I cant stand my brother, Adam!

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* For those actually reading this book, I AM SOOOOOO SORRY!!!! I'm back at school again, I'm full time riding at the barn again, which means I'm there 199 hours a month.
I know I haven't updated in forever, but I'm sick and it's my Jr year. I'm being surrounded by outrageous amounts of homework, tests and exams and it's only the first month of school!!!!!!😭😧😧😧😧😱😱😱
So finally I'm going to update, even though I have a massive test tomorrow!😏 hope you enjoy the chapter!!!!!!*


I grabbed all of the junk I threw carelessly into the closet and began to set it up next to my bed. Alex just sat on my bed watching me will a bored expression placed on his face.

"Ya know, you could help me, right??" I tell him arching my eye brow and staring at him accusingly.

"I could help you, but I much prefer watching~" he said with a cheeky little grin and a wink.

"Fine! I'll do it all by myself then" I muttered, and continued on with my work. I only paused to put on some music from my phone. The song I selected was 'Treat you better' by Shaun Mendas.

This song brought back many memories for me, I love the song, but most of my memories that are linked to this..... are.... ones I'd really, rather ............forget...........

Flash back:

"Stop!!! Please!!! No!!! " I cried, my hands were shaking and my knees wobbling. Tears streamed down my face as I was slowly trapped in a corner.

He almost seemed to smile as he saw my fear and panic rise. His smile was one of that looked like he had just gotten away with murder.

My heart pounded louder and louder, my arms out reached with my hands motioning for him to stop his advance. My legs felt like jelly, and my voice was hoarse and strained from screaming for help.

He almost seemed to laugh as I well near lost my sanity, it was the most innocent gesture I had ever seen from him, before he tried to run me over, for the fifth time this month, and for the fourth time that day.

My vision went black and I let out a scream, threw up my hands to shield my face.

End of flash back*

I looked down at my hands and they were trembling. It's been 5 years and my hands still tremble. I may have gotten over it, but my subconscious has never forgotten and was trained to prepare me for life or death situations at moments notice.

   I stopped what I was doing for a moment and closed my eyes and took a deep breath. told my self there was no danger, I am okay. It is something I live through every day.

   I opened my eyes, and to my relief, they had stopped trembling. I hope he didn't notice. I really don't like talking about THAT incident. I thought to myself.

That's right, I have PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder. It has never gone away, and probably never will. The things that happened to me for an entire year, I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

I sighed quietly and continued on my work. I was so focused I didn't notice the sound or even rumble of the car garage below us. 

It was only till I heard HIS voice that I realized who was home......

This is just great~ just what I needed! I thought to my self sarcastically.

Adam..... Is....... HOME!!!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi there! Sorry this is such a short chapter, I don't have much time and I wanted this chapter to be a bit dramatic.

I know those who are reading might have questions like:

Amy was in an abusive relationship????!

Answer: yea, kinda. No it was not Adam or some guy at her school. It was an even deeper cut to her pride, mental state ability, and her soul. You will find out in due time who the guy was😜

Who is Adam???

Answer: Adam is Amy's brother, she despises him because he is lazy, which is the exact opposite of how Amy is.
2. He is mean, ruins things for her, is cruel to her brother, which is something she just really can't stand.
3. She feels like he's throwing away her mother and fathers hard earned money because he doesn't care about his grades and is failing.

So yea.

My leg is much better, still two weeks of physical therapy left, and I can walk in 4 inch heels ( homecoming is in 2 weeks and I'm taking photos with friends) I can dance and jump around. I'm so happy to be back in the saddle and on my own two feet again!

Until next time!!!!~~~


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