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Explosions shook the ground. 

Bullets rained down like hail. Screams erupted from the dying and silence from the dead.  Pokemon let out dangerous moves; lightning shocked, water drowned, fire burned, and energy blasted straight through unlucky opponents.

Hundreds of men and Pokémon were killed instantly. Thousands more were left injured and in extreme agony. At this point in the war, the lucky died. The unlucky lived.

The unlucky had to hold the memories of tormenting screams and death of friends and family in their minds forever. But the worst was the thoughts. "What could I have done? What could I have done to stop this?" Many had asked themselves.

The lucky had it easy. Death in this certain war was a luxury not all could afford. It was the easy way out. A quarter of the deaths were caused by mankind itself. Not able to take it any longer, hundreds took their own lives hoping to escape the horrors of the battle. None of those men and Pokémon would have to live knowing what they've done. They killed hundreds for... what? As the war dragged on, people began to wonder what side they were actually on...

Two sides became three. Three sides became four. Men and Pokémon began to become confused about what side they were on in this bloody war. It became one thing for sure: everyone was killing each other without knowing why. It was every man against man, Pokémon against Pokémon. It was total madness.

After months of the war, a single group rose to power: The Circle.

The Circle persuaded the men to all fight on one side: a side against the Pokémon. Even those who loved and cherished the creatures couldn't take the thought of continuing the fight. This was a simple solution. In this way, it would all be over and they could go back to their beloved families!... That is if they were still alive.

After only a few weeks with the new plan, the men massacred millions of Pokémon. The rest of the Pokémon fled into hiding. They disappeared far into the forests, deep into the ocean waters, and among the treetops, skies, and dark caves.

When it was finally over, The Circle had fifty important men sign a treaty, agreeing that this was the end of the war. This treaty was known as the Heartland Treaty. 

It rewrote the way everyone lived since existence. No more Pokémon. No more rulers. Now The Circle is in charge. They erased the past from the people and present with the future: a future where Pokémon does not exist and people can live their lives without fearing them. The Circle fills people's heads with lies. They tell you that Pokémon are the evil ones and is a threat to all humankind. 

Generations later, people had begun to accept this new way of life. Now, all the people began to have one thing in common:

Their hatred towards Pokémon.

They all despised Pokémon. If a Pokémon is seen, they will report it. The Pokémon would then be captured and disposed of. People would cheer as Pokémon are hauled away and killed.

It went on like this until the Silver Man took action. He rallied men and women alike to come together. He showed them how things were years and years ago. He showed them the times where Pokémon were considered friends... BEST friends.

He and his noble Skarmory led peaceful protests and changed many people's perspectives about Pokémon and the world they live today. The Resistance was formed, a group led by the Silver Man. However, just as quick as it came, the Silver Man was captured, cemented, and then killed for his actions. Without him, the Resistance began to fall apart. Very few remain under his influence. Skarmory escapes and is now missing. He hasn't returned since his trainer's death.

However, there is one thing that still gives the Resistance hope: His daughter. She must be found and be persuaded to become the Silver Girl. 

But it may be too late...

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