Chapter Four

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Amanda's POV

As I step on the plane, I look at Addie. The doctor said her foot should feel better today, and her head will be better. Her nose, though, is plain broken. No shortcuts. All of us love going to Disney. We go together every summer. The olane starts to move. I read my magazine for a little while, then play hangman with Aparna.

Aparna's POV

As I play hangman, the plane begins to land. We get off the plane and grab our luggage. We hop in a taxi, and drive to the hotel. We drop our stuff, then enter the park.

Amanda's POV

We walk in and I smile. It is a familier place. We go on a roller coaster.

"Thank you!" I exclaim to Addie's mom. She smiles.

"I used to come here a lot, with my friends. But one day my family moved, and I never saw those friends again. I can't even really remember them. We tried to keep in touch," says Aparna.

We go to a restaurant and eat our food.

Aparna's POV

I shudder at the memories of the restraunt.  I would have said something, but I didn't want to ruin it for everyone else. I still haven't told them what a coincedence it is that they have the same names as my old friends.

I am eight years old. I look around. I can't see three feet ahead of me in the crowd. I try to find anyone I know. I see the restraunt that we had been seperated in.

"Amanda? Addie? Ainsley? Alyssas? Anusha?" I call. No response. I'm scared. It is getting dark, and I am lost. I don't know what to do. I sigh. I sit on a bench and wait for the crowd to disappear. I sit there for a half hour, occasionally calling out their names. After a little while, I see my best friend.

"Amanda!" I shout, running over. She hugs me.

"We were worried sick!" Amanda says. We walk to the hotel.

I never forget this day for as long as I live.

Addie's POV

I order a pizza and eat it up. It is eight o' clock. I walk out the doors, my friends at my heels. My ankle feels so much better after the doctor treated it. It barely even hurts anymore. We go to a teacup ride, and laugh the whole time as we spin the wheel at top speed.

Author's Note :
Sorry about the short chapter! It was meant to help you learn more about Aparna. Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back!

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