4. Crystalea and Pepper

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Plasmakitty906 your character is here!
Little_Miss_Eevee_8 your Pokémon is here!
More characters will be coming soon!


"Oh shoot!" I gasped between a mouthful of berries.

Pink chunks of Pecha Berry spewed from my mouth at my sudden shout. Skarmory cocked his head as he chewed on a berry himself. "Crap Skarmory, why did you let me fall asleep? Austin has no clue where we are." I said wiping the food from my mouth.

Skarmory flapped his wings in annoyance, upset that he had to now give up his meal. I got on top of him, and we rose from the ground in flight. The steady beat of his wings were the only sound in the forest. "Austin!" I shouted.


"Hey Skarm, take us back to camp." I said over the wind. He nodded his metal head and swooped towards the ground.

When we landed all I saw was a pile of ash from a campfire, an unrolled sleeping bag, and his bag. I've never seen the guy go anywhere without his bag. Why would he leave camp? I climbed off of Skarm and glanced around. A pile of Star's feathers littered a spot in the dirt. My stomach twisted into a knot.

"Austin?" I called out again.

More silence.

I began to feel the hairs on my neck stand on end. I twirled around. It was the familiar feeling of being watched. The forest which hid me from people, also hid people from me. Anyone could be watching me from a distance and I would never know.

"Skarmory do you hear anyone?" I turned to the bird.

"Pepper Swift!" A tiny voice shrieked.

"What's swi-" I was cut off and let a scream erupt from my throat.

A blast to my back sent me flying towards the ground. My body slammed into the gravel, rocks filling my mouth. I groaned as I pushed myself up on to my knees. I spit the earth out of my mouth.

"Again." The voice said, calmer this time.

From behind a nearby tree, a brown, almost fox like head popped out. Its mouth opened, immediately shooting dozens of starlike daggers towards me. I defensively threw my hands out in front of me to protect my face.


Skarmory leapt in front of me, his wings spread out to look bigger. The stars collided with his metal armor. They dissolved into his body. Skarmory didn't seem affected by it at all. He acted like it was nothing. The small Pokémon, which I assumed to be Pepper, scrambled behind the bush.

A small girl, no older than ten, jumped up from behind the shrub and began sprinting in the opposite direction. Her white dress swirled around her as she jumped over branches and weaved through the forest. The Pokémon followed.

"Come on Skarm." I said frantically as I began running towards the girl. He didn't move, instead he began thrashing his head around.


Large rocks shot up from the ground. The girl let out a terrified scream as she stumbled back on to her butt. The rocks jutted up, at least fifteen feet into the air. They circled around us and the girl with her Pokémon. The rocks circled around us all, encasing us. A small bit of light filtered though a small hole in the top. The earth settled down as Skarmory calmed. The girl crawled to the opposite wall, clutching the brown creature to her chest.

"Um." I said dazed. Skarmory looked pleased with himself. "What was that?"

"Rock Tomb." A tiny girl stated firmly.

I glanced away from my Pokémon and to the girl in front of me. Sweat beaded on her forehead. Her dirty blonde hair looked like it was never cut before. It reached well past her butt. It sat on top of her head in a mess, snarls and all. Her green eyes bore holes into mine. The girl had a very stern, mature look to her face, although I could tell that she was very young. Smudges of dirt stained her cheeks and white dress, although it wasn't close to being white at all. Being dirty was an understatement. The thing looked like it was run through a shredder and dunked in a bin of mud. It was ruined beyond repair.

"Why did you do that." Her voice said softly. The girl buried her face into the Pokémon's fur. The Pokémon glared at me.

"I didn't mean for that to happen.."

"You were chasing me!" She shrieked.

"You attacked me!" I argued.

I was sitting here arguing with a kid when I should be looking for Austin. Skarmory seemed amused with the whole situation. The child kept going on and on about how I shouldn't of been so 'careless.'

