The Sims 2 GBA Walkthrough

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[1.01] Guide

Hi, everybody. By now, you should know me on the Sims 2 arena, I have a large

range of guides on those games. Anyway, welcome to my fifth guide. Well, first

of all, this is not the Sims 2 from PC transferred to the GBA. Well, that

could happen, but the time to create all that data and transfer it to GBA will

be impossible, unless, a GBA cartridge can hold about 4 gigs of memory. This

is basically a follow up of the Urbz - Sims in the City, which was my second

guide. Although many consider the Urbz was a better game, this will entertain

you for quite some time. Have fun!


[1.02] Version History

Version 0.1 [4/11/05]

My fifth guide. Lets begin.

Version 0.2 [5/11/05]

Finished most of the walkthrough

Version 0.3 [6/11/05]

Finishing the rest.

Version 0.4 [18/12/05]

Fixing up the nitbits.

Version 0.5 [20/12/05]

Added ASCII art to title.

Complete [26/1/06]

Finishing off bits and pieces.


[2.01] Create a Sim

First things first. All you have to do to start is to create a Sim. Give you

Sim a name. Well, that is how people know who you are. Press select to change

your capital letters into non-capital letters

After you finish, click on the done key. Now onto phase 2. You have to give a

gender to your Sim. After the gender, you have to give a skin tone to your Sim

so make him / her any colour you like.

Now, phase 3. You have to select a hair style for you little Sim. You only

have four choices so pick one. Now, you can pick the hair colour of your

little sim. Change the direction on the pad to change the colour.

Phase 4 and you select what type of shirt you want your Sim to have. Then you

get to customise your shirt. Pick any colour and move on.

Phase 5 and it involves what leg wear you want your Sim to have. It is

basically the same as phase 4. After that, choose what colour your shoes are.

Now you get to choose what aspiration you want your Sim to have. There are

three aspiration as opposed to the 5 in the Sims 2 for PC. You get to have

friendly, romantic and Intimidating. You get ratings for having conversations

that involve your aspiration.

Now, confirm and you can enter the outside world.


[3.01] Starting

After Mr Boss finishes chucking a hissy fit, you get your first orders. Press

Start to find out.

Go Upstairs and Explore the Town

After you see the house that you will be living in, go outside and you will

see Dusty Hogg, a character than came from The Sims Bustin Out, and the Urbz

Sims in the City. You will have your first, proper conservation with this


Have a nice look at that chat screen. Get used to it, you will be seeing it

a lot. For every successful interaction, the rating bar, on the right will go

up. For every negative interaction, the rating bar will go down. Your

objective here is to complete this conservation by filling up the diamond.

Now, after you finish, you will have new plot points.

Buy a piece of furniture from the Pawn Shop

You have 499 Simoleons to spend at the pawn shop. Move up the road and you

will have a cutscene of the pawn shop. Enter it and Dusty will be in there.

You will be told that the shop gets more stuff everyday so keep checking. The

things you need right now is a bed and shower. They are the move important at

this current point. After you buy the stuff you need, you will finish and get

a new plot point

Use the Toilet.

Hurry home to use the toilet. You will be filled in on the performance meter

at the bottom of the screen. Hurry home to use your newly installed toilet.

When you arrive at your green toilet, you see a green alien. Now that is

weird. Guess aliens have to use toilets as well. Well, talk to him.

You are forced to leave the bathroom. Then you are told by your boss that the

alien is Burple, an alien actor he hired to stir things up. Now you have some

more orders.

Intimidate the alien off the toilet.

Now start the conservation with intimidating conversation. Just annoy and

insult the alien until the diamond is full red. After that, Burple will go

away and you recieve new plot points

Fix the toilet

Meet Daddy Bigbucks in the boardroom downstairs

First of all, go to the toilet and choose repair. The toilet will turn white.

Now, use the toilet. Time to move on. Go downstairs. To open the door, you

have to go to the valve to open it. Open the door and move in. Now, you get

to make Commerical Breaks. Its like a mini game where you earn your money. You

will be made to do them every now and then so get used to it. You will be told

that while you were busy, Dusty wanted you.

Go to the Saloon to see what Dusty wants

Before you go, you get a Cell Phone. Before you go, place down the items. You

should know how to do it. Go to your inventory and select the item. Then move

the D pad and place it. Use R and L to rotate it.

Now head to the saloon, its near the pawn shop. Its after the gate by the way.

You get a welcoming party. Enjoy!

Episode Complete.

At the end of the episode, you get rated by the Goths. You use the rating

points to get things like upgrades.


[4.01] Buried by the Mob

Stars *

Mobster Frankie Fusilli has a favor to ask of just about everyone in town.

Where do your loyalities lie?

When you move towards the door, you will get a message from Jimmy "The Neck".

It looks like he won't move so lets give him some insults. This guy takes a

while to intimidate so what your moves. After that long conservation, you get

some new plot points.

Find and return the briefcase to Jimmy "The" Neck

Invesitgate the pawn shop and the Saloon for clues

Gain Frankie Fusilli's confidence

Lets head to the saloon. When you enter it, you will find a pile of sand to

the left hand side. You'll investigate the pile. Talk to Dusty and he'll tell

you about his broken freezer door. Remember this for now. Head over to the

pawn shop. You might as well check what is in store. When you head to the

store, go to the left and open the door. You'll see another pile of sand, this

time with some paint and glass.

You have completed this plot point. Head to Frankie's house for the next one.

He is below your house. Wow, what a nice house. Enter the house, through the

door and give him a What's Up. His daughter has been down for the last few

weeks and you have to cheer her up.

Make Friends with Ara Fusilli

Ara is next to the casino, north of the pawn shop. She won't move an inch with

the What's Up button and she doesn't look too happy. Give her a friendly

conservation and make her happy. After that, you get a new plot point.

Get something to distract Giuseppi Mezzoalto so Ara can get to the Casino

So to the pawn shop and get the paddleball for 250 Simoleons. Give the paddle

ball to him as a gift and he'll be distracted. Such a simple thing, so easily

amused. Before you do anything, head to the Zoo, two screens west and talk

to the Zookeeper and ask for an errand. We'll do this later.

Now, head back to Frankie and his house. You and Ara make up a great story and

you get a new plot point.

Speak to Jimmy the Neck about what you learned

Jimmy is next to your house so talk to him. After you have a nice chat, you

get a shovel and a new plot point.

Dig in the desert and bring the briefcase back to Jimmy

Now to finish off some unfinished business. The errand you needed to do. To

give the plug to Kayleigh, you need to go to the power plant. You have to go

to the parking lot and up those stairs. After you are on the platform, head to

the room at the far back. Give the item to her and you have finished the

errand for this episode.

For the hidden want, you need a mechanical point to fix the freezer. Head

south from your house and go across the foot bridge and talk to the guy. You

can buy the mechanical book for 175 Simoleons. Read the book and head back to

the Saloon. Fix that door for the hidden want to be done.

After you have fixed the door, head back to where you bought the book. Head

south and you will find a pile of sand. Dig there with your shovel and head

back to Jimmy. Give him a Whats Up and you finish the episode and get the

Super Drencher Tool


[4.02] What Digs Beneath

Stars *

Something strange is lurking under the arid sands of Strangetown. Is it a

friend ... or a foe?

You begin this episode with Jimmy going on about how elephants sat on him.

You sure it wasn't the other way around Jimmy? Anyway, you see a giant white

rat. Jimmy finds it cute. Then you see another one. Where are they coming from

you wonder?

Investigate where all the rats are coming from.

First of all though, head to Frankie's house and search the chimney. You will

find the Microfiche so give it to Jimmy, thats is your hidden want complete.

While we are sidetracking, we might as well get the errand out of the way. Go

east from the main town as talk to Jebediah. He wants you to give a luxury

chair to Mrs Hogg. She is normally at the power plant so find her and give it

to her. That is the errand done for this episode.

Now, back to the main quest. Head north of the town and go west to enter the

salt mines. After you talk to Lord Mole, you will be encountering Penelope

Redd and she will ask you about the moles and she thinks that they are going

to make some suicidal weapon of mass destruction.

