Chapter 12: A Watery Grave

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Blaze slowly felt himself becoming conscious. Everything was cold, an unnatural cold. The sound of trickling water reached his ears, like a small stream in a mountain range. It circled around his stomach, flowing in some unknown direction. His head hurt as well, a dull throbbing around where the device was situated in his head. A small groan escaped him and he forced his eyes open to reveal... nothing.

He blinked, and panicked for a moment. He couldn't see! Everything was pitch black. He whimpered softly in the darkness and slowly pushed himself to his feet, or at least, what he thought were his feet. Cool water was running over his claws and dripping from his underbelly. He still couldn't see any of it though, and he gulped, wondering if he had gone blind.

A sudden flash of dying electricity sparked through the darkness, causing him to yelp, turning his gaze away, shielding himself from the sudden brightness. It faded away as quickly as it appeared however, and he let out a small sigh. So he wasn't blind, it was just incredibly dark. He relaxed his gaze, and mentally reached out to any heat sources around him. His vision flickered to what looked to be infra-red, and he turned around, looking through the room  that he could now see.

There were three main bodies of heat in the room. His, and two other dragons. He was unable to see in colour but he could guess what species they were by the shape. One was Reha, the water dragoness. The very fact that she was radiating a small amount of heat meant she was alive, though at the moment unconscious. The other was the wind dragon, he still didn't know the drakes name, who was slowly beginning to move, his muffle groans of pain rather loud in the silent room.

Blaze walked over to the unconscious dragoness and softly nudge her, wondering if she was alright. A small moan came from her and she began to move, the water around her rippling softly. He let out a sigh of relief and turned to look back at the wind dragon, wondering if he was alright.

"Hey," he said softly in Drakin, trying not to startle him.

A low growl escaped the drake, "Who's there? What have you done to me?"

"Nothing," Blaze quickly reassured, "We're just in an incredibly dark area."

The wind dragon was silent for a moment, "What on earth happened?"

This time Blaze hesitated, thinking back to what he had happened. The degree of power that had washed through A.O.D.H, the earthquakes and the destruction. The large metallic pillar that had ran through the earth, cutting apart the metal walls and crushing every dragon that it came in contact with. He shivered as he remembered the electricity that ran through it, knocking them unconscious.

"I don't know," he replied, shivering softly.

The wind dragon frowned, "Who are you? I can't see so I don't know."

"Blaze, the fire dragon. The large one," was the reply.

"Aah, okay. I'm West," he said, "That wind dragon."

"I know, I can see you," replied Blaze with a small smile, before looking down at Reha as she slowly got to her feet, looking around slightly panicked, "Hey, calm down Reha, you're alright."

The water dragoness yelped softly at his voice, jumping away and hitting her device on a piece of metal hanging from the ceiling. It was yanked of instantly, falling to the water on the ground with a small splash. Blaze was silent as he stared down at the device, the cool greens and blues it was giving off a fair indication that it was well and truly dead.

Heart beating against his chest he reached around with his tail and hit the device in his own head. He growled softly as pain lanced through him at the movement, but it was followed by the satisfying sound of a clank. He breathed out slowly, disbelief flooding him. He was free! Well and truly free! He let out a small rumble of happiness and turned to West, who had his head cocked to the side, wondering what was going on.

"I...I can't see," stammered Reha, her wings drawn tight around her body, "Why can't I see?"

"It's alright," Blaze reassured, "It's just very dark. You're alright."

The water dragoness gulped slightly, shivering in fright. She slowly nodded her head, though her body language said she wasn't exactly okay with the situation. None of them were.

"Hey... Blaze. You're a fire dragon. Give us some light," West said, flicking his tail as if agitated.

The larger drake narrowed his eyes, before snorting. He opened his mouth and let out a breath of flame, lighting up the room for a moment and revealing their surroundings. They were in one of the corridors, or at least what used to be a corridor. One side was blocked by rocks and boulders mixed with pieces of metal, while the other as sealed off by a sheet of metal that had been bent down from the roof. The edge was now pressed against the floor, water forcing its way underneath.

The fire faded and everything became black once more. Both West and Reha blinked as the flash of light momentarily blinded them. Blaze was able to have a good look around however, and the way they were trapped didn't exactly help them too much.

"That doesn't look promising," he said.

"W...what?" Reha stuttered.

"We're trapped. Rocks on one side and metal on the other, though the metal only looks to be a thin sheet," replied the fire drake.

