Memories Pt I

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The Avengers

Natasha touched another drawing that represented an older girl with Ibrahim that was comforting her.
"Befhre you touch it, all av you must know, dat dese memhries will show you mhre than just what was drawn. It'll show you everything you need to know, moments dat will make you understand 'er better. dat's why some are shhrter than oders." Mathilde informed everyone to which they nodded, somehow understanding her. Maybe it was that Mathilde put a spell on them so they could understand all languages. Natasha touched the drawing and they started to see the memories.

A girl was throwing up while Gülfem was making sure her hair was out of the way. "Well, that's one way to start a memory" Rocket commented but shut up after seeing the looks of his teammates. "My Queen, don't you think, the Sultan and your grandmother need to know?" Gülfem asked, wiping the queen's mouth with a cloth when the girl stopped vomiting. The illusion of the girl breathing heavily and shaking her head. "There is no need to worry them more. Once the child will be visible I will tell them." She said closing her eyes, trying to calm her breath. Her strong Irish accent, now brief. "Does anybody else know about this besides Gülaga and me, my Queen?" The maid and friend asked taking the bowl with the vomit out. "Ibrahim knows... Robert and Rami as well. My brothers only know about the pregnancy, and the boys started the hunt for the man...." The small girl said. 

The Avengers were shocked. Their mate was probably fifteen years old and she was pregnant. But they were furious to know that she was raped.

 "I heard that there is a new girl in the harem. What's her name?" The pregnant girl swiftly changed the subject, sitting on her bed. "Samara, My Queen. She is from here - Midgard. I think I heard that she was Russian." Gülfem responded seeing that her Queen didn't want to talk about her pregnancy. "She seems weird... I mean not in a bad way, but I think she... She seems evil... Don't you think?" The now brown-haired girl said, looking at nothing in particular, but for The Avengers it seemed that she was looking at Gamora. "There is a very confusing aura around her, but I don't think she is that evil... I mean, we don't know her, we shouldn't make assumptions." The maid responded smiling softly at the girl and sitting next to her. "You are probably right, though I don't want her near my brothers, especially Sulejman. She really makes me feel uncomfortable and she looks very intimidating." the queen responded putting a hand on her three weeks pregnant belly and smiling softly. "She will respect you, My Queen. You and your five siblings are the important ones here." Gülfem reassured her Queen and stroked her arm softly in a comforting manner. The two were interrupted by Mahidevran and Hürrem walking in the chamber. Gülfem bowed to them, while the two bowed to the young mother."We heard what happened... How are you feeling, dear sister?" Hürrem was the first one to speak. The girl asked them to sit with her on the sofa, where the Avengers were standing. They turned around and continued watching the memory. "I feel exhausted and filthy, but happy that I will have someone to love like a mother again." She responded gaining sad smiles from everyone. When Gülfem looked at the sisters and sent them a look that said to change the subject, they nodded and Mahidevran started a conversation. "Sulejman is looking for a wife... But I don't know why? He has a Soulmate, he needs to find them." Mahidevran said looking a bit confused at their brother's weird behaviour. "Doesn't he seem off to you? He always talked about how, when he'll the Sultan on Midgard, he'll look for his Soulmate and he'll never have more than just his Soulmate. Now it seems as if he stopped caring... That he is rejecting his Soulmate even though he didn't meet them." Hürrem added making the pregnant girl's interest peek. "What about the new girl? Samara? Doesn't she seem... I don't know... Evil to you?" She asked her sisters but Gülfem immediately spoke. "My Queen, we really shouldn't make assumptions. She might be too confident for her own good, yes, but the rules of the Palace will destroy her." She looked at her Queen and Queen's sisters trying to reason with the young mother. "Actually... T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗ is right... I was walking last night to my chamber and when she passed me... It was bizarre...she smiled evilly... As if she knew something we didn't... It was really creepy." Hürrem said and Gülfem immediately looked at the young queen with worry.