Pluck the spines of a flowering Spiny Cactus

Acquire a chuck of fissionable plutoium

Find a pair of rubber waders

Get a pile of scrap iron

Anyway, head to the workshop north of you and talk to Optimum Alfred and you

will start to play Chop-Shop. After that, you realise that you are not strong

enough to get the iron so you have to get Jimmy.

Find someone strong to help rip out the iron

Be friendly to Jimmy and he will follow you to the factory and help you rip

out the iron. Now we have the iron. Head to the pawn shop and buy those gloves

for 450 Simoleons. You will need it to pluck needles. Head south from your

house and go to a cactus. Pluck those needles. That is another one completed.

Head to the Casino. Talk to Luthor and for a small price of 300 Simoleons, you

will recieve a chuck of plutoium in the mail. Is that safe? While you are

there, talk to Pepper Pete and he will tell you where you can find some waders

that he lost.

Dig Up the waders in the field behind the factory.

Pick up the plutoium behind the City Hall.

To get the second objective, go to the mail and pick up the note. Then head to

city hall, go behind it, near the tunnel and go pick up the plutoium. Now for

the waders. Go behind the factory, via the right hand side and dig the patch

of sand. Now you have the waders and the final objective

Return to Lord Mole with all of the items

Simple. Go to the mole and give him the items. Make sure that your aspiration

meter is full, the hidden want and errand complete for the full ratings. You

will go to a commerical break before you enter. After you enter, you will face

a showdown with Penelope or the Mole. Choose what team you will side for.

Choose who to side with by talking to Penelope Redd or Lord Mole

Choose who you want and you will play a strange human mole whacking game. If

you sided with the mole, have to hit the humans, and vice versa. The result

of it will end the episode.


[4.03] Aliens Arrived

Stars ****

Buy the Weirdness Plot Twist to unlock.

The shrewd Emperor Xizzle launches a full scale invasion ... with a twist: you

may not be able to find his army. Be careful!

You talk to Dusty whether you should build a dirt track here or not when Tank

comes along acting pretty weird. He wants you to deliver something.

Give Tank's "bonquet" to Kayleigh.

Lets sidetrack here. The Errand for this level is from Ava in the Gothic

Gardens and she wants you to deliver a bottle of green goo for Penelope. So,

lets head off to the Gothic Gardens, west of the nuclear power plant and find

Ava. She will give you the errand and you have to give it to Penelope. Thats

the errand done.

Back on the task at hand. Dusty and Kayleigh are at the power plant discussing

what Tank is up to as he seems a bit weird. Dusty also has the bonquet of

flowers and when you give her your flowers, Kayleigh decides to confront Tank

at his barracks.

Confront Tank at his barracks about his gift

When you arrive at Tank's barracks, you see Tank, denying that he was the

person that wanted you to give the flowers. Then, Tank walks in. Another Tank!

Then, the other tank runs out and you see that it was an alien imposter. You

have to sort out alien from human.

Check the Canyon and Dam areas for a way to reveal alien impersonators

When you go to the dam, you find that aliens what water.

Drench those aliens.

Pull out the drencher that you got from Jimmy earlier, and start firing! Once

you fire on an alien, they reveal their plans to destroy ... a dance club?

Go to the Dance Club to save it from the aliens.

Opposite the factory is a dance club, with a music note on it. Enter it and

try to save it from the aliens. Its a trap and you are captured and place in

the salt mines. Talk to the Lord Mole.

Enlist the aid of Bigfoot and Optimum Alfred to defend the town.

The Lord Mole suggests that you move to the north western corner and dig a

hole to escape. You will be at the dam and kill the aliens. When you dig out

of the hole, go to the factory and you will find Optimum Alfred who wants you

to do a favour for him.

Clear the Factory of aliens, then speak to Optimum Alfred

First of all, go to the Dance Club and kill all the aliens. That will complete

your hidden want. Then, do the same at the factory and speak to Optimum Alfred

who will guard his shop. Then talk to Bigfoot, he is near the tunnel that

leads to the power plant. After you talk to Bigfoot.

Return to Lord Mole

Head back through the tunnel you made and talk to him. After you talk to him

Clear the Dam of aliens, then speak to Lord Mole

Yep, were going on a water shooting spree. Kill every alien in sight. When you

finished with the aliens, report back to Lord Mole for the final kill.

Stop the aliens at their ship near Jebediah Jerky's Ranch

Head over to the ranch and pull out your water pistol. Follow the bottom

pathway to the staircase and keep following the trail. Now, see that orb on

the ground? Use it and it will make you an alien. Now enter the ship.

Disable the aliens' weapon in the computer!

Head over to the computer and rewire it and watch as the emperor blows it all

up. Watch the cutscene and that is the end of Season 1.


[5.01] Blackout!

Stars **

A suspicious power failure at the Power Plant raises question of sabotage. Is

the guilty party one of your friends? Or are greater forces at work?

You start off by talking to Pete and Kayleigh with Pete having a crazy idea to

build a sundial with chewing gum when BOOM!, there is an explosion at the

power plant.

Investigate the explosion at the Nuclear Plant

Time to break off the main task. Lets run the errand shall we. Head down to

Frankie's house. He wants you to deliver a black and white lava lamp to Luthor

so find Luthor and give it to him. He should be lurking at the dance club that

is near the mines. Then, head off to the Ranch and Jebediah wants to get some

green goo or whatnot. We'll have to come back later. Now head to the Nuclear

Power Plant.

Bring 10 Nuclear Fuel Rods to Momma Hogg

Ask about town about the little insignia

Once you finish the conversation, you will get a phone call that Kayleigh has

fallen ill. Head to the medicial centre near your house. After that little

chat, you return to your quest.

Look on the floor for those fuel rods. It are all over town so keep looking.

Go to the pawn shop later and talk to Ava. She will tell you what the insignia

is and tell you that Kent Hackett used to be Chaz Dastard.

Anyway, when you have the 10 Nuclear Fuel Rods, go back to the Medicial Centre

and give them to Momma Hogg.

With Kayleigh in a strange mood, you have to find Kent. He is in the warehouse

so go there.

Investigate the Warehouse

Go south to the warehouse where Kent is. Then you see something is wrong.

Find a way past the locks and enter the Warehouse

The vents normally open with picking the locks of the middle, then the left

and then the right. Failing to pick the right one will land you in prison.

When you finish picking the locks and enter, you will see all those fuel rods

that Kent is hoarding and you pass out. You end up in hospital and you are

told to find someone with Safety Suits

Recover Kent's nuclear rod stockile

Get the radiation protection from Penelope Redd

First, go to city hall and talk to Penelope. She says that she can make the

whole suit if you get her some Skin Cream and some thorium.

Get the Skin Cream from Misty Waters

Find Thorium in the Salt Mines

Go to the salt mine and talk to Lord Mole. He tells you that you need to use

your Super Drencher on the salt walls to find the metal or gold. Then, go

around the mine and soak all the purple crystals. You will find the thorium in

the end. If not, keep looking. Now to get the skin cream. You will find Misty

in the Gothic Garden but you have to cough up about 1000 Simoleons.

When you have finished, go back to City Hall and give the items to Penelope.

Then head to the warehouse. Then Commerical Break.

When you come back from the commerical break, go and take all those nuclear

fuel rods. On the base of the warehouse, take the bottle of green goo and

give it to Jebediah, who wanted it earlier remember? That should complete the

hidden want for this episode. When you pick them all up, you recieve a phone

call that Kayleigh is better. So to the factory and give the 45 Nuclear Fuel

Rods and that will complete the episode.

Episode Complete!


[5.02] A Brand New Scent

Stars **

Kayleigh Wintercrest's sweet new perfume has surprising effects on the single

men of Strangetown.

You start off with you talking to Honest Jackson, who has fallen for Kayleigh

and her perfume. You get your orders after Jackson stops his love talk and

gives the orders

Use the Pawn Shop Telescope to spy on the eligible bachelors of Strangetown.

Look at all those 6 locations.

Dust Vale - Tristian and Giuseppi talk about horses

Death Gulch - Nothing

Nuclear Plant - Emperor Xizzle talking out loud

Canyonero Grande - Nothing

Strangetown Zoo - Jebediah and Sancho talking about beetles

Wastelands - Auda and Ara

After you finish spying, you have an new objective

Go see Honest Jackson at City Hall.