I shook my head to stop her whining. "Have you seen a boy around here? My age, brown hair, green eyes. He has a Staraptor?"

She stopped and sucked in her breath. Her eyes fell to the ground and she began kicking dust with her foot slightly. She squeezed her Pokémon tight. "No." She finally said.

I sighed. Skarmory seemed to be laughing in his head. I knew when people were lying. "Okay little girl, where is he." I tapped my foot on the dirt.

"I said I don't know..." She mumbled.

"Help!" A southern accent screamed off in the distance. It was definitely Austin.

"Well I guess I know where he is." I said rolling my eyes at the kid. She squinted at me. "Hey Skarm can you get us out of here?" I asked. The Rock Tomb looked near impossible to climb out of.

He gave a quick nod. His mouth opened up. A small yellow glow began to form inside him. A blinding light shot from his mouth. The energy crashed into the rock, destroying it entirely. When he was finished, no sign of the Rock Tomb was left. It was like it never existed.

"Flash Cannon." The girl squealed. She jumped up and ran to Skarm and began to pet his neck. He seemed taken aback at first, then relaxed some. She saw me staring at her then went back to her scowling. The Pokémon ran to her leg and stood up straight glaring at me with her. The girl crossed her arms over her chest and puffed her cheeks out some. She seemed very stubborn.

"Well, um. Follow me." I said.

"I don't take orders!" She shouted.

I sighed again and grabbed her wrist. As I began to pull her, she struggled and began throwing her body around. Her Pokémon cried out and began wailing. I let go.

I knew what it felt like to be forced. To be dragged. It was awful. I would never let anyone go through that like I did. A image of Jackson crossed my mind. I shivered.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

She pulled her wrist to her chest and began to rub it with her other hand. Her green eyes squinted at me. Reluctantly she began to follow me. I smiled and led the way to where I heard Austin.

"Someone. Please!" He bellowed.

I turned to the blonde girl and she looked away again. Why wouldn't she meet my eye?

"Starrrrr!" Staraptor cried out. Wherever she was, she was definitely in pain.

I began to go from a fast walk to a run. I crashed through the branches. Low vines lashed me across my face as I followed the sounds to Austin.

"Amara? Over here!" Austin gasped from somewhere on the ground.

I took a sharp left and tripped over something feathery and soft. I was sent flying over it and into the rocky soil. "Star! Star!" It screamed.

"Star? On my gosh I'm sorry." I said frantically to the bird. I looked down and gagged at what I saw. Star was wrapped in a thin, string. No, wire. It had to be wickedly sharp. She was bound so tight that it cut deep into her. Blood trickled around her and stained the brown ground along with her dark feathers. "Skarmory get it off of her!" I screamed. Tears blurred my vision. Skarmory rushed to her side and began slicing it off with his beak.

"You!"Austin screamed. I never heard such a sound. It was powerful, it was angry. Nothing but pure hatred came out with that voice. I thought he was talking to me, but I quickly realized it wasn't about me at all.

I looked around and saw the girl flinch and jump back into a tree. She pressed her body against it. The brown fox bared its fangs, but it slowly slunk back with her. Austin shot out from wherever he was laying and tried to tackle her. She let out a terrified cry. She pulled out a gun from a hidden pocket in her shredded dress.

A whiz erupted from it. A dart struck itself in Austin's neck. Another was sent into Star's.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed. Now that I got a good look of Austin, I saw how much pain he was in. The same wire bound his wrists together. It cut so deep I though it would never come out. His stolen guard uniform's shirt was gone. Instead, wire crisscrossed over his stomach, chest, shoulders, and neck. Blood soaked everywhere else. Not a spot of his skin showed, only wire and blood.

"Did you do this?" I howled at the kid.


"Did you do this!" I shrieked in her face. I'm not sure how I got so close to her. All of a sudden I was only a foot away. I ripped the tranq gun out of her hands and threw it far into the woods. It landed somewhere in the thick, dead overgrowth.

