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Eol is a mainly subtropical country that stretches from the tip to the base of the Western Continent. They mainly worship Taisol, Doroi, and Shinnah, although many cities have small temples and shrines dedicated to Aion as well given the countries high population of faeries. Their claim to fame is their cuisine, due to the incredible state of their crops. It is rumored (and true) that most anything can be grown in Eol due to the abundance of magical assistance.

Officially, Eol takes a firm neutral stance towards all countries. This is rarely challenged considering that no one wants to risk being blocked from trading with them. Many, central ports have formed along their coastline, and without access to their ports, or their side of mountain trails, travel and trade would become a lot harder. There are rumors, however, that they're secretly allied with Reotak in the event that war ever breaks out with Aeolis. Many of the citizens are hostile towards Aeolis travelers, so while the rumor has never been confirmed, many people believe the rumor to be true.

Given their worship of Aion, Eol has a rather loose view of love and marriage. In their opinion, if you're in love, you're in love. While political and arranged marriages are still common, marriages outside of the lovers' social class happen quite often. Affairs are considered horrid and taboo, but children outside of marriages aren't, as long as they were conceived out of "love."

The current king of Eol is Alekos. He is the younger brother to the former king, Akaikos. Alekos gained the throne following his brother, and newborn nephew, dying in an attack by the former queen. She was executed directly following the assassination, but it's said she'd planned on taking the throne for herself. He has maintained the neutrality law set forth by Akaikos, but there are many rumors among the people that it is only a matter of time until that changes, given the frequent visit of many, unwelcome and unsettled-looking negotiators from Aeolis.

Some Facts:


Eol covers the entire Eastern edge of the Western Continent. The border between Eol, Reotak, and Cieon is the Shinde Mountains. They're a steep mountain line that travels from the tip of the Western Continent to the bottom, where they curve around Lake Kai, which is technically part of Cieon. They are nearly impassable for the majority of the year, with only two trails cutting through the dense, deathly-cold, nightmare-infested mountains.

Eol itself is rather flat. There are many, thick forests around the country, with a large majority of the open countryside serving as farmland.


Eol varies in temperature. The further north you go, the cooler it gets. The tip of the country is more temperate, the center subtropical, and the southern end considered mainly tropical. The warm temperatures are considered a blessing from Taisol.

Main Export:

Crops (consumable, and nonconsumable)

A few of the main crops:






The People:

Eol has many, many immigrants, but is actually considered a rather intolerant country in modern times. Many natives are openly hostile towards outsiders. So, while you may see quite a few different races within the countries borders, they tend to stick to themselves to keep from being harassed. The most accepting people tend to be those in port cities, because they often do dealings with foreign merchants.

At the same time, it can be hard to identify a native-born Eol citizen without listening to them speak, given their history of mixed-marriages. Eol, like Aeolis, has citizens with skin tones varying from olive to extremely dark. The most common hair colors tend to be brown, black, and dirty-blond. Red and actual, or light blonde are still extremely rare (and therefore quite eye-catching, so the rarity might come from the persons in question dying their hair). The most identifying trait for a native-born is that they're a tall, and broad folk. 

The gods' children that are most commonly seen in Eol are: faeries, harpies, and witch doctors. There are more harpies in Eol than nearly any other country, but they tend not to reveal themselves to the common public, and therefore most who meet one don't know that they did. Eol also has the highest number of free, sentient nightmares. Only Reotak outranks them in numbers alone (although, there, the majority of them aren't free). 

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