"We need to go now. We will come back this evening after Grandmother will let us go. Actually, Gülfem we will need you for one thing... No, sister, it's a surprise, so you can't go with us" Mahidevran said looking at Gülfem and silently telling her to follow them, so they can talk. They bowed to their sister and exited the Chamber.
The girl sat alone with her thoughts which weren't very good. "Why do I get this feeling, that this Magnificent Century will not be so Magnificent....?" She asked herself. Another maid walked in the Chamber and bowed to her. "What is it, dear?" She asked the panicked maid. "My Queen... You asked me to follow the new girl and I did..." The maid looked terrified. She didn't want her Queen to be sad or angry, especially in the state she was in. "I saw her... She waved at me and smiled wickedly when she passed me.." The royalty walked to her maid with a raised eyebrow. "She walked to the Sultan's private Chambers..." She finished and looked at her queen sadly. The queen's mood changed very quickly. "Damn You Samara! Damn You Sulejman!" She cried out sitting on the bed and crying more. The maid - Gülaga quickly kneeled before her and started to comfort her. "I'm sorry, my Queen. Don't cry... Please, you shouldn't be crying." She said trying to make her feel better. After some time of the queen crying, the door opened and Grandmother Sultan walked in. Worried and a bit angry. The maid bowed to the grandmother while the girl looked at her with puffy eyes."Gülaga, go help Dihe Hatun." Grandmother Sultan said. The maid bowed and went out of the chamber. "Why didn't you tell me, my dear? Why are you crying?" The grandmother sat down and hugged her granddaughter. "I was scared... I didn't want anyone to worry about me... And... Samara... She..." The teen cried harder, making her grandmother hug her tighter. "I know, I know... It's ok... Don't cry, my Dear. It's not good for the child. Next time you are hurt, come to me... We all are here for you, My Queen." The Sultan said, her eyes watery at her grandchild's pain. They stayed like this some more before the Sultan had to go. She promised her granddaughter that she will return in the morning. "Don't cry and don't worry, we'll find a way to bring Sulejman back. Rest now. I'll come in the morning. Sweet dreams, Little Goddess" She kissed her temple and went out. Once the girl was alone again, she started to cry even harder.

The Avengers looked at the scene sadly. None of them could do anything. Just watch as their young mate cried herself to sleep. Bruce, Stephen and Tony were scared that the worse was to come. 

The scene changed a bit. It was now morning. They saw the girl still asleep. Then she twitched in pain. A painful groan escaped her lips. Immediately the team knew what was wrong. They saw a bit of blood on her gown and their faces saddened even more. The girl woke up, holding her stomach, moaning in pain. She looked at the bed and saw a blood mark. She screamed in terror and pain. "No!" She cried and screamed. Gülfem and Gülaga ran into the chamber with worry. They went to Aliara and when they saw the blood, they knew. "Go, bring the medic! Quick!" Gülfem said to the maids that were now looking worried at the young queen. She cried and screamed, breathing heavily. "Lay down, my Queen. The Medic is on her way." Gülaga said, delicately pushing the pregnant girl onto the bed to lay her down. Terror was written in everyone's eyes. After what seemed like hours, the medic came and immediately took care of the queen.

She worked very hard, but nothing could save the child at that point. The Medic gave their queen something to drink which made the young girl fall asleep. Mahidevran, Hürrem, Robert, Rami and their Grandmother with three other boys and two girls, one with red hair and pale skin, the other was a beautiful black girl with the delicate features of an angel. They walked into the chamber quickly. The redhead girl ran to the sleeping young woman and very carefully hugged her. Robert and Rami didn't really know what to do. The other boys and the dark-skinned girl held shocked gazes. They wanted to do something. But nothing could be done at the moment. They were all over the place. "I'm am very sorry... She lost the child" The medic said writing down some medicine. "She needs rest. She will feel sore for a couple of days. Warm baths, fruits and a lot of water. No walking around for a while and no stress. I know it'll be hard, but for her own good... Try to do it." The medic said looking at everyone. Gülfem and Gülaga were in tears as well as Hürrem and Mahidevran. Rob and Rami with their younger brothers and the other boys and girls in the chamber were furious. They knew exactly who to blame for this. The grandmother tried not to kill the new girl that caused so much stress to her granddaughter while the redhead hummed a soft tune, stroking the girl's hair softly.