But first, time to sidetrack. The hidden want is started by going to the right

room in the casino and talking to Misty Waters. Now, head outside and talk to

Penelope. Then, head to the Gothic Gardens to talk to Ara and head to Ara'a

House and talk to her. Then head back and talk to Misty and finish that want.

Talk to Honest Jackson and he is basically making you take out all those other

competors to get to Kayleigh. First, we do the errand for this episode. So to

the Salt Mines and talk to Lord Mole. He will give you a map which you have to

give to Penelope. Give it to her and that will finish the errand for this


Ruin Sancho's gift for Kayleigh

When you head to the Zoo, you will find that Jebediah has information about

the beetle. Head to the ranch and talk to him.

Ask Jeb what he knows about the Desert Fuzz Beetle

You will find Jeb at his ranch. Talk to him. Jeb says that when dry, the

beetle is a cute thing. When wet however, it will be the nastiest thing

around. You know what to do.

Soak the Desert Fuzz Beetle with your Super Drencher

Head back to the zoo and go past Sancho. The beetle looks like a overgrown

mouse with blue fur. Time to drench it. When you drench it, it looks like a

overgrown green beetle. Too bad Sancho, better luck next time. After that, its

time to report to the head boss.

Go see Honest Jackson at City Hall

Well, go see him. He wants to ruin another person in the running. His mayor is

turning evil. And its terrorism!

Ruin Adua's reservations at the Casino

Well, head outside and go to the Casino. Talk to Pepper Pete and he'll say

that ruining the reservation is none of your business. Well, time to do it the

dirty way. Well, start a friendly conservation with him and he'll agree that

he'll stop Auda's reservation. Thats 2 down. Time to see the Mayor.

Go see Honest Jackson at City Hall.

Well, the mayor has fallen for Kayleigh good and you have to ruin another

suitor, Tristian. Time to stop the horse ride. Well, talk to Tristian who is

at the ranch and he will say that Kayleigh hates the mess. Giuseppi is

cleaning the mess. Lets see what we can do. Giuseppi is still cleaning the

mess and confirms that Kayleigh will dump him if she sees the mess. Time to

make it dirty.

Get manure from Jebediah Jerky to spoil the clean barn

Well, talk to Jeb and he'll say that you can get some manure but not to get

greedy because he nearly didn't make his quota. You will be forced to play

Cattle Cleaner and you get paid for it. You get some manure. Time to spoil

the barn. Go to the barn and soil it.

Go see Honest Jackson at City Hall

Lets see what he wants this time. He wants you to take down the final person,

the Emperor Xizzle. Lets head to the Emperor's last location, the Nuclear

Power Plant.

Find out what Emperor Xizzle's plans are, and foil them.

Now you see a cut scene with the emperor who wants some make up

Acquire Make-Up from warehouse.

Lets head down there. Talk to Kent and he will give you some expired make up

from 1986. Thats 19 YEARS!!! Lets head back to the Nuclear Plant and give him

some make up. Heh, he looks funny when he is invisible. Time to see the mayor


Go see Honest Jackson at City Hall

I really think this guy should join the mafia. See that mayor and he wants her

phone number? Head outside and we cut to a commerical break. After the nice

game, you see Kayleigh and see wants to dump the perfume. You have to find

someone, who isn't made of flesh and bones to dump it. Time to see Alfred

Find the perfume in the Kayleigh's office at the Nuclear Plant

Ask Optimum Alfred to dispose of the perfume safety

Maxis, spelling error. Anyway, head to the office and find the control panel.

Look for the hatch and you will find the perfume. Time to see Alfred and he

will dispose of it.

Episode Complete!


[5.03] The New Cola

Stars ***

A delicious new cola with a secret formula has an unexpected effect on your


Okay, you start with Ava and Dusty arguing over a ladybug swarm. Then Tank

shows up with a 6 pack of Cherry Guava King Chug Chug cola. He drinks it and

you will be placed in a mini game.

After that, you drink the cola and your SHRINK!?!, meanwhile, you see Kayleigh

at the power plant with an invoice of 500 nuclear fuel rods that are spent.

Now, you see that you have shrunk and you have to get to normal size.

Find a way to return to normal size!

Okay, follow the only path and Tank follows you. After a while you will see

some ladybugs. They look big and mean.

Defeat the Lady Bugs blocking the path

You realise that water doesn't effect them so move to your left. Then you see

that there is some repellent on the floor. Fill up your drencher with it and

fire on those bugs. That should get rid of them.

More ladybugs on the trail so have your gun, I mean, water gun, I mean, bug

repellent gun equipped. Then, the lights go out, and Tank starts running.

Find Tank!

First of all, kill the ladybugs attack you. Then find Tank. If those ladybugs

attack you, you will lose performance. To regain that lost performance, there

will be some jelly beans on the floor that you can eat. Eat them and find Tank

before its too late. Kill those bugs and go down the rope.

More ladybugs. They just don't quit do they? Kill those bugs and enter through

the wall. Kill those bugs guarding Tank and rescue him. Time for another job.

Intimidate Tank into Fleeing

Switch to your hand and start to intimidate him. Once you finish, he gives in

and start moving north. Wow, we see the black ladybug. Lets kill her. Its he

hidden want but I kill her cause she looks ugly. Anyway when you finish the

bugs and attack her, she will retreat so kill the two ladybugs that she

summoned and she will come down again. Repeat until she dies and that is the

hidden want done. By the way, there is no errand for this round.

Lets go back to Tank and make him follow. Try being friendly or intimidate

him if he doesn't follow. Head up the shoelace rope and you will see that a

can of that cola has been spilt. Do we drink it?

Investigate the Broken Bowl

Lets drink the Glug Glug cola. There no harm in that is there? Drink it and

you will be back to normal. Then Tank makes Dusty drink the cola ...

Episode Complete


[5.04] There Was This Mummy

When things start disappearing in Strangetown, your Sim vows to unravel the


Stars ****

Buy the Mystery Plot Twist to unlock this episode.

You talk to Penelope about being a lion tamer and that she gave that up to

join the FBI. Then Luthor comes up saying that he lost his gold medal or that

someone stole it. You have to find it since Penelope says this isn't a

Federal matter.

Find Luthor's gold medal

Head outside the dance club and you will see Bigfoot, who says a toilet paper

man took his favourite teddy bear *sigh* guess we have to find that too.

Find Bigfoot's teddy bear

Head off to the main town and you will see that Honest Jackson says that

Penelope has been captured. Well, that is another thing we have to find.

Find Penelope Redd

Go down the road and talk to Giuseppi. He will talk about the amount of sand

on the road. Lets dig it up and see. Down the road, is Ara. She says that she

hears a large sound in the desert about 7 pm and 5 am in the morning. Time

to investigate.

Head down the cliff road near the Ziggurat and you will see a mummy. He says

he can't be scared. Lets just see about that.

Intimidate the mummy to get into the Ziggurat

Intimidate him. Then he lets you into his home. You find the gold medal and

then some blood sucking flies come along. You need to get rid of them

to rescue Penelope. Lets find a creature expert.

Get some strong insect repellent

Time for the hidden want and errand. Note that the mummy follows you. Head to

the warehouse where Kent says it is on fire. Well, use your Super Drencher to

stop the fire. Hidden Want complete.

Head up to the town and Luthor will find his medal and all is good and well.

The errand is from Kayleigh, who is in the Saloon and wants you to deliver a

radioactive couch to Frankie. Thats the errand for this level.

Now, according to the mummy, we have to find a creature expert. Looks like

Sancho is our man. He can get some repellent, but he needs !?! 2000 Simoleons,

thats a lot. Time to start earning some money.

Give him the money and you get some repellent. Now to spray the flies.

Spray the tsetse flies in the Ziggurat

Lets head there and spray some flies. Kill the flies and advance further into

the home. Well, you see that Penelope is missing. Head outside and there is

Penelope. Seems she got out alive. You are about to see the mayor, when its

time for a Commerical Break.

We are back and we are talking to the mayor. The mayor seems happy to find

that Penelope is back. Then Bigfoot wants his teddy. Seems like we have to

keep moving. Mummy can tell if we are far or near so lets go. The bear is

near the ship, where the guy sells books. Is south of him, near the cactus.

Dig at the pile of sand. Then you will give it to Bigfoot and thats the end.

Episode Complete!


