Chapter 11: Music And Dancing

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Sam had texted Dean, saying he was only six hours away from the bunker, so Dean thought it would be best to take full advantage of the remaining time he had left alone with Cas.

Three hours later, the hunter spotted the abandoned list on the floor of his room, half covered by Cas's discarded shirt. 

Dean scanned the list, looking for anything he and the angel could do quickly, before Sam returned.

"Cas?" He muttered, smiling slightly.

"Yes Dean?" Cas said lazily, tracing circles on Dean's back.

"I found something else we could check off the list before Sam gets back, if you're up for it."

"I'm up for anything, Dean Winchester."

"Then put on some underwear." Cas groaned.

"Is that really necessary?"

"It'll be fun, I promise."


Ten minutes later, Cas wandered the bunker in the outfit Dean had forced upon him. Meaning that he was only wearing his button down white shirt, a pair of boxers, and some socks.

But the Winchester, dressed in a similar getup, was nowhere to be found.

"Dean?" Cas called out, wondering where the hunter could've disappeared to. The response he got was having Bob Seger start blasting out of the bunker's loudspeakers, followed by a loud cheer from Dean.

"DANCE, CAS!" Dean ordered over the loudspeaker. "MEET ME IN THE LIBRARY!"

So Cas ran to the library, but only found a broom waiting for him. He turned, just as Dean slid into view, a hairbrush in his hand, singing along to the music.

"I like that old time rock n roll!" He bellowed as Bob Seger's voice echoed through the bunker. 

"What are you doing?" Cas questioned, very confused.

"Risky Business! One of the most iconic movie scenes of all time!" Dean exclaimed. "Tom Cruise!"


"...Okay, that's what we're watching later. But for now, dance with me Cas! Dancing and music were both on the list!" Cas shrugged and gave in.

He and Dean danced around the bunker, sliding around in their socks as Dean sang along to the song. He even jumped up on one of the tables, singing his heart out and dancing as Cas laughed and spun around.

"STRIP!"  Cas ordered, and Dean threw a sock at him. 

They ran all through the bunker, sliding down the halls and bouncing on the beds. 

The music eventually switched from Bob Seger to Kansas to Aerosmith, and the two of them eventually collapsed on a couch in their ridiculous outfits, and just listened to the music.

Dean eventually fell asleep, lulled by the soothing sound of Classic rock, but Cas remained awake, curled up next to the hunter and enjoying the music.

Sam Winchester was very confused when he entered the bunker to the sound of Van Halen's Eruption at 3 am, but he decided not to question it.

And when he spotted the discarded shirts on the floor, he decided to just go to bed, and not bother to look for his brother and his supposedly secret angle boyfriend.

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