Chapter 1- The List

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For once in their lives, the Winchesters had nothing to worry about. The apocalypse was over, Lucifer, Michael, and all other evil angels were dead, Jack was in heaven, helping the angels and not going crazy or anything, Crowley had agreed to stay in hell where he and his demons belonged, and nobody was releasing the Darkness or Leviathans or anything else creepy. Heck, even the other hunters had all the monsters handled. Dean and Sam were free for once. Free to relax for a while, and maybe find a case if they really wanted one.

Castiel decided to take advantage of this break to explore humanity. Sure, he had been on Earth for years, but there were still things he didn't understand.

His emotions towards a certain green-eyed hunter were one of them. 

Because of his interest, the Winchester boys would give Cas tasks. One of them was picking up groceries, which after a failed attempt, they deemed that someone always needed to go with Cas to the store. 

Which brings us to the present, with Cas wandering the store aisles clutching a loaf of bread, searching for Dean.

He skipped by a woman who was glaring at a phone-absorbed teenager. She scoffed as Cas went by.

"Typical teenagers," she commented. "No one ever appreciates the simple things in life anymore." Cas paused. The simple things in life? What did she mean?

Before Cas could turn to the lady, a familiar voice called out his name.

"Cas, there you are." Dean said in relief. "I thought you might've wandered into one of the freezers again."

"No, I know better now." Cas insisted. He held up the bread. "I got the bread."

"I can see that. Let's go home, okay?"

"Okay." Cas smiled innocently, and a few people shot Dean sympathetic looks that the angel didn't understand. Dean sighed at the looks, and led Cas towards the checkout.


A few hours later, Cas remembered the woman's words. And there was no better person to ask about human things then the smartest moose in the world.

"Sam?" He asked. The moose's head popped up from his laptop, where he was totally NOT reading smutty Drarry fanfiction. Why would he do that?

"Hey Cas, what's up?" he questioned quickly, trying to at casual. Cas frowned, glancing at the laptop before shaking it off.

"I was hoping you could explain something I overheard today." He explained. 

"Sure thing."

"This woman at the store said that people today don't enjoy the simple things in life anymore. I was wondering what she meant." Sam paused.

"Well, the simple things in life are just little things that go on in the world that everyone overlooks and take advantage of without realizing how much happiness they could bring you. Like, a sunset, for example. Everyone will look at them and say they're pretty, but no one really stops to appreciate them."

"I see." Cas thought to himself. "Could you name some more of these simple things?"

Little did Sam know what he had just started. 


"Dean," Cas declared, bursting into the hunter's room. Dean glanced up, taking off his headphones.

"Yes Cas?" he questioned, eyeing the paper Cas was waving around.

"I want to go on an adventure with you." he announced.

"Cas, no offense, but I think we've had enough adventure for a lifetime."

"Not that kind of adventure, Dean!" He handed him the list. "I have recently learned about the little things in life that are overlooked, and I want to experience them all, to really appreciate them."

"And how does this involve me?"

"Because I want you to come with me!"


"Cause I think you could use a bit more happiness in your life, and Sam says that these things could bring you a surprising amount of joy." Dean stared at Cas, then glanced down at the long list. 

It would be a great excuse to spend more alone time with the angel, one part of his brain insisted.

But it also sounds completely stupid, the other half declared.

But since when did Cas not do stupid things that Dean ended up not minding?

"Alright, fine." he agreed. "As long as the world's not ending."

"It's not." Castiel proclaimed. "I've checked."

"Well, then we'll start tomorrow."


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