[6.01] Triassic Trouble

Oops! Honest Jackson has misplaced a dinosaur. Or, rather, its bones. Your Sim

can help him recover the pieces.

Stars ***

You are at the Saloon, when Jimmy wants you to go to Frankie and forgets what

he is about to say. Lets head to Frankie's house

Talk to Frankie Fusilli at his house.

Lets get the errand first. Talk to Pepper Pete and he will give you an invoice

to give to Sancho. Lets do that and get the errand out of the way. Sancho will

be at the zoo. While you are at the zoo, talk to Sancho and he goes on about

a Megalodon Jawbone and how he wants to see one. Go outside and go near the

bridge. Go to the side of the bridge and there is a patch of firt you can dig

at. Dig there for the Jawbone. Then, go inside and give it to Sancho. That

will give you the hidden want for this episode.

With that all said and done, lets head over the Frankie's House. Go in and

talk to him. Ara will be there and you decide to dig up Jeb's ranch. You can't

let him spot you says Frankie.

Dig up all the dinosaur bones on Jeb's Ranch.

Lets ride there and dig it all up. Jeb won't be around so just dig up all

those patches of sand. We have to pillage the sand and get the bones and sell

it for a tidy profit. There are 5 seperate bones to collect on Jeb's farm so

make sure you collect them all.

You will find a Dinosaur Tail Bone, a Dinosaur Spine Bone, a Dinosaur Skull

Bone, a Dinosaur Rib Bone and a Dinosaur Leg Bone. Now, lets get out of here.

Once you get on the road, you get caught by "Honest" Jackson and Jeb. Jeb

points out that you have dinosaur bones and Jackson, being as honest as he is

decides not to send you to prison since you've done his dirty work.

Put the bones in the proper boxes

Tell Frankie Fusilli about Honest Jackson's actions.

Jeb stands guard over you go use place them in the box via the A button. Once

you have done that, Jeb moves out of the way. Now its time to break the bad

news to Frankie. Go to Frankie's House and tell him. Frankie thought that is

was a trap and Daddy Bigbucks give you a call for a commerical.

After the commerical, its another day and Jimmy comes to deliver a message,

from Honest Jackson, except that he forgot the message he was meant to pass

on, so I guess we have to see him?

Go see Honest Jackson at City Hall

Well, you get used to this one before. Remember A New Scent? Well, lets see

what he wants now. Look like Honest Jackson screwed up big time. Apparently,

he sold the fossils on an auction when he thought he was programming Optimum

Alfred to send them to Minipolis. Looks like we have to get them back.

Recover the bones from the buyers for Honest Jackson

We have to examine the auction invoice. We have to find the five different

buyers get them back. First of all, we have to find Helen Hogg, Dusty's Mum.

She is at Dusty's place so go there. She won't part with them because she is

making a soup? What kind of soup is that? She will only part with it if Dusty

is allergic to Dinosaurs

Convince Dusty to pretend to be allergic to dinosaurs.

Well, lets find Dusty. Dusty is at the saloon. Looks like be have to be a good

friend to stop Dusty drinking that soup. Look like we have to be friendly.

When you are done, Dusty will say that the bones belong to everyone and he

will like to his mum that he is allergic. I think they checked him at birth

to see if he was allergic or not. Mrs. Hogg wants to get rid of the bone so

that is one thing down. 4 more bones to go.

Next on the list is Ms Kayleigh Wintercrest. She will be at her Nuclear Power

Plant as usual. She only wanted the spine for the DNA sample. She will sell it

to you for 500 Simoleons

Pay Kayleigh for the dinosaur spine

So pay her and you can have your spine bone back.

Thats 2 Down, 3 to go. Apparently, she is going to make hairspray with the


Next one, Misty Waters. She is in the Casino spa area so talk to her there.

She made the ribcage a chair? She wants to trade the Triassic chair for a

more expensive chair. What a rip off.

Buy a really expensive chair and trade it for Misty's ribcage chair.

Head over to the Pawn Shop and buy the Golden Chair for 3000 Simoleons when

you have the money. That is a lot of money for a bone. Jackson is gonna pay

for this. Misty will trade the golden chair as it is part of the BigBucks gold

collection. Time for the next person on the list.

Mr Bigfoot, who is outside Sancho's home. Bigfoot hurt his foot and needs

someone strong to help him out. He admits that they are stinky so be careful.

Get enough strength to massage Bigfoot's foot.

You can message his foot with about 4 strength. You basically tickle his foot

and you will get the leg bones back. There is only one more to go.

Ava Cadavra has the last set of bones. Ava want an artefact that is cooler

than the dinosaur skull so I guess we have to go treasure hunting. She says

that some impressive stuff can be found in the Mohokum Ziggurat as there are

macabre pieces there.

Search the Ziggurat for a really old decoration for Ava

Lets head off to the Ziggurat and find this decoration for Ava. Might have a

time looking. Mummy will stop you from taking the urn so you have to

intimidate him again for it. He never learns does he? Oh well, him to scare

him. Then you get the Egyptian Funerary Urn from Him. Give it to Ava and that

is the final bone.

Okay, lets head back to city hall and talk to Honest Jackson. Now we have to

find a place for these bones.

Find a place to display the dinosaur bones.

When you go outside, Frankie will call you and tell you to mess up the exhabit

and you now have two choices.

Assemble the skeleton correctly as Honest Jackson asked

Or assemble the skeleton incorrectly, as Frankie Fusilli asked.

The place we can place the dinosaur is the saloon. Dusty says that it is large

enough so lets start. You have to listen to him carefully and what he asked.

The right answer is Leg, Tail, Spine, Rib, Skull but it really doesn't matter

as it will be the same result anyway.

Episode Complete


[6.02] The Doomed Earth

An errant asteroid hurtles towards Earth, much to Emperor Xizzle's delight.

Stop this natural accident before it's too late.

Stars ****

Your see the Emperor looking at the asteroids and calls for Burple to help

him get a ship to flee. Meanwhile, at the Ranch, Jebediah is pressured by

Kent Hackett to sell his farm. Jeb need 500 Simoleons to pay the mortgage.

Give §500 to Jebediah

But first, lets sidetrack again. The errand for this episode is from Auda who

is in the dance club. He wants to deliver Shark Jaws to Dusty. So, find Dusty

who is in his home and give it to him. Now, back to the ranch we go and we

will give the §500 to poor old Jeb who is about to lose his farm.

When you give the money, Jeb will so all happy and Kent will come and plans

to take over the farm when Jeb shows him the money. Kent gets all pissed over

this foiled plan and then, a meteor comes out of space and lands on Jeb's

farm. Kent walks off all happy as the farm is basically worthless with this

giant crater in the way. Then, move around and Penelope will come along saying

that its all normal. She even quoted that she saw a pig with several heads.

She wants you to get a telescope to help look for more asteroids and warn

people of their impending doom.

Acquire a telescope.

Go to the barracks and talk to Tank. Apparently, the military doesn't have a

telescope. Lets look harder. Lets warm up to him a little bit. Start a

friendly conservation with him. Okay, warming up to him doesn't work. Lets

taunt him. That doesn't work either. So Tank doesn't seem to have the

telescope. Talk to Misty Waters and she'll say otherwise. Tank is spying on

Ara with his telescope and to get him, someone has to flirt with Ara.

Find someone to flirt with Ara Fusilli

Find Luthor and ask him. His not sure so make friends with him. He will agree

to help you out and you get your orders.

Meet Ara in front of Frankie Fusilli's house between 6PM and 11PM.

Go to that location. Ara wants Luthor to help move a bookcase so lets so

follow them.

Follow Ara into Frankie Fusilli's house.

Go into the house. Head into the fish room and you will find Ara and Luthor

trying to move the bookcase. Then Frankie comes in and wants to kill you and


Calm Frankie Fusilli Down

Start a friendly conservation with him. He'll calm down and let you go. Go

outside and you see Tank talking to Ara.

Check out Tank's place while he is still distracted.

Head over to his barracks and take the telescope off him. Now, give the

telescope to Penelope who is still at Jeb's Ranch. When Penelope sees another

asteroid, she is concerned and wonders who in town can help.

Ask around town for help in stopping the Asteroid.

Go to the factory and talk to Optimum Alfred. He will help you stop the

asteroid for a mere §5000.

