Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Sir Ares wants his breakfast in bed. He has a headache." Genevieve, the other maid who was in her mid twenties said. She was my closest friend among the servants here in the mansion. She knew about my feelings for Ares.

"I'm not the cook here." I replied curtly. I put the dirty clothes inside the washing machine.

Genevieve grinned. "Whoa! Did I hear you right?"

I avoided seeing Ares. What I saw two days before still registered in my mind. He and that girl, having sex. I couldn't stop thinking about it, especially at nights before I slept. His naked back... the way he pushed and pulled himself to her... faster and harder.

"Rachel, it's your chance. Prince charming is sick and needs tender loving care from mama." Genevieve teased me.

"Why don't you do it? I'm not done yet with the laundry."

"You're avoiding him."

"I'm busy."

"Really. He's asking for you, girl. Maybe he misses you."

My heart lurched although I knew it was not true. I grinned and rolled my eyes. "That's not funny."

"What is wrong with you? I thought you liked him."

"Not anymore."

"As in G-O-N-E... gone?" Genevieve snapped her fingers in the air.

I nodded.

"Wow. That's fast."

"He's not prince charming material."

"Well... well... well... I'm glad you realized it. He won't notice girls like us."


I was cleaning the picture frames in the living room when Ares appeared behind me. I pretended not to notice him and continued with my work. I could sense his eyes following my movements.

I got nervous.

I went to the Victorian sofa set and wiped the big mahogany center table. Ares followed me there and sat on the couch. He even put his feet on top of the center table.

Darn! Why is he here? He's supposed to be in the office for his business training.

I stopped cleaning the table and stood up to go.


I stopped and looked at him with cold eyes.

"There's still dirt on the table."

I wanted to slap him right at that moment and erase the smirk off his face.

I went down on my knees, and sprayed and wiped the center table again. Rubbing vigorously including the sides where his feet were.

"I'm thirsty." He said.

I ignored him, as if I hadn't heard him. I continued rubbing the table.

"I said, I'm thirsty." He said again, emphasizing each word.

I gritted my teeth. I had no choice but to get him a glass of water. But when I came back, he was gone.


"Rachel, Sir Ares wants you to read the morning paper to him." Mrs. Diaz said the following day. "He's at the breakfast table."

"I only read for Mr. Niarchos. Sir Ares is young, he has good eyesight."

"Dear, he's asking for you. Stop arguing and go to him."

"Tell him I have a headache." I rubbed my temple. I really had a headache. I wasn't able to sleep well last night. I kept on thinking about Ares and the girl. Last night, I woke up sweating. I dreamed about Ares... having sex, but not with the girl... it was with me.

"Tsk. Tsk. You're making excuses. Why are you avoiding him? I thought you liked him?"

"Mrs. Diaz... please. I'm not feeling well."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah... can I go to my room for a while to rest?"

"Of course dear. I can read the newspaper for him if he wants."

I was in my room sleeping when a knock on the door woke me up. I rubbed my eyes, then went to the door to open it. I was surprised that there was no one there. Then I noticed a box of cupcakes and a bottle of aspirin on the floor.

A box of cupcakes? Hmm... from Dad?

Mrs. Diaz must have told him that I had a headache. Dad was not an affectionate man. So this is a surprise.


The following evening, I was dressing up for a party at the house of my high school best friend, Beverly. Her brother, Jason would be the one to fetch me.

I checked my appearance in the long mirror. My chestnut brown long wavy hair glistened and my makeup was light and simple. Hmm... I decided to put red lipstick on for a more seductive look. I wore my skimpy red dress and the silver stilettos that Genevieve gave me.

I was in the foyer waiting for Jason when Ares arrived, driving his Ferrari. He looked surprised seeing me all dressed up. He eyed me up and down. I could see the appreciation in his eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"Um... somewhere."

He frowned. "You're going on a date?"

"Yes sir." I lied. It was none of his business anyway. I ignored him and looked at my wristwatch. Where are you Jason, what took you so long?

"You forgot your pants." He said, scanning my appearance.

I looked at my dress then gave him a cold stare. "It's a dress."