Skarmory looked shocked. His beak hung slightly open. His golden yellow eyes were wide in shock. The brown Pokémon squeezed its eyes shut and braced itself for me to make a move on its trainer.

"I'm-I'm sorry." I stammered. I was scaring myself at how angry I was.

The girl began to sob and shook her head harshly from side to side. Skarmory sped over to me and nudged me back from her with his head. I obeyed and stepped way back to give her plenty of space. The girl slowly slid down the back of the tree she was pressed against to the forest floor. She curled up and shook all over.

"Your just like my mother." She said harshly.

"I can relate."

She slowly stopped shaking and looked at me with seriousness. "No you don't."

"Yes I do." I insisted.

She rose to her feet. Her little hands were balled into fists at her sides. "You...have...no idea. Your mother would never hit you, never starve you, or take out her anger on you for doing nothing!" Her eyes flashed anger into mine. "You will never know how that feels! Never!"

"Yes...I would." I said again.

She settled down again, possibly understanding. "Help me get these off." She waved her hand towards Austin. She dropped the conversation completely.

Together we took off the razor sharp wires off of Austin and Star. I carefully carried the bloodied metal and threw them away from everyone. When I came back, the girl already bandaged the worse of Austins wounds. He was now propped against the base of a tree. Star was resting beside him.

I sat down on a fallen tree a few yards away. The girl came over and sat beside me. "My name is Amara. That's Skarmory." I pointed to my Avian Pokémon.

She looked away again. "I don't have a name." She whispered.

I couldn't help opening my mouth slightly. How could a child not have a name? No matter how bad of a parent, one should always have a name.

"I am it, that, and brat." She said again. Her eyes swelled with tears.

"Well. I guess we will change that."

"What do you mean?"

"We will give you a name. Right now."

"Really? Can I have a birthday too? A middle name!" Her eyes sparkled. All of the girl's sadness was replaced with nothing but happiness.

Not even a birthday? How bad were these kid's parents?

"Of course." I nodded.

She squealed and jumped up and down with joy. I smiled with her. Her smiled fell and turned into a slight frown. She held a hand to her lip and went deep into thought. Her Pokémon jumped up on to the tree beside me. I reached a hand out to touch it. It spun and hissed. Her fur spiked up around her.

The girl giggled and scooped up the Pokémon. "She doesn't like other people. Hates them in fact. Only likes me." He tiny voice said.

She continued to think for a few more seconds. "Crystal. No, Crystalea." She nodded, pleased with herself.

"That's a beautiful name." I agreed. It really seemed to fit her.

"Crystalela Anne." She smiled again.

"How about a birthday-" I started.

Austin moaned and slowly lifted his head. His eyes fluttered open. I jumped off the log and ran to him. I slapped him across the cheek, hard. A small, red mark started to appear on his face from where my hand hit.

"What the heck was that for!" He yelled.

"For scaring me!" I screamed.

Then I pulled him into a tight hug. "And that's for being okay." I said.

"Ew." Crystal made a face.

I took my arms back and looked at her. Crystal's nose was wrinkled up, but she was smiling.

"Hey!" Austin yelled. He tried to get up, but crashed back down.

"Stop moving. You lost a lot of blood." I said gently. He groaned slightly and shifted around so he was sitting straight again against the tree.

He stared at me. "Do you have any idea what that little monster and her devil Eevee did?"

So that's the Pokémon's name...

"I'm sure there's a good reason..."

"No! She shot me with my own tranq gun, twice! Then I woke up to find myself covered in freaking wire. So, what's your reason kid?" He looked over at Crystal.

She pressed her lips together tightly. Her hands were behind her back and she started kicking the dust a little. "I thought you were apart of the Circle. You wore their uniform." She said.

"How come my Partner was like that too, huh? Why would A Circle member have a Pokémon with them?