Pay §5000 to Optimum Alfred

Just pay him.

Return to Optimum Alfred's Workshop after Midnight.

Just return when it is past midnight. Simple.

Destroy the Asteroid!!!

Use the teleporter and land on the asteroid. There will be a crack smack bang

in the middle so place the bomb there. Once you place the bomb, cut any wire

you want but to complete the hidden want, you need to cut the red and blue

wire to destroy the asteroid to kingdom come. Once you finish that, that is

the end of the episode

Episode Complete!


[6.03] It All Came to an End

In a scheme for higher ratings Daddy Bigbucks decides a tradegy should befall

Strangetown in this season ending cliffhanger!

Stars *****

You start the season finale with Daddy Bigbucks planning on make Optimum

Alfred amok. You need another bad guy according to Bigbucks. Time to get


Get a high-powered Super Drencher from Emperor Xizzle

Talk to the Emperor, who is in his little space ship and you have to convince

him why he should make a mega drencher. Intimidate the Emperor and that will

convince him that he should hand it over to you. Now you have a very strong

drencher. You should see Burple beam up and talk to him for the errand.

Drench Optimum Alfred to turn him evil!

The errand is to deliver a toy to the Emperor. Walk outside for a commerical

break. Finish the game and back on task. Anyway, head to the factory and give

Alfred, who is standing outside, a nice quick blast of water.

Anyway, after the blast, Alfred goes boom and Ara and Dusty come in. They then

wonder off to Tristan who probably invented him. You get a call from Daddy

Bigbucks to head off to the Office, which your Sim forgot about. Head there


Report back to Daddy Bigbucks in his Boardroom

Head back to the boardroom and Daddy is stand there waiting. Daddy now wants

to sell Alfred's parts online. So. you have new orders.

Find all five pieces of Optimum Alfred

Walk outside and talk to Mrs Hogg. She said she saw Alfred's head fly to the

warehouse. Lets proceed there. While we are going on the warehouse, you will

find Alfred's arm and torso so pick that up as well. When you arrive at the

warehouse, you will see Frankie with the head at his feet, so pick up the

head and move on. In the town, Tank saw a flaming hand fly to the greenhouse,

so lets head there next. On the way there, you will see the Emperor so give

him his toy. Now you will see Ava and Honest Jackson standing over the arm.

The realise that is it Alfred so take the piece and run. Head to the workshop

and you will see Jimmy. He says that a leg flew over to the dam. First, pick

up the pick of Alfred near Jimmy and then proceed to the dam. You will see the

feet at the beginning of the dam. Then when all five pieces of Alfred is

together, he talks. Yes, he realises that he was on a reality television show

and thought that you would stand up to Daddy Bigbucks. But you lost his trust

by killing him off so you have to find someone else to fix him.

Convince Tristian Legend to rebuild Optimum Alfred.

The hidden want is to get the Jar of Plutoium from Lord Mole's throne and give

it to Penelope Redd. She'll run off and that is your Hidden Want done.

Tristian is in the casino. Talk to him. He doesn't want to rebuild Alfred

because his time was nearly up so you have to convince him. Be friendly with

him and he'll help. Tristian built Alfred at the age of 5! So Alfred is over

30 years old.

Tristian rebuilds Alfred and Alfred rats you out by telling the town that they

are all on Television. Strangetown is a television show. The town fights you

and you end up in prison. They realise that Daddy B is the main crook behind

this. Daddy B walks in and gives you a choice. You can either continue to do

his bidding or go against him.

There are two alternate choices with two alternate paths.

"OK. just let me out!"

This one involves you convince 3 people that Strangetown is not a television

show at all. Also, you have to get rid of Alfred.

Convince three people that Optimum Alfred lied!

You have to be friendly with people so use friendly conversations with people.

Then, they will realise that Alfred went bonkers and lied about the whole TV

thing. You can talk to Mrs Hogg who is next Dusty's House, Pepper Pete who is

near the saloon and Ara who is in Frankie Fusilli's house. Now for phase 2.

Get Optimum Alfred to leave town!

Alfred is at the workshop. He agrees to leave town if you pay a sum of §4,000

to him. Alfred will leave town and Daddy B has arranged the town to do

something to you at the city centre. Head there to see what it is ...

I won't spoil the ending, watch for it yourself.

"I'm not your pawn!"

Daddy B decides he doesn't need you anymore and you have to try to get out of

the slammer.

Convince Jimmy the Neck to let you out of jail!

Talk your way out of trouble. Start a friendly conservation with Jimmy and he

will let you out ... on a condition

Destroy all of the town's surveillance cameras (one per area).

Right, lets get started. Use your super drencher on it to destroy it. The

first camera is on the side of the casino. Second, on Dusty's Home. Third is

next to the red ship, near the guy selling books. Fourth is on the warehouse.

Fifth on near the UFO crash site. That should be the last of the cameras. Time

to pay Daddy B a visit. Head to the Boardroom.

I won't spoil this ending either.


[6.04] A Very Special Reunion

Five years after the final episode, it's time to cash-in on Strangetown's

cult status. Help Kent Hackett find the best loved stars and most reviled

villians for one last action-packed adventure!

Stars *****

Unlocked by linking two GBA's together

You start off reading a letter that Strangetown has been cancelled. It was

replaced and now, you have to get the crew back again. Kent has already got

Ara, Kayleigh and Giuseppi to make a reappearance but they need a ride. And

Mayor Xizzle needs some convincing.

Convince Emperor Xizzle to host a reunion

Arrange a ride with Frankie Fusilli for Kayleigh, Ara and Giuseppi.

Well, lets convince Xizzle first. Start a friendly conservation with him.

After that, he will agree for host the reunion. Now, to see Frankie. When

you walk around town, you will see a lot of aliens. Now, kill them all

because like before, they can still harm you. Frankie will agree to help

you but you need to pay for Kayleigh and Giuseppi. For over 2000 Simoleons

to make him happy.

Walk outside and you will find Tank's pre-recorded message. Lets find him

as he needs our help.

Find Tank and convince him to attend the reunion.

First of all, lets do the errand. Go to the Ice Caves and you will find the

Yeti. He wants you to deliver something to Bigfoot. Before we leave, we head

to the fireplace and you will see Tank. Lets convince him shall we?

Knock some sense into Tank.

Lets be friendly. Okay, that doesn't help. Lets intimidate him. He says his

house was taken over.

Get Tank's house barracks back for him.

Lets go. Head outside and its that time for a commerical. Head over to the zoo

and give Bigfoot his doll. Thats the errand complete. Okay, back on task.

Inside Tank's house is Burple, who can't find the toilet. He will gladly

disappear for a mere 500 Simoleons. Pay the alien. Now, head back to the ice

caves to convince Tank.

Now, Tank goes and we have a reunion to go to. Lets talk to everyone.

Go to the Club for the reunion!

Talk to Pepper Pete on the way back. He is at the dam. Talk to Optimum Alfred

at his workshop. Lord Mole in his cave. Misty Waters in the sauna room of the

casino. Dusty Hogg in his trailer. Sancho at the zoo. Now, off to the dance

club. The hidden want is to play all five mini games and then talk to Optimum

Alfred. That is what I think it is. You have to talk to Alfred and he will

complete it. If not, leave and enter the factory and finish that want.

Walk in and you will see Ava, lets keep going. Then Xizzle comes in after the


Disarm the Bomb!

Hurry, lets disarm it! The "bomb" is behind the bush next to Misty. Then,

it will be fireworks and you and the Emperor Boggie.

Episode Complete!


[7.01] Skills

The store that sells skills is located south of your house, with the guy on

the red. Boat. You have 5 books on each skills.


