Chapter 17: Trees and How To Climb Them

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As soon as the ground outside was clear of snow, Dean and Cas headed out to the field, set on checking off another item on their list of Simple Things.

"What are we gonna do when this list is over?" Dean asked. Cas paused, thinking about it.

"....What would you like to do, Dean?" He questioned. "The world is ours." Dean grinned.

"Well, I'd just like to stop dying all the time."

"I like that plan. It saves me a lot of paperwork."

"You have to do paperwork when I die?" Cas nodded.

"And to get you out of hell the first time?" He groaned. "You have NO IDEA how much work that took."

"Well thank you for liking me enough to suffer through hours of horrible paperwork." Dean teased, kissing his angel. 

They stopped in front of a large tree, bare of leaves, but with dozens of branches that made it easy for climbing.

"Come on," Dean insisted, climbing up into the tree. Cas tilted his head and watched the hunter scramble up the branches.

"What is the point of climbing trees?" He asked, not quite understanding. Dean paused.

"It's....." Dean shook his head. "You just have to see it, Cas. Climb up!"

Cas grabbed one of the branches with his hand, and swung his foot up on the same branch. Having thrown himself off balance, Cas did a half flip, slipping off the branch, and dropping to the ground with a hard thud.

Dean burst out laughing as Cas picked himself up and scowled.

"Graceful." Dean commented, climbing down the tree and gently dropping to the ground. "Let me help you."

After several failed attempts, and eventually ditching Cas's trenchcoat, for he had gotten it caught on everything, and had stepped on it a couple times, Dean was able to successfully help Cas climb up to the top of the tree.

"I do not understand the concept of this." Cas insisted. "What's the point of holding branches and climbing up trees, only to climb back down, or inevitably fall and get hurt?"

"There's more to it then that." Dean explained. "Climbing's easy, and if you get to the top, then you can see everything around you differently." Cas looked out at the field, slowly understanding what Dean was talking about. "Besides, climbing trees is...." Dean sighed. "It's an easy way to escape the rest of the world for a little while. It's a nice place to let your mind wander and forget everything awful."

Cas glanced over, studying Dean's expression.

"You've spent a lot of time up in trees, haven't you?" He presumed. Dean nodded.

"Yeah." He offered. "It helps me think." They settled in the tree, and for a few minutes, all that could be heard was the sound of the breeze whistling past them.

"What are you thinking about now?" Cas asked suddenly, breaking the silence. A slow smile spread across Dean's face.

"I'm thinking...." He began. "That all the crap I've put up with in my whole life seems worth it because I'm with you." Cas smiled.

"That's very sweet of you to say."

"What about you, Cas? What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking...." Cas tilted his head. "That I spent so much time trying to please the other angels when I could have been right here with you. And I should have made a list of simple things years ago." Dean laughed.

"I don't think I'll mind when the list ends." He admitted.

"Why not?"

"Because, even if the list is over- you'll still be here." Cas nudged him, grinning.

"Oh, I'll definitely be here." He declared. "You're too hot to leave." Dean shoved him, and Cas slid off the branch, crashing out of the tree with a shocked yelp.

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