Our Souls Must Leave

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It is time for us to go,

So why won't you set us free.

You need to let our spirits flow,

You can no longer help me.

We were taken way to soon,

Our souls full of love and hate,

and we've been restless night and noon

because you can't change our fate.

Tonight we roam around in chains,

But if you listen really close

you may here our songs of joys and pains,

Which remains a tune that no one knows.

You can't give us back the things we had,

Just know that you are never alone

Although you saw our death as something sad,

Try to remember everything you've already done.

Keep your heart inside your chest

And keep your love at your side,

And try to understand what is the best

When you hear the song of those who died.

Now you cannot change the past,

But you can change the future.

Let our souls be free at last,

And it's you present love you must nurture.

-Mister A. Nobody

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