"Could you melt through it?" asked West, the thud of his device echoing through the room as he figured out he could take it off, "Oh, and the devices can be taken off now it seems."

"I know," replied Blaze, walking up to the metal sheet, "I can try and melt it, if you two can withstand the heat."

"I... I don't... think that will be good," said Reha, carefully stepping forward, "There is a lot of water behind the wall. There is a lot of water all around us."

"How can you possibly tell that?" muttered West.

"I can... feel it," she replied, looking around in the darkness, "It's like the ocean."

"Oh great, so if we melt through the wall then we will drown? How about all the boulders and stuff. What happens if we get through them?" He asked.

"There is water behind them as well," Reha spoke softly, frightened.

"Oh, hurray for that," muttered West sarcastically, looking around the darkness, "Well we can't stay here forever. We'll die of hunger."

"I'm aware of that," said Blaze, looking around, trying to think of a way out.

He knew that his brother and sister would likely find this relatively easy, but he wasn't the smartest of the family, and the answer alluded him. He growled softly, thumping his tail against the ground and the water. How on earth would they manage to get out of this place? He growled angrily. There had to be a way, he refused to give up down here.

"How long can you hold your breath?" Asked Reha.

Blaze frowned at the question, "About an hour and a half."

"About half an hour," muttered West, "But I can create air bubbles to breath from."

The dragoness nodded thoughtfully, "Well, if you want, Blaze can melt away the metal. Water will come gushing through, but we can see if we can swim out."

The fire dragon nodded in agreement, "Good idea Reha. Will you be able to handle that West?"

The wind dragon snorted, "As long as we aren't crushed against the rocks I'll be fine."

He nodded, "Okay. Let's try this."

He opened his mouth and let fire flow outwards toward the wall blocking their path. Instantly the room was lit up again, causing the two other dragons to shield their eyes with their wings. Blaze winced as well, closing his eyes, but not letting the fire go out. He increased the heat as much as he could, focusing on the wall, but after a couple of minutes it became evident that breathing the fire wasn't doing much against the metal.

With snort he snapped his mouth shut, looking at the now glowing metal with a frown. It had barely heated up at all, or it didn't look like it had. The sizzling of the water at their feet and the increased heat around them said otherwise. The other two dragons shuffled uncomfortably, and West rumbled something unintelligible. Blaze snorted and began to breath fire again, casting another glow through the room, but it wasn't doing anything.

"What is wrong with this," growled Blaze, "I should be able to melt metal."

"Maybe you aren't as strong as you thought," said West, twisting his tail in annoyance.

Reha shook her head, "No, there's something different about the metal. It's... not what it was before."

"What do you mean?" asked West.

"It's... shinier then before," the water dragoness said a little nervously.

"Oh, well that's grand isn't it. The metal is 'shinier', making it stronger, obviously," West said sarcastically.

"Shut up," Blaze growled at the wind dragon, "She may be on to something."

He opened his mouth again, but this time instead of breathing out fire he held it in his mouth, creating something similar to a torch. He looked at the metal, frowning softly as he studied it, before his eyes widened. His mouth snapped shut.

"It's elronium," he said softly.

"What?" the wind dragon frowned.

Blaze ignored him and opened his mouth again, illuminating the room. He walked over to another wall, showing that it was also made from elronium, as was the roof and the floor. The only point which wasn't was the massive boulders stacked up against the other side of the room. Still, it didn't make any sense. Blaze was pretty sure A.O.D.H hadn't made any of their metallic base from elronium. Why would they when Silver was so busy building the machine? He grumbled, annoyed.

"You gonna tell us what's wrong?" grumbled West.

"Everything is made from elronium," the fire dragon said, "Everything. And I don't think I'll be able to melt through that."

"What's elronium?"

"Remember my sister, the metallic dragoness from before?"


"She breathes the stuff, and it also makes up her shell. It's the strongest substance known to man."

"Oh, well that's not good."

"But the walls weren't made from that before," said Reha shakily, "I'm sure of that. Why are they like this now?"

"I don't know," muttered Blaze, though he felt he had a fair idea.

They were silent for a moment, before West let out a frustrated roar, "Well I ain't given up yet. Is there someway through the boulders where we can go?"

