. I see him turn red as he swats my hands away. "I gotta stop the bleeding!" I protest. He huffs. He hands me the board, touching the fabric. He stands up, looking alert. I read the board. 'I'm gay, maybe. That's why I get bullied, other than me coming from a family of assassins. This entire city except a handful, are stuck up pricks. I still don't recommend you being my friend. You'll just be a new target to them. I feel like I can open up to you.' I look at his back. He snaps his head in one direction at the same time, he catches a can. 

I stand up. He had a nasty aura around him. I sit down on the swing. "I'm bisexual. Not to mention that I'm weird. I don't understand why it's a thing to be bullied about. Nothing wrong about it. And I feel attracted to you. Not just because you're pretty." I say. Killua was red faced. I could practically see steam coming from his ears. I stand up. "Seeing how you told me that instead of me asking, I'd say I get a freebie!" He seems to be mad at that. 

I think of a question. "what's with the cuts on your wrist?" I ask. He flinches, grabbing at his wrists. He looks down. "Ah! Sorry I asked! I'll take it back!" Killua shakes his head. He writes on the board. 'Maybe later. I gotta get home' "Ah ok?" Within a second, he's gone. I frown. "Did I take it too far?" 

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