Chapter One - 'Welcome Back'

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Chapter One - 'Welcome Back'

It had been nearly a week since Vincent had died.

You had called in sick, for the first two days afterwards. It had shocked and scared you, everything about it.

Mike had still been working at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria, though he had often called you and started complaining.

And now the day that you would go back came.

As you got out of the car, the wind whipping your hair, your legs were shaking, and you felt like they may collapse from beneath you.

Each step you took towards the pizzeria seemed to take a decade, each one stretching out, longer and longer.

You pushed the door open and was greeted by a happy Chica. A grin had reached it's way up her face, and her eyes were alight with joy.

"[Your name]!" Chica ran forward and hugged you.

"Hi, Chica." You smile weakly, trying to show that butterflies weren't whirling and twirling around your stomach.

"Mike would want to see you!" Chica exclaimed, grabbing your arm. "Come on!"

You follow Chica to the office, and just as you get close, you hear an annoyed groan from Mike.

"What do you want now, Chica?" He groaned, sounding tired and groggy.

"I've brought someone!" Chica chirped, before shoving you forward. "[Your name] is here!"

"Oh, hey." Mike's eyelids drooped, and Chica tutted.

"Try to stay awake for your friend!" Chica snapped, and Mike's eyes shot open.

Chica turned and left, bouncing away. You turn to Mike, smiling at Chica's strictness.

"You two close yet?" You ask.

"No way!" Mike protested. "She keeps making me bake pizza's with her!"

You laugh. "I thought maybe you and Chica would be getting on better?"

"Hmmf!" Mike snorts. "In your dreams!"


You and Mike do as you usually did.

You sat on the desk, headphones in, plugged into your Ipod.

Mike sat in the chair, holding the tablet, and flicking through the cameras with a face of concentration, eyebrows furrowed.

At 3 o'clock, you realize that you hadn't even gone to see the animatronics. You mentally slap yourself and jump up, diving out of the office.

You decide to see Foxy first. After all, he was your boyfriend and probably the most worried of all.

You push into Pirate Cove, and almost immediately see Foxy sitting on his stool. Hearing your footsteps, he raises his head and his ears pricked forward.

"[Your name]!" Foxy cries, jumping up and enveloping you in a warm hug. He holds your shoulders at arm's length, and plants a kiss on your forehead.

"Its great to see you." You smile happily.

"Great to see you too, Lass." Foxy says, his eyes gleaming with happiness.

"I better go and see the others..." You trail off. "Freddy is in a good mood, right?"

"I think so." Foxy nods, and you say goodbye, heading towards the dining area.

When you get there, the only animatronic onstage is Bonnie, the guitar strung over his back.

"[Your name]?" Bonnie says in surprise as you come into view. He pounds down the stairs and hugs you, and you smile.

"How's the performing?" You ask. Bonnie's eyes are twinkling excitedly, as if he wants to pour everything out.

"It's great!" Bonnie chirps. "Well, as good as singing the same song is." He adds, with a wink.


After saying goodbye to Bonnie, you decide to head to the kitchen. You suppose that you'd find Chica there.

Though you had already seen Chica and said hello, you still wanted to see how she was. And ask if she knew where Freddy was.

As you come to the kitchen, you hear the clatter of pans.

"I DON'T WANT TO MAKE PIZZA WITH YOU!" A shout comes out of the office.

You tilt your head to the side, guessing that it's Mike, and you walk to the office, peering in.

Chica's grinning, and then she plucks Mike off his seat, making him look like a toy.

"STOP IT!" He's screaming.

You snicker. No wonder he gets annoyed with Chica!

Chica carries him out of the office and then, seeing you, rather abruptly drops Mike.

He lands with a bang on the floor, letting out a yelp of pain.

"Oh, hi, [your name]!" Chica chirps. "I was just gonna make pizza with Mike. What are you doing over here?"

"I was coming to ask you if you knew where Freddy was." And with a glance at Mike, you add."But I see you're rather busy here, so I'll just go."

An angry moan of protest comes from Mike. "Get back here!" He says, and then raises his voice until it becomes a scream. "DON'T YOU DARE RUN OF- ow!"

Chica giggles and turns back to you. "Freddy's with Gold, I believe. Uh, backstage."

You nod, thanking her, before heading backstage.


You find Freddy and Gold backstage, as Chica had told you.

"Hey, guys!" You greet them.

Freddy whirls around, with a smile. "Hey, [your name]." He says calmly.

Gold whips around as well, knocking a screw driver off a table, which lands on the floor. "Crap." Gold mutters, leaning down and picking it up.

"How are you?" Freddy asks, glaring at Gold.

"I'm good." You say, curious as to what they're doing. "What're you building?"

"Nothing!" Gold and Freddy say in unison.

You glance wearily at them, before shrugging. "It's good to see you all. Pizza running good?"

"Yep." Freddy replies. "Business is good, all fine."

You think you catch a bit of guilt in his eyes, but you shake it off. It was probably nothing, anyway.

"I've got nothing to do, so shall I help you with whatever you're building?" You suggest, boredom clawing at you. Boredom is no one's favorite thing.

"Uh, no, we can handle it, thanks." Freddy's voice goes high-pitched. He was lying.

You don't bring it up, however. You just sigh and turn away, before waving a goodbye and heading back to the office to spend the last hour listening to music.


You do listen to music.

Whilst you listen to music, you stare at the little cupcake which Chica adores.

You think that Chica once called it Carl. But you aren't sure.

When the clock finally strikes 6 am, Mike stumbles into the office, his hair messy and cradling his arm.

"What ever happened to you?" You exclaim. Mike glares at you.

"Chica and you!" Mike complains. "You made Chica drop me, and then she dragged me back to the kitchen!"

"Sorry," You apologize. Whoops.

"Well, I'm going home." Mike declares and storms out of the building.

You chuckle at his dramatic exit, and follow after him, without the exaggeration.

You reach your car and jump in, starting it up and driving home.


First chapter, done done and done!

Mike's dramatic exit tho. XD

Bye peeps <3

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