Chapter One

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Ainsley's POV

I walk out of the movie theater and sit on the bench.

"My butt hurts!" Addie complains.

"Probably 'cause we've been sitting for so long!" Alyssa 1 replies.

Raegan, who has started hanging out with us more, sits down without complaining.

"Quit your whining!" She says.

Amanda spots the food counter.

"Pizza?" Amanda asks, grinning at Addie.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely pizza!" Addie says. They both make a mad dash to buy two pizzas.

Once the pizzas arrive, they eat the pizzas. Amanda winds up eating six pieces, and Addie eats five and a half.

"I beat you!" Amanda says to Addie.

We all go and walk to our own houses, talking about the movie.

Amanda's POV

I am extremely stuffed. But it was worth it to beat Addie. I unlock the back door to my house and go in. I sit on the couch with Raegan, and we watch a new Once Upon a Time episode.


I yawn as my alarm goes off. I hit the button and it stops. I hop out of bed and get dressed. I pull on a pair of black leggings, a long sweater, and combat boots.

"Breakfast is ready!" Mom calls. I run downstairs. I am the first to sit down.

Mitchell, Ryan, and Raegan run in and sit down. Mom puts pancakes in front of all of us, and we all begin to eat. Afterwards, I grab my backpack and walk outside. I walk to the bus stop with Ryan and Raegan. We use our phones as we wait gor the bus. When it gets here, we hop on and ride to school.

Addie's POV

I open my locker, one of the five people who actually shows up a half hour early. I drop my stuff outside my homeroom. I go to the library and check out a new book, then read the first two chapters. A girl I have never seen before walks in and sits down, braiding her hair. I go to my locker and check my phone. No texts. I walk along the hall. I feel a loud thud on my back, and I trip. I land on my face. I turn around and see Amanda laughing.

"Amanda!" I shout.

She helps me up and I slap her on the shoulder. We walk around, then go to homeroom.

Alyssa 1's POV

In homeroom, a really annoying kid is trying to lecture me on why the ocesn has tides.

"And the giant water magnet turns on at some times and off at others," he finishes.

I sigh. Addie and Amanda walk in. They walk over. Apparantly, they have heard a bit of it.

"Aleck, you're wrong. Everyone knowd that tides are caused by the moon!" Addie says, in her best (but fake) I'm-smarter-than-you-so-don't-try-to-be-smart voice.

We sit in our seats, and Raegan walks in with Aparna and Ainsley. Alyssa 2 also comes in. We all sit at the same table.

"Nice voice," I tell Addie. She blushes.

"Okay, everyone, today, there will be an awards assembly during third block, so come back here," Mr. Jackson says.

The bell rings, and we all walk to class.

Raegan's POV

I walk to math class. I sit in my seat and take out the homework, as the teacher puts the answers on the board. I check the answers. I didn't get them all right, but it's okay because the homework is a completion grade. My teacher teaches about constants of variation and stuff, but I zone out. The bell rings, and I walk to my locker. Everyone's voices blur together.

"Whatisthe-Iwantpizza-Whatistheassemblytoday?" Everyone says. Or at least, that's what it sounds like.

I get things out of my locker and go to PE. I change in the locker room and walk to the gym.

After class, I go to lunch. After lunch is the assembly. No one knows what it will be about.

Author's Note:
How did you like this first chapter? Book of the day is Harry Potter Facts You Didn't Know, by @MariaSnape

Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back!

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