Book 1 - Skill 1 - §175

Book 2 - Skill 2 - §700

Book 3 - Skill 3 - §1,550

Book 4 - Skill 4 - §2,800

Book 5 - Skill 5 - §4,375


Book 1 - Skill 1 - §180

Book 2 - Skill 2 - §720

Book 3 - Skill 3 - §1,620

Book 4 - Skill 4 - §2,880

Book 5 - Skill 5 - §4,500


Book 1 - Skill 1 - §175

Book 2 - Skill 2 - §700

Book 3 - Skill 3 - §1,575

Book 4 - Skill 4 - §2,800

Book 5 - Skill 5 - §4,375


Book 1 - Skill 1 - §150

Book 2 - Skill 2 - §700

Book 3 - Skill 3 - §1,350

Book 4 - Skill 4 - §2,400

Book 5 - Skill 5 - §3,750


Book 1 - Skill 1 - §150

Book 2 - Skill 2 - §600

Book 3 - Skill 3 - §1,350

Book 4 - Skill 4 - §2,400

Book 5 - Skill 5 - §3,750


Book 1 - Skill 1 - §200

Book 2 - Skill 2 - §800

Book 3 - Skill 3 - §1,800

Book 4 - Skill 4 - §3,200

Book 5 - Skill 5 - §5,000


[7.02] Saloon

The saloon sells food and water. It is above the pawn shop. The hostess will

serve you.

Hamburger - Hunger - §20

Cherry Soda - Thrist - §15

Root Beer - Thirst - §25

Iced Tea - Thirst - §20

Turkey Leg - Hunger - §30

Cheese Pizza - Hunger - §20

Hot Dog - Hunger - §15

Chicken Soup - Hunger - §15


[8.01] King Chug Chug

Don't let King Chug Chug catch you! Tap the A button repeatedly to run away.

But be careful: if you run too fast your cola will explode. Press Down to

drink and relieve the pressure, and Up to jump over obstacles.

This will be your first ever commerical for Daddy B. All you have to do is to

keep running from this Giant Cola thing and try not to burst your drink. You

have to tap A for a long time to get a decent lead but then, you cola bottle

will rise and when you see a red lining around it, you have to drink it to

relieve the pressure or it will burst and that will end the game. Also, if you

get caught by the Giant Psycho Cola Can, you get eaten by it and that will

also end the game. Look out for boxes of cola on the floor because if you trip

over it, you won't lose but it will slow you down a lot and let that Giant

Cola Can catch you and eat you. This game will probably do one of two things.

It will most likely make your finger on the A button feel pain and the second

is that your A button will get mashed and won't work.


Level 1 - None

Level 2 - Score 60, Hotness 1, Personality 1

Level 3 - Score 60, Hotness 3, Personality 1

Level 4 - Score 60, Hotness 4, Personality 2

Level 5 - Score 60, Hotness 5, Personality 3


[8.02] Car Commerical

Take Amazonite's latest ride for a test drive! Your quick responses to

marketing department slogans will boost your score! Careful though ... crash

this car and your score will drop.

This is the second commerical for Daddy B and it is by far, more entertaining

than the cola commerical. Basically, all you have to do is to drive the car

with A as accelerate and B as brake and the D pad as the steering. When a

slogan is on the top of the screen, you have to do it. Doing what the slogans

tell you to will net you points while crashing will lose you points. The

highest speed is on the indicatior on the top left hand corner and you have

to reach red when it means highest speed. It is by far the easiest of all the

mini games you have to play. Also, the car can go really fast.

Slogan | What you have to do


It's Fast | Drive at the top speed around the circuit


All Terrain Vehicle | Drive on the dirt or the grass but not on the road


Easy Handling | Pass though the middle of the two brown pole on the

| road


Stop on a Dime | Go at the highest speed and brake suddenly


Eco-Friendly | Go near one of the deer on the dirt and miss it


Dual-Side Airbags | You get to crash, on purpose. You don't lose points


Looks Great | You have to find on of those cameras and stop right

| in front of it or near it



Level 1 - None

Level 2 - Score 750 , Confidence 1, Hotness 1

Level 3 - Score 800 , Confidence 2, Hotness 2

Level 4 - Score 1000, Confidence 3, Hotness 4

Level 5 - Score 1500, Condifence 4, Hotness 5


[8.03] Bigfoot Loves Chickens

... but he's picky about their color. Use the + Control Pad to find the

correct color combination that will satisfy this sasquatch. Press the A button

to see if your combination matches Bigfoot's appetite!

This is more of a trial and error game. You get four chickens and you have to

choose which colour is the one that Bigfoot wants. Use the D pad to move the

colours. The left and right buttons will change the colour and the Up and

down buttons will change the chicken you are going to change. Note that you

have a time limit on this game. In the first few levels, you have pink, blue

and yellow to choose from. After about Level 3, you get another colour, green.

When you think you have the right combination, press A and Bigfoot will give

you a score out of 4. If you have 1/4, that means you have 1 right and 3

wrong. If you have 2/4, you have 2 right and 2 wrong. If you have 3/4 you have

three right and 1 wrong. If you get a smiley face, you have guessed correctly

and you win. Stick with a plan at first and it might work. For instance, I

choose all blue on Level 5 and get about 5300 Simoleons because it was under

3 seconds. Level 5 nets you a lot of Simoleons if you complete it faster.


Level 1 - None

Level 2 - Time Less Than 0:30, Intellect 1

Level 3 - Time Less Than 0:25, Intellect 2

Level 4 - Time Less Than 0:15, Intellect 3, Strength 1

Level 5 - Time Less Than 0:10, Intellect 4, Strength 2


[8.04] Cattle Cleanup

Help Jeb clean-up his farm. Fill your canisters by collecting poo! Watch out

for the charging bull and the green radioactive poo. If you have any methane

left, hit the L Button or R Button for a boost!

This game basically involves you cleaning up cow manure. You have to go around

in a tractor moving to the poo and you scoop it up. You will see a meter on

the top left hand corner and that will indicate how much poop you have in your

cans. There are 3 different types of poo to collect. There is the big blob of

poop, which has flies over it and that will contribute to one quarter of the

meter. Then smaller blob of poop, that looks like a dot, will contribute to

a quarter of a quart, one sixteenth of the meter if you like to the meter.

You need four of those for a whole quarter. The green radioactive poo is the

one that you need to look out for. That will lower the meter by one whole

quarter so be careful. Next to the meter is a can and a X sign. That means

that everytime you fill the meter, that is another full canister and you get

paid by the amount of canisters you have. Methane is from collecting poo and

if you use the boost, that will allow you to jump over objects. Obstacles

include stationary cows and one angry red bull. He will charge at you and make

you lose all your speed. Jump over him. Use the A button to move and B to

brake. By the way, the scoops for the poo are somewhat magnetic to poo.


Level 1 - None

Level 2 - Canisters = 8 , Mechanical 1

Level 3 - Canisters = 10, Mechanical 2, Strength 1

Level 4 - Canisters = 10, Mechanical 3, Strength 2

Level 5 - Canisters = 11, Mechanical 5, Strength 3


[8.05] Canyon Jumping

Tap the A Button repeatedly for a good take-off speed. After the jump press B

Button to pop out your wings. Use the + Control Pad to find a perfect angle

that will keep your speed up! Watch out for geese and weather balloons, and


This is by far one of the most entertaining games in the Sims 2. To start,

press the A button to take off. The best speed to take off on is on the red

bars. When you take off, press B to use your wings or else gravity will send

you elsewhere. Watch out for the weather balloons and geese, because they will

pop your speed back to zero and if you are near the bottom without speed, you

will fall and lose. When you get near the end, you will see and landing plank

so land on it at the right angle or else you will crash. Not landing on the

plank will crash you on the mountain and its game over for you. When you land,

hope that your speed doesn't make you crash into the mountain. When you finish

the landing, add 250 to your score and that will be your end score.

Level 1 - None

Level 2 - Score 950 , Mechanical 1, Intellect 1

Level 3 - Score 975 , Mechanical 2, Intellect 2

Level 4 - Score 1000, Mechanical 3, Intellect 3

Level 5 - Score 1050, Mechanical 4, Intellect 4


[8.06] Chop Shop

Welcome to Mr. Fusilli's private and not-so-legal chop shop. Help sort out the

various car parts. Press the A button to grab a part and use the + Control Pad

to pick a bin to drop it in. Your score is based on the bin with the least

amount of parts. So make sure you seperate them evenly!

One of the more repetitive games in the Sims 2. There are basically three

parts for you to sort out. There is the wheel, in blue, the engine in red and

the bottle !?! in green. Sort them out in the retrospective barrels to score

points. Try to even things out to get a good amount of points. In later levels

there will be bonuses. The will be a black and white screw thing and that will

count as one to any barrel you choose. There will be all three parts merged as

on which will give one to every barrel and then there is the battery, for

which there is no use. Keep your eye on the conveyer belt and the score at the

same time. This will help you. In the end, you should be able to get a score

of 15 quite easily.