"It's too short." His lips twisted, then he spun around and left.

Finally, Jason arrived, driving his SUV. He was an architect and in his mid twenties. I used to have a crush on him before. Who wouldn't? He was a typical boy next door. Cute with dimples, blond hair, blue eyes and a gorgeous body.


"Jason likes you." Beverly said. She was tipsy now.

"No... I don't want to be a rebound girl." I knew Jason had broken up with his girlfriend. He told me on our way to the party.

"Aww. I'm serious. He had a crush on you when you were sixteen, but you were too young for him. Now that you're eighteen..."

"Shh... stop it."

I had fun the whole night. Dancing, drinking and talking to high school friends. It was really great to be young and free.

It was almost twelve midnight when Jason took me home. I felt awkward being alone with him. I remembered what Beverly said - that he liked me when I was sixteen. That was the time when I had a great crush on him too.

I was silent. Jason was silent also, concentrating on the road. We were almost near the mansion when he suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you free next Saturday?"


"I'm going to a cocktail party. I wonder if you can come with me." Jason glanced at me, then focused on his driving.

"I... I'm not sure."

We already arrived at the mansion when he suddenly took my hand.

"Rachel. I want to get to know you better. Please give me a chance. Let me take you out for dinner."

"Sorry, but I can't." I pulled my hand away from him. "I know you're miserable right now. You just broke up with your girlfriend... I don't want to be your rebound girl."

He smiled at me. "I like you, Rachel. A lot. I'm not miserable or brokenhearted right now. I'm happy." He nodded. "I think I said it wrong earlier. I broke up with my girlfriend three months ago. We disagreed about a lot of things. Actually, it was our mutual decision. We were not happy with each other anymore."

I rubbed my temple. I was confused.

He took my hand again, caressing my knuckles with his thumb. "Rachel, please."

"I don't know, Jason. But I think it's not right."

"Why not?"

"Because... because..."

"Beverly said you don't have a boyfriend."

Actually, no boyfriend since birth. But I didn't want him to know that.

"Yeah... I mean..." I ran my hand through my hair. "I'm not ready yet. A lot of things are occupying my mind. I still have to find a good job so I can go to university."

"I will help you. Let me take care of you." Jason took both of my hands now.

"I'm sorry Jason... I can't."

"Okay. I won't pressure you. But if you change your mind, just call me." He took a business card from his wallet and handed it to me.

It was midnight already when I entered the house. The butler opened the door for me. I was in the living room when I heard Ares said behind me. "I'm thirsty."

I turned and saw him sitting in an armchair. The room was dim so I couldn't clearly see his face.

"I'll get you some water sir." I replied then went to the kitchen.

I went back to the living room and saw Ares already sleeping. I put the water on the center table and moved closer to him. He had been drinking. He smelled of alcohol.

I touched his arm to wake him up. But I was alarmed when he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap.

"No..." I immediately pushed his chest and stood up, but he was holding my waist so tightly.

"Did he kiss you?"


"Your date. Did he kiss you?"

"No. Sir please... let me go..." My voice was lost when he suddenly clamped my mouth with his.

I had never been kissed before. And Ares kissing me like this... deeply with burning passion. He opened my lips by thrusting his tongue inside my mouth, kissing me so deeply.

"Kiss me." He whispered and reclaimed my lips with intense heat and passion.

He stood up and had me seated on the couch. Then he was over me, kissing me hungrily like a starving man. He kissed my throat and ran his tongue from the base of my neck to the back of my ear. I moaned with pleasure. I'd never felt this kind of pleasure ever before. I shyly ran my fingers through his hair... oh God... he had gorgeous hair, so soft and silky. I wanted to touch him, kiss him, feel his skin against mine... I wanted this so badly to go on and on....

He knelt on the floor and slowly ran his hands from my knees upward to my thighs. I was electrified. I moaned again... wanted him to continue what he was doing to me.

Then he paused.

I stared at him... and he stared back. The passion in his eyes suddenly died down and was replaced with an odd expression. He removed his hands from my thighs immediately like he was burned, and stood away from me. He shook his head and in a flash, he was gone.

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