Chapter 1: The Arrival

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A/n: A little heads up, I will try to reduce the use of pictures in this story so I will only use pictures for characters that aren't part of the original series. 

??? pov 

It has been so long since I was near other humans. I am hunted but I can't rest, I am damned but I can't die yet, I have a mission and I swear in the name of the almighty that I shall finish this mission and if it costs me my body, my mind, my soul. But I am tired after all this time I am so tired. I hear something, the sound of a beast that is ravishing, devouring the flesh of its victims in an abandoned building. I enter there are devils, at least six of them, one is a stray. In the name of the one and only God I shall bring it to its end, may the souls of those that suffered at its hands rest in peace. 

3rd person pov 

In the abandoned building the stray devil known as Viser is fighting for her life. The group around the Gremory heiress is damaging her to much, her legs got sliced off by the knight, the rook threw her through the whole room and the queen is torturing her but just as the king, Rias Gremory gets ready to deliver the final blow, footsteps are heard, heavy and slowly getting louder. 

???:" In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit..."

The person, considering the deep booming voice of a male, begins talking, no praying and the devils have to hold their heads in pain. 

???:"... I shall be the sword of the lord, I shall cut down those who taint his creation. May they burn in hell for all eternity. Amen."

He stands in front of Viser, a gun aimed at her head and fires, the stray dies and a red glow covers her body before slowly creeping towards the male. His clothes and appearance are hidden in the shadows and the red glow enters the gun. He turns to leave but the Gremory heiress isn't happy with his interference. 

Rias:" Stop! I want to know who you are and what you are doing in my territory!" 

???:" It doesn't matter who I am or why I am here but this territory isn't yours it belongs to the Sitri heiress, you are nothing but a parasite."

He continues walking which agitates the red haired girl even more. 

Rias:" Kiba!"

Kiba:" Yes president!" 

Kiba rushes at the unknown man but as he strikes with his sword the stranger blocks it with his gun.

???:" A devil such as yourself should consider that I have killed your kind before any of you were born, I know how fast a knight can be."

He pushes Kiba back and leaves.

Rias:' Who does that guy think he is!'

Rias:" Koneko, follow him and find out as much as possible about him!"

The small white haired girl nods and leaves. She follows the stranger around town and although it is in the middle of the night he seems to always find someone willing to give him directions so that he ends up in front of the abandoned church but Koneko can't follow him inside so she decides to report back and end her work for the night. Inside the church it is silent as the stranger has a staring contest with a group of fallen angels and stray priests.

???:" Oh lord, your lambs have turned against your will."

Suddenly a loud bang is heard and blood begins soaking the clothes of the stranger. Freed Selzen, the coward of the Lord, has shot him from behind.

Freed:" *manic laughter* That was too easy and here I thought that another exorcist would be difficult to deal with!"

???:" Then you shouldn't turn your back on me."

Freed turns around and is now face to face with the man that dwarfs him, he is at least 1.90 meters in height and before Freed can react his face is grabbed by the stranger and he is held above the ground.

???:" I see the church has succeeded in their attempts to create humoncolies."

He puts pressure on the head of the stray exorcist until a light spear is thrown through the side of his chest but he just shrugs it off like a mosquito bite and continues to pressure the head of Freed until a crack is heard.

???:" I know that an homunculus like yourself won't die from this but this is your only chance to leave before I make sure that can't survive."

Immediately Freed is back up and runs like the coward he is. The stranger now turns his attention to the fallen angels and the priests.

???:" Who was it again that plunged that light spear in my side?"

He pulls out his gun and the night is filled with gunshots and screams of pain and agony. In the morning the stranger is standing in front of the entrance and swipes the floor with a broom, mostly to get rid of the black feathers lying on the ground, as a girl approaches him. She wears a nuns habit and has green eyes and long blonde hair. 

Asia:" Uhm, excuse me. My name is Asia Argento and I am here to meet lady Raynare."

???:" Sadly Lady Raynare was a fallen angel and as such she was a danger for the people of this town. I have sent her soul to our lord to be judged. But that isn't important for now, please come in and let me make you tea."

Asia enters the church and is shocked, how could someone let a place of the lord end up like this? Holes in the roof, the windows have no glass in them and the benches are broken and rotten. All in all the church is in a bad shape. 

???:" As you may have noticed the church is in a bad condition and sadly I don't have the money to let it be repaired. But luckily the living quarters are in a good enough shape to be used. So why would a young nun such as yourself come here all on her own?" 

And she begins to cry. 

???:' That wasn't what I had in mind but alright. I'll just let her be until she calms down and then she can tell me.'

He leaves her in one of the rooms that fortunately had no holes and the window in it was alright too,while he goes and works on the building. After a few minutes Asia has managed to calm down and is now searching for the stranger, she finds him on the roof with what seems to be parts of the benches that were in a relatively good shape. 

Asia:" Uhm, mister?"

???:" It may not seem like it at the moment but I am a priest, so just call me father."

Asia:" Yes father, but what are you doing up there?"

