🐾Chapter Eight🐾

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💖Hazel 💖

The dull ache in my chest weighted me down and refused to die as I tried to remain a symbol of strength before my warriors.

"Tonight,we lay to rest our Lead Warrior Blaze, Whisper, Lucky, Tangle and finally, young Paul. Warriors in life as in death and we will honor their memories forever as long as this Group stands!"

The other Newbies huddled together in the cold as they paid their respects to their friend, whispering fond memories of the times gone by.

"Goodbye, Paul. I'll always remember you." I whispered to the cold body of the Newbie before moving on to crouch next to Tangle, wanting to yowl like a lost kit.

My oldest friend...Gone in the blink of an eye...I wish you rest, my friend.

The sounds of squeaking kits almost made me laugh bitterly.

Willow's kits had arrived just as Night ran back to camp during the fighting just in time to help Minnow, who clearly knew nothing about birthing kits...

Four, healthy kits named Light, Apple, Mist and Patch.

Of death must come birth for life to go on....

"Why did this happen, Night?  Is this what you had told me you had foreseen?"

Night looked older as he replied, brushing against me.

"Yes. Some of it. The battle. The blood...But none of it could be avoided. I'll go check on the kits."

I shivered without his warmth and went to try to comfort my Group mates.

It was the least I could do.

I stood in the middle of a sunlit forest, the wind rustling around me.

Suddenly, a familiar dark brown she-cat with shining blue eyes sat in front of me, looking stronger and younger than ever.

"Hello, dear. I'm here to bring you a message."

I waited, my heart aching for the old cat.

Her voice seemed to deepen as the wind howled around us.

"A poppy's storm will rise and peace will be found if the wild threat doesn't die."

She smiled and faded.

"Tangle! Wait! I need to know more!"

But it was too late...

💕Feral 💕

They think they've won? Think again!

So far,the weaklings who died were Leo and Tanner.

Like I cared...They weren't quick enough to save themselves, why should I trust them to defend the Group?

I rounded up my remaining cats and spend the remainder of the night discussing with Cora in my den about what to do next.

"Red has been missing since the beginning of the Gathering. Any idea where we can find that traitor?"

Cora shrugged.

"He's always been mad in my opinion. I say let's see if he's still alive before we do away with him completely. Let's just for now focus on rebuilding our strength and sending out more patrols."

I purred at her quick thinking.

"Excellent thinking,Cora. We'll show those fox-hearted kits our true power once we let them settle down."

She smirked,her teeth flashing.

"Alright. Until then,training will continue as is."

I nodded and flicked
an ear.

"See that it does. I'm going to hunt."

Cora dipped her head and padded out of the den.


I tracked down the raven through the darkness,eyes narrowed as I pounced, snapping its neck.

I buried the measly fresh-kill and continued through the forest.

All of this belongs to me! I'll die before I let those mouse-hearted rouges have a fox-length of it!

"Feral,sir? Your plan worked perfectly! The stupid fish-face didn't even put up a fight!" yowled Fin,his eyes gleaming as he stopped in front of me, Cora and Indigo flanking him.

In Indigo's jaws laid a limp Rain's Third,Jax, I think, and dropped him on the ground, licking her jaws as if to get rid of the taste of whatever fishy taste his fur had.

I purred.

"Excellent work,Fin.
Indigo and as always, Cora,brilliant choosing."

He puffed out his chest.

Indigo nodded.

"Thank you, Feral! I can't wait to go tell Spunk, Bug and Quick!"

Indigo purred, disappearing into the night after Fin.

In the past few days since burying the weaklings, I had made Bug and Quick into Newbies and appointed Indigo and Cora as their Trainers and training has never been better,yet Feather seemed distant and I've noticed that she,too,has been acting odd.

But Frost is even getting stronger and joining all of the night partols.

Cora licked a paw, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"So,what are we going to do with him?" She asked, kicking Jax,who yowled and tried vainly to get up.

He spat out blood, and with a burst of strength, he yowled, " You lied to me! ", managed to pin Cora down and left a nick in her ear,but she was too fast and raked his belly,holding him down by the neck.

I purred.

"Kill him of course."

She lashed her tail, her eyes blazing with bloodlust. 

"With pleasure."



Savanah limped over to press herself against me as we sat on our gathering Hill, overlooking the dead and the mourning living below.

I stood up and mewed,

"I'm sure you'll all are aware of what happened at the Gathering tonight. I lay the spirits of Whisp, Hope and Opal to rest. Brave warriors to the end and forever will be."

Basil looked most distort, tears in his eyes.

"I loved her...Despite her age, I loved her..."

I pricked up my ears.


He pawed the ground,his shoulders shaking as he sobbed.

"Hope. I was waiting so patiently to tell her,once she was older,of course, but now, she's never coming back."

I raised my tail on his shoulder and sighed.

"No one could predict that this would happen,but we can't stop the paws of fate. You'll see her again."

He smiled sadly.

"I pray you're right,

I nodded and padded over to my den and waited for Savanah to appear.

"Cloud might kit in another moon or two." She flicked her tail as she settled in her nest.

I nodded and looked at her.

"Savanah? Is this what you think you saw that night?"

She shuddered.

"Yes. I do."

I sighed and turned away.

"Let's just hope that nothing happens like this again."


The kits raced around the clearing in the snow, Cloud watching fondly from the nursery, chatting with Savanah and Dash over a rabbit.

I watched Sand and Bracken play fight with Sun and Moon, and purred as little Moon pounced on her older brother,Sand as the light gray tabby she-cat swiped at his muzzle, pinning him.

"No fair!" Sand howled, his green eyes gleaming as he knocked his sister away.

Moon and Bracken ambushed their older brother and split into two groups, Sun and Bracken against Moon and Sand.

"Warriors already, don't you think?" A soft, gentle voice whispered.

I looked behind me and gasped as a familiar pair of blue eyes met my amber.

Hope looked older than when I last saw her.

"Tell Basil that I'm sorry that I had to go and that I love him and I wish I could tell him that, but I am here to bring you a message. A poppy's storm will rise and peace will come in stride if the wild threat doesn't die."

Soon, she began to fade and I wanted to yowl as she vanished.

💖 💜 💖 💜 💖 💜 💖 💜 💖


Poor Jax though  :'(



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