The Avengers were sad. Wanda, Natasha and the girls were crying while the others tried to hold their tears in.

The scenery changed once again. This time, The woman was older, she looked to be twenty. "My Queen, we need to go to the basement. We are not safe here! And you and your child aren't either!" Hürrem said, holding her young son in her arms, while her husband, Leo, tried to comfort his nephew Mustafa. Ser Jorah, Missandei, Gülfem with Gabriela, Victoria and Esma ran in the chamber. "They are still surrounding the Palace, we need to go. Sulejman and Ibrahim will be here soon." Hürrem's maid - Esma, said. The queen nodded and they started to go to the basement. Unfortunately one of the barbarians threw a knife at the window that made the girl dodge but she lost her footing on the stairs and she fell, losing consciousness. "T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗! Wake up!" Gabriela cried. 

Victoria checked her pulse and looked at everyone. "She is alive." Leo took the queen in his arms, while Ser Jorah took Mustafa. "I'll carry her, go," He said and they continued to the basement. But the same situation happened. This time, Leo was hit. Everyone looked at him and Hürrem was crying even more. "Missandei, take the queen, I'll carry Leo." Ser Jorah said. They made it to the basement putting the queen and Leo on some cushions. "We'll go, search for the medic, stay here until it gets safe." Ser Jorah said and Victoria followed him. "Come, my dear... You can't die on us now..." Hürrem chanted, sitting between her sister and her husband. She knew Leo will get better, he was a strong man. But her sister lost her child, her triplet brothers, Louis and Alex... And so much more in this century. She was broken. If she'll lose another child... She won't be herself anymore. "She is dying, she is dying... No... Please! My Queen!" Gülfem panicked and Gabriela tried to snap out of her trance. She didn't want to lose her again. Both knew this little girl since she was born. She lived with her in every century... well those that passed... The Ancient Egipt. Ancient Greece. In France, in England, In Scotland, In Ireland... Now here... in the XVI century, still, but in Ottoman Empire... where she suggested going many centuries ago... It seemed to be a good plan at first... In the Ancient centuries, it wasn't that messy. It started, when the first attack happened. France then Scotland. That's where it all started to go south... 

The Avengers saw Gülfem's little flashbacks and it made them so much sadder and angrier. Aliara didn't deserve any of this. None of them did.

The medic came and went straight to the queen. She inspected her. "She is in labour. If I don't act now, she'll lose the baby. Can we move her so I can save the child?" Asked the medic looking at everyone. "Leave the child. She is more important." Hürrem said angrily. She wanted both her sister and her sister's child to be saved, but it was too dangerous to move the Queen, knowing the bandits want to kill her. Everyone cried. They knew Hürrem was right but it didn't stop the tears to run down their cheeks. In the morning the Avengers were surrounding their mate's bed. "Gülfem, Missandei," The girl's weak and raspy voice said. "We're Here, my Queen." Responded Missandei as she took the lying girl's hand. "What happened?" The girl asked. "While escaping, you fell down the stairs, My Queen." Gülfem said with a shaky voice. "The baby?" She asked but nobody responded. The queen's gaze turned to look in front of her. She was looking at the Avengers... Well, it seemed like it. They all were silent. Observing the broken girl in the bed. "Hürrem...." The woman called. The redhead reluctantly made her way towards her sister, Gabriela, the dark-skinned girl, the redhead and the boy were looking down with unreadable expressions. She sat on the bed and took her sister's left hand in hers. "My Queen... It was a great tragedy... We need to be thankful, that we survived." Hürrem said, looking at Missandei and Gülfem but they were all crying. "Hürrem... The baby?" She asked tightening her grip on her sister's hand. "My Queen......The babe's in Heaven." After she said that, the girl started to scream and throw herself on the bed in pain. Gülfem and Hürrem tried to stop her from getting herself hurt... The boy was quick to hug the woman while the girls had silent tears running down their cheeks.