Level 1 - None

Level 2 - Score 8 , Strength 2

Level 3 - Score 9 , Strength 3, Mechanical 1

Level 4 - Score 10, Strength 4, Mechanical 2

Level 5 - Score 12, Strength 5, Mechanical 3


[8.07] Keelhaulin' Cards

Collect pirate cards and earn three of a kind. Turn them in and watch your

pirate walk the plank. Play a ghost card for extra points! At the end of your

turn, don't forget to discard. First player with at least 200 points at the

end of a round: WINS!

The game is quite simple and confusing. You have to get three or more of one

pirate through drawing cards and picking up the discard of the CPU. Once you

have three or more, press A on this card and you will get to play it. You can

use a ghost card, a card this is lighter in colour than the pirate if the

ghost card is the ghost of the last pirate played. First player to finish the

game without any cards in their hand will win the vault next to the combo

pile. There are bonus cards with every level. There is the keg of rum, which

allows you to draw 2 new cards. There is the cannon, which subtracts points

off the CPU and there is the Bonus 5 card which gives you 5 points. A combo

or bonus card can only be played once per round, so your can only play a keg

once every turn. The more cards per pirate combo, the more points you will

score and add to the vault.

Level 1 - None

Level 2 - Score 200, Intellect 1, Personality 1

Level 3 - Score 200, Intellect 1, Personality 2

Level 4 - Score 200, Intellect 2, Personality 3

Level 5 - Score 200, Intellect 3, Personality 4


[9.01] Twists

To buy a plot twist, you have to use your rating points gained from your

episodes and that will allow you to continue.

New Plot - Weirdness

Cost - 50 Ratings Points

"Glowing lights, goofy gadgets, quirky contraptions ... make it happen!"

What is Does - Adds "Aliens Arrived" to Season 1 (Unlocks Episode)

New Plot - Mystery Plot

Cost - 50 Ratings Points

"What the audience wants is more intrigue!"

What is Does - Adds "There Was This Mummy" to Season 2 (Unlocks Episode)

New Set - Friendly

Cost - 65 Ratings Points

"Fun and frivolous objects will make the scene more festive and lively!"

What it Does - Changes your house to a decor that is more friendly

New Set - Romantic

Cost - 85 Ratings Points

"Add some pillows, soft music, and a little candlelight to set the mood in

your new pad."

What it Does - Changes your house to a decor that is more romantic

New Set - Intimidating

"A house full of bold and brazen items will certainly give viewers something

to talk about."

What it Does - Changes your house to a decor that is more intimidating

New Prop - The Chopper

"Get your paws on the throttle! Built by Dusty Hogg himself, this fine ride

will make you the envy of Strangetown."

What it Does - Gives you a bike to ride around town. Press A to change the

colour and ride. Its like walking except you move at a higher speed.


[10.01] Friendly

Chit Chat

Basic Friendly Move. High Level of success, low increase in the conversation



Secondry Friendly Move. Lower level of success, high increase in the

conservation bar. Continued failure in a conservation will lead to you being

embarrassed and the action will be blocked for the rest of the conservation.


First Move that can be bought

Wrap your arms around them and squeeze! Move can be bought for 50 Ratings

Points. Low level of success, high increase in the conservation bar.


Second Move that can be bought

You're pround of yourself and you aren't afraid to show it. This can be

bought for 80 Ratings Points. Average level in success and an average

increase in the conservation bar.


Final Move that can bought

Go on, say you're sorry. It's OK. Everything will be fine. This can be

bought for 100 Ratings Points. Very High level in success and a very low

increase in the conservation bar.


[10.02] Romantic

Note - This can be use on several members of the OPPOSITE sex.

Sweet Talk

Chit Chat

Basic Romantic Move. High Level of success, low increase in the conversation



Secondry Romantic Move. Lower level of success, high increase in the

conservation bar.

Blow Kiss

First Move that can be bought

Lighter than air and more romantic than a regular kiss. Move can be bought

for 40 Ratings Points. Average level of success, average increase in the

conservation bar.


Second Move that can be bought

Plant a big smooch right where it counts. This can be bought for 85 Ratings

Points. Low level in success and a high increase in the conservation bar.

Show off Bod

You're totally buffed up and proud of it. This can be bought for 120 Ratings

Points. Low level in success and a high increase in the convervation bar.


[10.03] Intimidating


Basic Intimidating Move. High Level of success, low increase in the

conversation bar.


Secondry Intimidating Move. Lower level of success, high increase in the

conservation bar.


You aren't going to take this lying down! Move can be bought for 60 Ratings

Points. Average level in success and average increase in conversation bar

Rude Gesture

This gesture is forbiden in over 30 countries around the world. Move can be

bought for 75 Ratings Points. Average level in success and average increase

in conversation bar.

Karate Chop

Fists of steel, feet of stone, stomach of iron. Can be bought for 115 Ratings

Points. This has a low level in success and high increase in the conversation



[11.01] Calls

Sometimes you will get calls give or taking away money and informing you of

events taking place in town. It will call you and you will have to answer it

pressing L.

Honest Jackson calls and says "There was a bank error in your favor, you've

been refunded §125."

You will be given §125

Momma Hogg calls and says "There's a big sale going on today. All items in

all stores are 25 percent off!" (Note that is means every single store in

town is 25% off)

Means all shops have their items 25% cheaper for the rest of the day

Honest Jackson calls and says "Thank you for your donation of §200 to the

Policeman's Pastry Fund"

You will lose §200

Honest Jackson calls and says "Congratulations <Insert your Sim's name here>,

you've won §240 in the Lottery!

You will get §240. What kind of lottery pays that little cash?


[12.01] Season 1

Buried by the Mob

Talk to the Zookeeper and take the value and give it to Kayleigh who is in

the power plant.

What Digs Beneath

Talk to Jebediah on his farm and he wants you to get his chair and give it

Momma Hogg who is working in the nuclear power plant on the control panels.

Aliens Arrived

Talk to Ava who is in the hut in the Gothic Gardens and take the Green Goo

that she gives you to Penelope to complete the errand.


[12.02] Season 2


Talk to Frankie Fusilli and take the expensive lava lamp and give it Luthor,

where ever he is.

A Brand New Scent.

Talk to Lord Mole in the salt mines and give the map he gives you to Penelope

who is camping outside the casino.

The New Cola

No errand to be completed here. Well, you really can't if you are drawved by a

little bug.

There Was This Mummy

Talk to Kayleight and she will give you couch that you have to give to

Frankie. It amazes me that you can carry a couch in your pocket.


[12.03] Season 3

Triassic Trouble

Go to Pete the pirate and take the penguin invoice and deliever it to the

zookeeper who is in the zoo

The Doomed Earth

Talk to Auda the actor in the dance club and he wants you to deliever some

Real Shark Jaws to Dusty Hogg who is in his shack.

It All Came to an End

When you upgrade your soaker to a better soaker, Burple will beam up to the

spaceship and ask you to give a little toy to Emperor Xizzle who is outside

the power plant.

A Very Special Reunion

After you hear Tank's automated message, you have to go to the ice caves and

take to Yeti who wants you to deliver a doll to his brother, Bigfoot who is

outside the zoo.

That is the end of the errands


[13.01] Season 1

Buried by the Mob

The freezer in the saloon is broken and Dusty needs it fixed. Go get a

mechanical skill point from the skill seller and go to the back of the saloon

and fix that freezer

What Digs Beneath

You need to find the microfiche and return it to Jimmy. The microfiche is

found in the fireplace of Frankie's house. Find it and return it to Jimmy.

Aliens Arrived

When aliens have taken over, head off to the dance club, next to the workshop

and pull our your water gun and start shooting the aliens. Reminds me of FPS.

What a shame they didn't put more aliens for more killing fun.


[13.02] Season 2


Talk to Jebediah who is on his ranch and he talks about a green goo making

his plants do something or anotherm, I forget. When you are in the warehouse

picking up the nuclear fuel rods, on the bottom floor, there is a bottle of

green goo that you can pick up and give it to Jebediah.

A Brand New Scent

The hiddent want is from Misty Waters who is in the sauna / spa area of the

Casino that is the door on the right. She wants you to talk to Penelope, Ava

and Ara about Kayleigh's new perfume. Talk to them and report back to her to

complete the want.