"I don't know! Mom told me to hurt them! She says they are bad guys! I don't know anything about them just that they are evil! Her little voice wailed.

I stepped in between the two. "Hey Crystal? Can I talk to Austin for a minute."

She nodded her head once and turned. Her Eevee, Pepper, followed her away from us.

"Austin she's ten." I whispered.

"Amara, no ten year old should be that violent."

"Agreed. You can't leave her alone in these woods though. Can you?" I asked.

"Er, I don't know. We are not bringing her with us though."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Alright. I'm staying with her." I stated.

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am."

"You can't!"

"Watch me!"

Crystal giggled. We both looked over at her. She was throwing a stick for Pepper. Her Pokémon jumped excitedly and hurried to go pick it up.

"Please Austin."

"Your a confusing person Rayes."

I smiled. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I don't know this kid, but I didn't want to leave her. She need help. She needed me.

"Hey kid?" Austin called.

Crystal and Pepper looked up from their game.

"Ever heard of the Resistance?" He asked with his usual smile.


I read over the address in my hand. This had to be the place.

I looked up at the rickety house before me. It was a wonder how the thing was still standing. I walked up to the door and found the bell broken. I pounded on the door instead.

A women came to the door and swung it open. She leaned against the frame with a bottle in her hand. Dark purple bags hung under her eyes. White hair sat on top of her head, I knew it wasn't from age. It was natural that way. Just like her daughter's.

"Yes?" She slurred.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Melody." I took my hat off and ruffled my black hair.

Realization stuck her. "Jackson? Is it really you?"

I gave a small bow. "The one and only." I grinned.

She glared. "I told you if I ever saw you again..."

I held a hand up to silence her. "Don't bring it up. I'm not here for that. It's about your daughter."

"What about that thing?" She slurred again. She took a long sip from her drink. I noticed the way she shifted uncomfortably from me bringing it up.

I got back to business. "She..,escaped." I said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sure your father wasn't  pleased." She sneered.

I ignored her. A small shiver ran up my back thinking of him. I shook my head to forget him. "Not at all. Anyway, I'm sure you want her back. I know you. You regret it dearly. You want her back."

She seemed dazed. "Yes... I do." Her eyes watered, if not only a little.

"Then I think you can help me with that. I will get you your daughter back. We will say she died. You can get new identities, I don't care. No one has to know and you will have her back. I will leave and it will all be forgotten. You can have a fresh start. Have the relationship with her that you always wanted."

"Why are you helping me?" She asked skeptically. Her weary eyes searched mine for answers.

"I owe it to you."

"You got that right."

She went inside to get ready. We would be leaving soon. I didn't feel the smallest bit guilty. Melody was a terrible, horrible woman. However, she could never live with her actions. I knew her well and knew she wanted her daughter back. She may not always show it, but she loved her dearly.

I would make sure she saw her again. Right before I slit the child's throat and put a bullet in the boy's brain.

I told my father I would bring them both back, alive. I had no such goals of doing so. I wanted her dead. I wanted to be the one to kill her. It wouldn't be much fun to waste such a person to Cementing. I needed her to die. I needed to do it.

Melody came back outside. She had a small bag on her back. She gave me a thumbs up.

If she wanted to be with her so bad, I could always kill her to. I thought to myself. The look on Amara's face when I shoot her mother would be priceless. Then they would always be together, just like Melody wanted. I chuckled.

I smiled to myself. This was all a game. Melody was just a pawn. I would use her until her time was up. Amara would be the loser.

I never lose. I would win.

The thought of killing 'its' daughter was too much to bear. I loved it. I skipped to the car and climbed into the drivers seat.

Ready or not, here I come Amara!


So ns1obsters created a story/club dedicated to the hatred of the Circle. We are currently accepting members. Go check it out!

Are you all ready to see The Resistance next chapter? The story will start to pick up pace soon! I hope you will all continue to read.

See y'all very soooooooon! (Next Tuesday with more Silver Girl!)

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