"Why....? Why? She didn't deserve any of this?!" Clint asked when the vision ended and they were thrown into another one. Everyone was so sad and furious at this point.

The girl sat in the garden with Ibrahim and Hürrem, striking her very pregnant belly. "Hürrem, Ibrahim, don't tell grandmother that I didn't feel so good the other day. She is already worried as it is." The pregnant girl said. They smiled at her, nodding softly. The girl wanted to say something but she leaned forward and hissed in pain. "It started," Hürrem said. She took her sister's hand while Ibrahim took the other and they helped her go to her chamber. She started screaming at this point. "Breathe, love. In... Out." Hürrem instructed when she made sure that the Queen lay in bed with the maids. The medic came and started her work. "Pasha, you need to go. Wait outside the room." Gülfem said to which Ibrahim nodded unsurely and left the room.
"Honey, breathe... In... Out... In... Out" Hürrem helped the girl.

It wasn't strange for the Avengers to see their mate give birth. They were there when the little ones were born.

"I've got him!" The medic said. She cut the umbilical cord and gave the newborn a soft clap....the child didn't respond... Again... Nothing... "Ahhhh! Ibrahim!" The mother screamed and the brother ran into the chamber.
The Avengers noticed a new thing... They saw the ghosts of her brothers and the two older brothers looking at their sister with sad eyes. "Ibrahim, why isn't he responding?!" The young mother screamed in tears. The Pasha looked with hope but also terror in his eyes. "My Queen..." He started quietly not tearing his eyes from the newborn. "My son... Come on, little one... I can't lose you! He is not responding... He's not responding..." The queen's voice got higher with each word and she started hyperventilating. "Give me the child." Hürrem said, but no-one listened. "Give me the child!" She screamed making Ibrahim and the girl jump at her sudden outburst. The medic gave the child to the redhead. Hürrem tapped the young boy in a specific place on the back and then she put her hand in his mouth, taking out a little part of the umbilical cord. She slapped him softly twice, to which the baby responded, crying. "Oh... Oh, Gods...." Everyone was relieved. The Avengers smiled softly at the scene and they saw the ghosts looking at the scene as if they knew something was off. Hürrem chuckled and gave the boy to her sister then she stroked her hair gently. "Thank you, Hürrem." She said before looking with a big smile at her baby. She laughed and cried happy tears. "Hey there, little one... My little Idris... Mommy loves you so much" She said in a soft voice. She looked at her son with so much love and pride. The Avengers smiled but their happiness was washed away immediately when another vision came in.

A couple of months later, the mother played with little Idris. Then she sang him a song, that she wrote many centuries ago. The child was sick and even the medics didn't know why.
"It pains me to see her like this... I want to tell her, that the babe was poisoned by Samara when she visited the castle, but we can only watch! "It's unfair!" The ghost of Rami screamed.

The Avengers immediately knew that Samara was sent by Thanos. The evil girl poised the Sultan and made sure to make the girl's life a living hell. The blood was boiling in the Avengers' Veins.

"Why nobody's acting?!" Tony asked looking at his siblings in law. "Because we had our hands tied. Samara acted very secretly and with Sulejman at 'er side, we weren't able to break de curse s'e put on him. dat's why we ended up dead... Samara had to make sure we wouldn't tell anywan about 'er acshuns and wouldn't try to fend a way to break de curse What are you like? We were murdered de same night, she lost 'er first baby." Robert said to the group. They really were pissed now. But they continued watching the memory before them.

Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings
Once upon a December...

She fell asleep, leaning herself on the Cot. It looked so sweet and it felt so peaceful for once.

In the morning the mother woke up on the floor next to her son's cot. "Idris, dear, I think it's time for breakfast." She said sleepily, yawning and looking in the cot. Her eyes widened and she carefully picked up the boy. "Little One?... Idris....? No... Not again..." She whispered. The team looked closer at the child and they gasped in fear. Joachim was white as a sheet, his eyes closed and blood purring from his mouth. "The same poison that someone used on Dimash!" The ghost Robert said, furious. "Honey, wake up... Look at mommy... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" the door opened to reveal a panicked Gülfem and Missandei. They looked at the child and gasped. "Not again... Quick, bring a medic!" Missandei yelled at the maids. "My Queen... Give me the child" Gülfem asked softly. "No! You will not take him from me! Not again! He is sleeping... He'll wake up soon." She said. History repeated itself. These were the same words she used when Dimash died... Gülfem looked at Missandei, knowing that the Queen needs to be convinced to give the child. "We need to wash him, My Queen," Gülfem said. The queen looked carefully at her best friend and with a broken voice asked. "I want to go with you... Please." Ibrahim ran into the chamber and broke when he saw the scene before him. He slowly made his way towards his sister and crouched on the ground. "My dear sister... Can... Can I hold my nephew?" He asked quietly. "You won't take him away?" The broken mother asked. Ibrahim shook his head but everyone knew that he will have to take the child away. "I promise... My dear..." He cried a bit. She gave him the child and he gasped at the sight of the dead babe in his arms. He kissed his sister's forehead and looked at Idris. He stood up and went to Gülfem, the mother right behind him. When he gave the child to the maid, all hell broke loose. The queen screamed, trying to get to her son while Ibrahim held her tightly in his arms until they collapsed to the floor and they cried and cried...
After a day she wanted a warm hamam. She sent the maids away, telling them that she wants to be alone, which was a bad idea... "Once upon a De... Cem...ber.." She choked on her tears. The team feared that something bad is about to happen... And they were right... The Queen saw a knife near the bowl of fruits. She took it and slit her wrists... The team stared at their mate with wide eyes and scared expressions. But Gülfem found her nearly half an hour later and immediately took care of her...
She survived... But she blamed herself for the child's death...

Speechless... The only word that described the Avengers right now. "We are near de end av dese memhries... Tell us if you need a pause Alright?..." Mathilde said, taking the Doctor's and Amy's hands. "No, we want to see everything," Loki said, looking carefully at Mathilde, feeling something shifting in the air. It was hard but they wanted to see more... Even if it was pure agony for them.

It was a few years later. And they all saw the difference between the first memory and this one. There was a tense atmosphere and no one was smiling.
The woman stood on the balcony when her eyes spotted something terrible. She ran out of the Palace to the front garden and stopped before the open casket of Ibrahim...
She walked slowly towards it, falling on her knees. "Ibrahim..." She whispered tears started to run down her eyes. She screamed, making the maids with her two sisters - Hürrem and Mahidevran run out of the Palace. When they saw what was going on, they tried to take the girl away from the horrible view.

Next, they were in the main castle. The queen walked rapidly to her poisoned brother's chamber. Sulejman made his guards let her in. She stood in front of him, eyes red and puffy, while his face remained calm...

But because it was a memory, the Avengers saw more. They saw Sulejman's soul cry for help. They heard him scream that he was sorry... That he wants to come back... It pained them to know that Sulejman was like this.