The New Cola

When you recover Tank who is on the lower level, if you head up, Tank will

do a "tactical retreat" because of a "giant" ladybug. Go up to the ladybug

and kill her sub-ordinates and she will come down. When she does, soak her

with your bug spray water gun. Keep doing so until the "giant" ladybug finally


There Was This Mummy

I don't exactly know when you can start this want but, you have to put out the

fire that is consuming the warehouse. You have to go inside the warehouse,

pull out your water gun and spray out all the fires by shooting at them. If

you manage to extinguish all those fires, which is an easy feat, you will

complete the hidden want for this episode.


[13.03] Season 3

Triassic Trouble

Talk to the Zookeeper and he will mention that he would love to see a jaw of a

Megalodon. So go outside, blast any giant rats in the area and head to the

bridge. Go beneath it and you will see a patch of dirt above the river or

water line. Dig there and you will find the megalodon jaw bone. Go back inside

and give the jawbone to Sancho the zookeeper.

The Doomed Earth

When you are on the asteroid, you will have to select an option. Although

every option will net you an episode complete, if you select the second option

you will complete the hidden want by destroying the asteroid.

It All Came to an End

Talk to Penelope inside City Hall and she says she wants something interesting

or another. All you have to do is to go inside the salt mines and find the jar

of plutonium that looks harmless (???). Well take the jar of plutonium and

give it to Penelope who seems happy.

A Very Special Reunion

Talk to Optimum Alfred in the Workshop and he will complain how he has to do

5 jobs. That means that you have to play the 5 mini games, Bigfoot Loves

Chickens in the Zoo, Keelhaulin' Cards in the casino, Cattle Cleanup on

Jebediah's farm, Chop Shop in the workshop and Canyon Jumping on the canyon,

do good in them and report back to Alfred who will complete the want. If it

doesn't complete it then, leave and reenter the workshop.

That concludes the hidden wants.


[14.01] Characters

Welcome to my random info corner.

Reoccuring characters include

Dusty Hogg - Who appeared in the Sims Bustin Out and the Urbz

Giuseppi Mezzoalto - Same as Dusty, appeared in Bustin Out and Urbz

Luthor L. Bigbucks - Appeared in Urbzs, Sims in the City

Daddy Bigbucks - Appeared in both Sims Bustin Out and the Urbz

Misty Waters - Same as Bigbucks, Appeared in Bustin Out and Urbz

Tank Grunt is a character in the Sims 2 for PC who happened to live in the

neighbourhood of STRANGETOWN. It is true that he is a son of an army general

who wanted Tank to follow in his footsteps.

Pepper Pete is the brother of Salty Sam who appeared in Bustin Out and Urbz.


[14.02] The Cast

Emperor Xizzle

BEHOLD! Alien Emperor Xizzle the Feared! The Reviled! The Loathed! The Canny!

The Misunderstood! The UNINTELLIGIBLE.


A bitter little off-worlder, Burple is one hot-tempered extra-terrestrial.

Fortunately, he's very easy to understand.

Ara Fusilli

Ara is extraordinary smart, undeniably sassy, and terminally bored daughter

of local gangster Frankie Fusilli

Auda Sherif

The world of big-budget, action-packed, specticle films can be divided into

two phases: Pre-Auda and Post-Auda. He put the "Oo" in boom!

Ava Cadavra

Ex-drummer for the cult band The Germinators, Ava Cadavra has shifted gears

and spends most of her time tending and talking to plants in her glasshouse.


For decades, people assumed Bigfoot was a mere creature of rumor and

imagination. Now that they know he's real, they don't pay much attention to


Frankie Fusilli

Frankie Fusilli runs the town, understand? Don't cross him or you'll be

rubbed out. Eventually. It may take fifty or sixty years but it'll happen.

Get it?

Dusty Hogg

Dusty has a mean streak much larger than his patience, but if you can prove

you're tough, he just might like you.

Giuseppi Mezzoalto

Since moving here from SimValley, Giuseppi has ditched his black-market

dealings. Now he's just a shady guy.

Honest Jackson

Honest Jackson rose to political power prominence after beating Andy Scandal

in the race for mayor. Now he's working hard to shape the city.

Jebediah Jerky

Jebediah has lived in Strangetown longer thanthe place had a name. He's trying

to keep his farm alive, but to tell the truth, he can't remember what he used

to grow.

Jimmy the Neck

Jimmy "The" Neck is a lunk with a heart of lead. He's nice and dumb and gets

along well with children. But if you cross him he'll probably consider

fighting back.

Kayleigh Wintercrest

Intelligent, enigmatic, egotistical, irresistible ... many have tried to woo

this brilliant nuclear scientist. All have failed.

Luthor L. Bigbucks

Luthor is the handsome, talented, and arrogant son of Daddy Bigbucks. Easy

to hate but impossible to ignore.

Momma Hogg

The only woman tough enough to keep Dusty in line - his mother.

Misty Waters

One-time lifeguard turned fitness guru, Misty is in Strangetown to live large

and scout locations for her new business

Lord Mole

Self-proclaimed ruler of a subterranean race of mole people, Lord Mole is a

feisty man with utopian dreams.


Horus Menhoset the ninth, son of Horus Hipsomet the fourth, grandson of

Horus Kliptosap the eighteenth, great-grandson of Horus Palimpsest the


Optimum Alfred

A robot mechanic whose A.I. proved so sophisticated he was able to secure a

loan from a bank and open his own business.

Penelope Redd

Penelope is a cool and calculating woman on a mission. She was sent here by

the FBI to investigate a matter of urgent importance.

Pepper Pete

Pepper Pete, swashbuckling brother of Salty Sam, is temporarily land-locked

in Strangetown in search of a few good oarsmen.

Kent Hacket

Once a star of a cult science fiction television program, Kent now works in a

warehouse, dreaming of a movie deal that may never come.

Sancho Paco Panza

Sancho earned his Masters in Zoology from Minipolis University. He has spent

the last 5 years collecting specimens for Strangetown Zoo.

Tank Grunt

The son of an Army General, Tank was destined to follow in his father's

footsteps until an injured funny bone left him permanently without a sense of


Tristan Legend

Not much is known about the infamous Tristan Legend except that he is more

handsome, more charismatic, and more talented than anyone on earth.


Bigfoot's high-altitude cousin, the Yeti has been seen fewer times than the

Strangetown unicorn. (The WHAT?!?)


[--.01] Q&A

Q. How do I unlock this episode ...?

A. Read the corresponding episode to find out.

Q. How do I do this .....?

A. Read the guide. I'm tired of getting requests for help when it is provided

and it is because some people are too lazy to read it. You don't read it,

your problem if you don't find the answer.

Q. I can't find this person ... at the time you said.

A. They should be there. If not, leave the screen and come back.


[A] Contact Information

Hey, what do you know, it looks just like my previous legal things, cause I'm

too lazy to make another one.


Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then

E-Mail me. If it is, don't bother as I won't reply.


To contact me, e-mail me at

hillsdragon13 [at] hotmail [dot] com







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Don't write in sloppy English. I mean, who the hell would understand "Hwo Od

Yoi Di Tjih Ni Tje Sdgs?" Don' be too formal, a question is not a freakin

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I will credit you if your send me information about this game that is not in

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* Spam

* Bill Gate's Spam (He gets spam of up to 4 million per day)

* Something not related with the Sims 2

* Something already covered

* Illegal stuff, like Roms and such

* Technical Problems

Technical Problems will not be answer as they should be sent to Maxis not me.

I didn't design the game so I shouldn't know what's wrong with it, its your

game not MINE.


[B] Webmaster Information






[C] Credits

This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either

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another Bob Rob posted the message, the First Bob Rob will not be credited so

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be credited for your work.

CJayC for hosting this FAQ

Maxis and EA for developing the game

Me for making it

Amaze Entertainment for helping to make this game

Hotmail for giving me the e-mail account for ascii art


[D] Sites FAQ is on

Current FAQ is On will always have the latest versions

If other sites have this guides, trustworthy sites like IGN and DLH and

Neoseeker, that is okay, I can trust them.


[E] Copyright

This game is Copyright 2005 Maxis and Electronic Arts. All Rights Reserved

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