•Chapter One•

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"Hazel? Wake up. We have visitors. "

I awoke to the growl of Minnow as she stood in front of me with an air of mistrust still in her eyes.

" So someone crossed our markers?"  I  asked calmly ,looking up from my grooming.

My Third nodded. " Yes. Blaze and his patrol caught them when they were hunting near the stream. The leader would like to speak with you as soon as it's convenient for you. "

" Tell the leader we will be meeting by the broken oak. Thank you, Minnow. Dismissed. "

The dark brown and white she-cat dipped her head. " Of course, Hazel."

I flicked my tail as she padded out of the den, noticing that Night was already gone, probably herb-gathering, I mused.

I looked proudly around the temporary campsite.

Trainers and their Newbies getting ready to practice by the tall oak.

Queens, Dawn and Willow sunning themselves on boulders, watching the  kits, Mud, Poppy, and Sparrow, play.

Tangle was grooming herself out of her own den, a small hole in an old pine.

I noticed all of my cats,old and young loved to climb and hunt in the trees.

Perhaps we can keep this going for seasons to come.

Learn new fighting and hunting moves no other cats know.

The thought made my heart soar.

Yes. I should announce this later.

I froze as an unfamiliar scent laced the air and the hairs on my pelt rose in hostility as a slender white she-cat with ice-blue eyes bounded toward me easily, as if she owned the very grass she walked.

Following close behind were two toms: a broad-shouldered dark brown  with slightly large yellow eyes and a long-legged dark ginger with goldish-green eyes.

Holding back a growl, I beamed in welcome, despite the obvious tension that grew as my Group noticed the stranger approaching their Head.

When the newcomer spoke, her voice was cool.

"Greetings.  I am Winter. This is my Second Owl and my Lead Warrior Wes. We hear tale of you setting up markers and we shall do the same. I propose that we meet again at Half-Moon in the clearing where our lands cross and discuss what is to be done in the future. Until then... Cross our territory and we will kill you on the spot."

Growls rose up to challenge her words and I raised my tail for silence. " I am Hazel. And I accept your offer. We meet again at Half-Moon. "

Winter dipped her head and flicked an ear and her cats followed her as silent as the way they had arrived.

Without another word, I leaped onto the large stump in the middle of the clearing and yowled, "Cats, old and young, gather to hear my words! "

Just then, a familiar pelt slipped through the crowd, marigold and sage in his jaws.

I released the sigh of relief I had been holding and mewed, digging my claws into the wood.

" As most of you know, we have new cats in the forest and perhaps more will follow so I propose we all train to prepare for any attacks that may arise and make sure our markers are fresh from dusk to dawn. Trainers, you know your duty. I ask you to help us any way possible. I want guards posted and changed out every sunrise and moonset. Minnow. I trust you will see to this?"

She nodded. " Yes, Hazel. You can count on me. "

I smiled.

"Good. This meeting is over."

From that point on, process began swiftly.

Marking borders.

Making sure every cat was fed and trained.

The kits were kept happy.

Tangle fresh of ticks and fleas.

Herbs were restocked...

I even met Earth, another  Head of cats in the forest, who so far keep to themselves, but promised to meet at Half-Moon as well as Rain and the big pawed Mist.

Kelli approached me and mewed, "Hazel?"

I turned to face my Lead Warrior.


The light ginger and black she-cat pawed the ground.

"Do you mind hunting with me and Whisper? She thinks that she saw something in the forest earlier. Smelled foul. Like crow-food. "

She curled up her lip at the memory.

I nodded.

"Of course, Kelli. Anything to keep our Group safe."

The Lead Hunter smiled in relief.

"Ok. We're all set to go."

I nodded.

Along the way, I shared my ideas for making The Group stronger.

Kelli and Whisper had nodded and offered positive feedback while their ears listened for any strange noises...

●Battle scarred black tom•

I surveyed the area and smiled to myself.

So they think they can just take my land? Over my dead body. From the patrols's findings, this Group doesn't seem much of a threat. Just like the others.

I sniffed the air again before moving along the shadows like a ghost, keeping close to the ground.

"I'm telling you, Hazel. I did see something!" I heard a she-cat hiss worriedly.

"Now. Now, Whisper. There's nothing here. Let's return home." The one I assumed was Hazel mew calmly.

"Alright. Kelli!  Let's go!"

A muffled mew answered and I heard their pawsteps fade into the distance.

Soon, I will have to face them. To show them who truly rules this forest.

I padded back to camp, slightly exhausted.

My Second only nodded and padded over to his nest.

All was quiet for the time being, but come the Half-Moon Gathering, I will show these other Groups that I will go down fighting for what is mine.



I looked out on the bleak horizon, longing for the warm moons so far from the coming leaf-bare and fluffed out my fur.

"Earth? We're ready to begin training."

I knew Basil wouldn't give me a heartbeat alone.

I continued to look at the sky.

The so-called Gathering was two sunrises away.

I had to have my wits about me if my Group was going to continue to thrive here.


I shook my head to clear it.

"I'm coming, Basil."

"Of course, Earth." My Third mewed.

I heard his fainting pawsteps and sighed.

"Perhaps I should get started with the training." I muttered under my breath, following Basil's voice as he split our warriors into different groups of two.

Savanah sat perched on the sand hill we used for meetings, chatting with Marco and his patrol,  our den a pawstep away, an old rabbit barrow.

I padded into the clearing, all eyes locked on my every move.

I climbed the hill to sit next to her and she dipped her head before turning to face our Group.

"Listen! Earth has proposed we all learn to train and become one with the earth, as his namesake. Starting by hunting. Earth, if you would please continue. "

I nodded.

"Yes. Each sunrise, we will tunnel into the ground and slowly create tunnels to navigate through and use as a way of escape if needed. Dash and I will lead the first partol."

Despite the mutters of doubt, all of my cats seemed willing to learn.

This is just the beginning. In seasons to come, let's hope that this continues....


Ok!  That's all for Chapter One!

Chapter Two will be Winter's, Mist's and Rain's POVS,  leading up to the Gathering.

Let me know what you think!


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