???:" A church without a roof doesn't need benches so I'll use some of the benches to fix the roof, at least for the moment."

Asia:" Father can I help you somehow?"

???:" Don't worry about me. Although I have to admit that you can do something for me."

Asia:" What can I do to help?"

Her eyes sparkle and she has a determined look on her face.

???:" You can go to school."

Asia:" Huh?"

???:" I won't risk hurting you while I work on repairing the building , so you will go to school and don't worry I will make sure that you can go."

Asia:" Does that mean I can make friends?"

???:" Yes, of course it does."

Asia:" *smiling brightly* Yay!"

???:' Such an innocent child. I swear that I will make sure she is safe.'

After the talk Asia begins to clean up the inside of the church, although the stranger protests and as he comes back inside after finishing with some parts of the roof, he finds Asia sleeping, sitting leaning against a wall. He picks her up and carries her to the room she occupies.

???:" Sleep tight little angel."

The next day, as Asia wakes up the stranger is gone and Asia gets back to cleaning the interior of the church. Around lunchtime he returns and Asia immediately rushes over to him.

Asia:" Father! Where have you been?"

???:" I have made sure that from tomorrow onwards you will be able to attend school, Kuoh academy specifically, but be careful there are devils in that school. So far I have determined the student council to be devils, I just don't know which family they are part of."

Asia:" I am sure that everything will go well."

???:" Maybe, but as painful as it may sound, we don't have the protection of the church, if something would happen to any of us nobody would care."

Asia:" Father, you said that you have been banished from the church as well and I wanted to ask, why?"

???:" In my life I have seen and done many, many terrible things, just because I thought I was in the right but as I discovered that I was wrong all along I tried to at least ease my guilt and for that I was banished."

???' It's not the complete truth but she doesn't have to know that.'

Asia:" I was banished because I unknowingly healed a devil."

???:" *puts an arm around her shoulders* Don't worry, in the end they will have a reason for everything they do."

Asia:" Who?"

???:" The ones that lead all believers of course."

He smiles at her and they get back inside to finish cleaning the place, it takes them until the evening to actually finish but sadly they aren't done just yet.

???:" You must be tired but there is something you can help me with."

Asia looks questioning but gets no answer as the stranger walks off to get his large grey coat.

???:" You will understand in time but until then steel your mind or you might not make it through this night."

Asia:" Y-Yes!"

They leave and make their way to a house that, for the stranger at least, smells like death.

???:" Alright when we enter, you will stay behind me and do as I tell you, as long as I don't tell you anything you will look for survivors."

Asia nods and they enter the house, immediately they are met with the smell of blood and bodies lying on the floor. The stranger just walks on while Asia is checking if any of the people are still alive, sadly all of them are dead.

???:' So the crazy wannabe priest is still here.'

The stranger is ready to open another door as a pained scream is heard, Asia wants to run towards the source but is stopped.

???:" If you just run in there, you could be injured or even killed so let me go first and be ready to run if something goes wrong. Clear?"

Asia nods hesitantly and the stranger enters the room and truly Freed the failed priest is there.

???:" It is the job of an exorcist to kill those that pose a threat to the human race but you are nothing but a disgrace to use true exorcists."

Freed:" Would you look at that the coward has shown himself."

???:" You may think so but sadly for you I am not a mirror."

Freed is pointing his weapon on a devil with brown hair and the stranger is pointing with his black gun at Freed. The tension is so thick that it can be felt. Then a red magic circle appears on the ground just as Asia looks around the corner and let's a surprised sound be heard. 

Asia:" Issei-san."

The now named Issei wants to say something but he is shut up by the group that the stranger has faced just two day before. 

Rias:" It seems that we met again. Now tell me what I want to know and I may decide to let you leave."

???:" Asia, leave. This is no longer a place where you can help."

Asia:" B-But Issei, he needs-" 

???:" Don't worry he will get help from his king, after all he is a devil. I was wondering who that demonic power belonged to as you arrived."

Asia holds a hand in front of her mouth and runs out. Rias orders Kiba to follow her but just as he tries to do so he gets a bullet in his leg. 

???:" I shall not allow you to harm this innocent soul."

Freed:" Don't you dare to ignore me!"

He takes out his light sword but is shot immediately by the stranger perfectly in the head. 

???:' Getting rid of humuncolies is always so bothersome.'

Rias:" Now then, you have some questions to answer."

The Stranger suddenly holds a Bible in his left hand and it opens. 

???:" I don't think so."

Pages begin to erupt from the holy book and encircle him until he and the pages are gone. 

Rias:" What a bother. Alright take Issei and let us get back to the ORC."

Devils:" Yes, president!"

They leave through another magic circle just as the stranger reappears in the church. He walks to Asia's room and listens, she is crying. 

???:' May the lord bless her innocent soul.'

With that he goes to bed. 

???:' I promise that I will fulfill my mission and then I shall take the punishment that is set for me.'
Alright new story, I hope you enjoy the first chapter and don't worry everything will be explained. So until the next time I wish you all a good day or night wherever you are. 

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