Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Later in the afternoon, the immediate family of the late John Niarchos gathered inside his study room. I was seated beside Ares behind a big round table. Ares' parents were there, Ares' cousin Kane, the estate attorney, the accountant for the estate and their family lawyer. Each one of us was given a copy of the Last Will and Testament of Mr. John Niarchos.

We were given time to read the Will. I was surprised how rich Mr. John Niarchos was. The Will stated massive properties and billions of dollars. He could even buy his own country!

Ares' father got the house in Greece, varied real estate properties in South America and many shares in the stock market. His mother Caitlyn inherited a mansion in California, with a big sum of money. Kane would get the house in Milan, Italy and a vineyard.

Ares on the other hand, got the mansion in New York and the business, the Niarchos Group of Companies. The paintings and collections in the house would be given to Ares for keeping and to be passed on to his heirs. There was a mention of a big amount of money deposited in Swiss Bank that Ares could get if he adhered to the stipulated conditions. I was looking for the conditions in the ten-pages documents but couldn't find one. What are the conditions?

I was not mentioned in the will and I wondered why I was there. Probably, I was invited because I was Ares' wife and everything he inherited in the tenure of our marriage became our conjugal property.

But I didn't need his money. I just wanted to be with him, always. I loved him so much.

The estate attorney adjourned the meeting when no one contested the will. But he asked me and Ares to remain seated for the reading of the conditions of the will, together with the accountant of the estate and their family lawyer.

I was surprised.

I looked at Ares and his expression was unreadable. I took his hand and held it closely to my lap.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"I don't know." Was all he said.

The estate attorney sipped his glass of water then focused his attention to us. "Mr. Niarachos, it is clearly stated in the Will that you will inherit everything that is in the Swiss bank account of your grandfather, that estimates around a hundred billion pounds."

I gasped at the mention of the amount. Ares just looked at me, then squeezed my hand gently.

"But on the following conditions." The attorney continued.

Ares nodded and exhaled heavily.

"You will get the money if you comply with everything. Let's see... first condition. If you stayed being married to Rachel White Niarchos before Mr. John Niarchos died."

"We're still married." Ares answered.

"Yeah. We are." I said, backing up Ares.

"Okay. Second. If you've been loyal to your wife, never had an affair or had mistresses."

"No... no... never. I'm always loyal to my marriage. Never even dated anyone ever since."

The attorney nodded. "Good. So I guess, you can have everything then. Congratulations."

Ares stood up and shook the estate attorney's hand. "Thank you."

"Congratulations to both of you."

We were on our way out when their family lawyer talked to Ares. I heard him say behind me. "I reviewed the divorce paper last night. It's safe to sign it now."

"Okay, thanks John." Ares answered.

Like a cold water splashed on me, my body stiffened.

Divorce? Ares is ready to sign the divorce papers?

"Excuse me, Rachel. I have to talk privately to my lawyer." Ares said.

"Ah yeah... sure." My voice broke off. My breath caught in my lungs. I was still stunned from what I heard.

I went to the kitchen to get some water. I felt suddenly numbed and confused. I rubbed my cold hands together then stared at the wall.

Divorce? He wants a divorce?

"You okay?"

I jerked up when I heard a feminine voice behind me. It was Tiffany.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"What's wrong? You're surprised about the will huh? I was right. Ares wants to stay married with you for the money." She laughed, eyeing me like a witch.

I felt defeated and my anger was rising uncontrollably. "How did you know that?"

"Hmmm... let's say, I have my sources."


"I'm not allowed to tell you... he said to keep it a secret between us."

I was really angry. I grabbed her forearm forcefully, never letting her go. "Tell me!"

"Ouch!" She pulled her hand away. "You bitch! Okay! Ares told me. He knows about the will. He planned everything so he'd get all the money. Now that he has it, you're not needed anymore. Go home." She said and went out of the kitchen.

I ran to our room and lay down on the bed thinking of what Tiffany said. She's just jealous. She wants me to feel miserable. I love Ares, and he loves me.

Is he?

I remembered saying I love you to Ares last night. But he never said he loves me back.

I rolled on bed and kicked my shoes off. Maybe she was right?

I recalled everything that happened since I arrived in New York. Ares said he wouldn't sign the divorce paper. He didn't believe in divorce. But why did his lawyer review the papers and said that it was safe to sign it already.

I was confused.

He knew about the conditions of the will. He didn't want a divorce while Mr. John Niarchos was alive so he could get the money. And now that his grandfather is dead... he is ready to sign the divorce papers.

I remembered Ares mentioned that he was celibate since we got married. That was hard to believe. But now, the reason is clear. He knew it was part of the conditions of the will.

Damn him.

And now, I'm acting stupid again. Back to the lovesick eighteen year old falling for him.

Good job, Rachel. You're a certified jerk. I said to myself then stood up and packed my things.

*Twelve hours later*

Dallas, Texas

"What are you doing? The man is getting crazy looking for you! Don't you have any sympathy for your husband?" My mom said.

"He is NOT my husband."

Mom shook her head. "I thought everything is well between you two. You said you were together again and you're falling in love with him... what's wrong now?"

"Everything is wrong mom. Please... stop asking too many questions, I'm tired."

"You have to tell me. I can't understand you anymore. He's a good man. Why are you doing this to him!"

"He's not. He's a jerk! A greedy arrogant bastard. He wouldn't sign the divorce papers because he wouldn't get his inheritance if he divorced me."


"Yeah. He's a liar. I thought he changed. I thought he really wants us to be together but..." Tears suddenly fell on my cheeks. "He fooled me before and now... I hate myself for being so weak."

"You never changed Rachel. You ran away from him again. Why do you keep on doing that? You never even talked to him. Ask him. Let him explain."

"Explain? Then he will tell me lies again and makes me believe him?"

"You're a smart woman. Why do you keep on assuming and jumping to conclusions?"

"Tiffany said..."

"So you believe that bitch doctor more than your husband?"


"Ares is a good man."

"He's not!"

"He is." She heaved a sigh. "Okay. I have to tell you this... you have to know the truth."

"What truth?"

"Ares supported me." Mom said.

"What do you mean?"

"I was working as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant until Ares found me. He provided everything I needed. This house. The car. The driver. Everything. Including the monthly bills."

"What? When did this happen?"

"About a month you left him."

I was shocked. Upset. Deceived.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"He didn't want you to know."

For seven long years? He supported mom and me?

"You paid for my education. Was that included too?"

My mom nodded.

I felt so drained like all my blood left from my body.

"Do you know about the accident too?"

She nodded again. "I'm so sorry Rachel. He didn't want you to know."

Oh God. Too many secrets and lies. I couldn't understand how I felt. The revelation overwhelmed me. It was hard to breathe. I couldn't take everything anymore. I needed space... to be alone... to think.

I grabbed my unpacked luggage and headed to the door.

"Where are you going?" Mom's eyes widened.

"I don't know. Anywhere away from everyone. Don't bother to look for me." I stormed out of the house.

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