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After being blessed by the mogadorians, my father thought he realized their potential, yet he was blind to their real purpose. He asked the sicking beasts to see if they could help me, he said I was not athletically capable, witch is strange because I have an A in P.E, but I was always the son he never wanted, because I am his daughter. But they said they could do better. They took me in my sleep, they took me onto their ship and into their laboratory. They hooked me up to a lifeless body and then ran 400 volts of alien power through my veins. I never asked for this, for a alien race to attempt to fix me, for them to attempt give me superpowers, yet it happened anyway. After I woke up from shock, I could feel something different in me, something amazing, yet horrifying at the same time. I had no time to think about this when they injected the vile black ooze into my arm, making it go numb. Before my dad could realize it, and before he could stop them, they started their ship, and took off with me inside of it, stealing me as their test subject. I was trying to stay calm, but struggled against the bonds. Later when I heard the ship dock, it was to late. I was aboard their alien mothership in orbit around earth, and under their full control. My only hope was a savior of some sorts, whoever that may be.

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