The fire dragon shrugged and walked over to the pile of stone, using the light of his fire to guide the way. He climbed onto one, feeling water running over his claws and lightly pushed against the one on top. To his surprise, it moved. He let out a small roar of surprise as a thicker stream of water flow from beneath the rock and onto his face, dousing the fire. He stumbled backwards and the boulder fell back into place.

"What was that?" asked West.

"Found a loose boulder," he said, shaking his head before lighting up his fire again.

He pushed against the rock once again, and it moved, letting more water down into their cage, but this time he didn't allow it to put out his fire. He grunted as he heaved against the rock, trying to create an opening big enough for the three of them to get through. He looked down at them and gestured for them to come and help him.

Reha quickly moved up the rocks and helped push the boulder out of the way, while West watched with a small frown. Slowly they managed to loosen it until water cascaded over them. With a grunt Blaze gave an extra strong shove, sending the large rock to the side. A cry of alarm left Reha as she was shoved back off the rubble and onto the ground by a sudden wall of water that was opened. West yelped and jumped backwards while Blaze followed the water dragoness off the rock, landing with a thud on his back.

"Oh great! Now we're going to drown!" the wind dragon grunted.

Blaze rolled to his feet, watching as the water began to quickly fill up the room. Before long they had their legs covered and it was still readily rising. The light went out at one point, the fire dragon finding it difficult to keep his fire burning. An angry growl erupted when it did.

"If we die because of this... I'm going to kill you," West roared in the darkness.

"Relax. Follow my voice. The hole we created leads out into a large open tunnel with light."


"Yes, so quit your complaining and follow us."

Blaze kicked up from the ground, swimming across the water's surface toward the hole he had created, using the sound of rushing water as his guide. He felt something glide passed him, and blinked as he realised it was Reha, the water dragoness feeling almost comfortable in her natural element. She slipped up the stream of water and gripped the fire dragon's paw with her tail, guiding him through the stream.

West was forced to find his own way, but he managed, using his large wings to power himself through the water and into the gap. The pressure of the water above them was instantly noticeable, and Blaze grunted at the sudden weight above him, a few bubbles escaping his maw. He reached out with his tail and gripped West, fazing his vision to infra-red again.

There were a few more boulders above them, but the gaps between each were just large enough to allow them to fit, much to his relief. They continued up the tunnel they had found. Blaze suspected that it was made from the large pillar that had pieced through A.O.D.H. As they went higher light sparkled in streams through the water, allowing them to get a greater vision of the damage done to the base.

It was nearly frightening. They swam out of the tunnel and into a large underwater crater in the middle of the what was once an A.O.D.H base. It was like a meteor had smashed into it, driving deep into under the earth. The sunlight on the surface illuminated the area, revealing all the metal that was once human controlled. It had all become elronium, like the metal down where they had been trapped, the shining surface unmistakable.

They looked around with wide eyes, wondering what could have done such a thing. Dead bodies of dragons and humans alike floated through the water, attracting dozens of scavenging fish and other sea dwelling creatures. Below them a large shark drifted, seeming passive toward what was alive and instead digging into what looked to be half an earth dragon.

Reha blanched and tugged on Blaze's paw, gesturing to the surface. Her blue scales seemed a little pail then they usually did. He nodded his head and together they quickly swam to the surface, West following, also a little sickened by the view.

They broke into the fresh air and the fire drake took a big breath and sighed with a smile. He looked around as Reha's blue head broke the surface next to him, flashing him a grin. He smiled back and looked to his right to see West also come to the surface, breathing heavily. He laughed in disbelief, flapping his wings against the surface of the water.

"We made it!" cried a happy wind dragon, "We didn't die!"

Reha nodded her head, before looking down into the water again, grimacing, "But all those that did," she spoke quietly and with concern.

"There's nothing we can do about them," Blaze said gently before looking around for any land. Spotting the only piece of dry land around he moved his tail and began to swim toward it. The other dragon's followed, not able to take off while in the water.

They climb onto the shore, which was covered in debris, most of it being pieces of metal that were now elronium. Blaze shook himself out and walked up to a higher point in the island, looking around in interest. It seemed as if the rest of Diego Garcia had been completely destroyed, leaving only a one hundred metre stretch of land.

He snorted softly, before freezing as something caught his eye, "Silver?" he grunted, seeing his unconscious sister in the sand, his idea of what had happened to the base now becoming a little more probable.

Hey guys! New chapter! I hope you enjoyed. Vote if you did and comment what you thought. Next chapter will be out soon, I should be able to get them out quicker now. See Ya!


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