"Are you happy? Ibrahim is dead...." The sultan's face remained emotionless. It was scary. "And you know a funny thing? He died sleeping right next to you." She continued walking slowly towards the sultan. "It appears that you didn't even hear a thing... How did that happen? TELL ME! HOW CAN YOU SLEEP, KNOWING HE WAS UNDER YOUR PROTECTION?!" She yelled, her eyes turning all black for a second. "Sister," Sulejman said touching her cheek in a comforting manner. "Do not touch me" She whispered and looked at him. "You promised that you'll look after him... How could you break this promise?" She cried and Sulejman hugged her tightly. But she pushed him away after a second. "Let me go! You don't have any right to hug me! What would Grandmother say? What would Mother say? You broke more promises than you made them... That's not something mother would be proud of... Neither would be father..." She whispered the last part and went out of the chamber, leaving the sultan whose curse started to break.

The girl, the nameless two girls, Mahidevran and Hürrem with Gülfe, Gabi, Missandei and Ser Jorah went to Samara's part of the Palace. Afife Hatun, who was the right hand of the Queen followed after them. "Samara!" the queen screamed at the balcony. After a couple of minutes, the blond sultan came down. She bowed to her Queen, for the first time, afraid of her. "My Queen... My Condolences for the death of your brother and sons" Samara said, not looking at the girl. "It was you... You ruined everything" The broken girl said lowly. "I'm sorry, my queen... I don't know what you are talking about" Samara lied still not looking at the girl. The broken girl launched herself towards Samara, while Gülfem and Hürrem tried to stop her. "You were the one that killed our peace! You ruined our lives! You killed my siblings! My sons! And now you killed Ibrahim!" She screamed, her breath becoming heavy... "My queen... I didn't do such a thing. But Pasha did deserve it and Sulejman can tell that I'm innocent" She said looking now at the living fury "Leave him out of it! You are going to rot in hell!!" she hyperventilated. "Let go... Let go..." She said to the girls that were making sure, she won't throw herself on the evil girl. Breathing heavily, she walked up to Samara and looked up at her with a death glare. "I promise you, that you will end up in Hell... And no one will even miss you, Samara. You will suffer, remember that!" Aliara shouted and walked away with everyone following behind. The Avengers saw Samara looking scared. They glared at her even if she couldn't see them, but boy... They wanted to rip her apart.

Some months passed. They saw her in a White gown on her balcony. Sulejman ran into the chamber, furious. When he saw his sister, he looked confused. "One of my guards told me, that you kidnapped Samara... Where is she?!" He asked, looking at his sister, still under the curse. "I remember, how peaceful and happy we were. You took the six of us in when everyone on our planet died... Three times I lived in the XVI century... First America, France... Scotland and when it started to be even more dangerous... You took us in... You would show us how a Sultan ruled. You would teach Louis, Alex, Rob and Rami your style of fighting, while Grandmother watched. You would play with us when you had time... And you always made an excuse to be with us... You made Ibrahim a Pasha... You hunted my attackers down and made them suffer... We were happy and everything was peaceful...." she said calmly with a small and sad smile. But then it disappeared. Everyone was confused except the siblings. "Then Samara came... She started to destroy everything in her way... You changed... Everything changed... No one could bring you back... Not Grandmother, not me... Not Ibrahim... No-one... She poisoned you and you fell into her trap! You stopped spending time with us... You stopped caring... She turned you against us... Against me..." Her breath quickened. The Avengers still was puzzled. But They saw Sulejman's poisoned soul getting closer to freedom with every word, the woman spoke.
"I never stopped caring, my sweet," Sulejman said looking at his sister with sadness. "My five siblings died first...trying to warn you about Samara... Grandmother died second... In pain that you were hurt... She wanted you to find your true soulmate... To be happy... Then my sons, and my daughter. And on the day of Idris' funeral, you took away my youngest son. You locked him away, killed him. But you still didn't care...  My sons and our brother... They were with you through thick and thin... They supported you, cared... Helped you... Died for you! And you?! What did you do after their death? How did you feel, knowing that they died right beside you... That they hanged them in their sleep?!" She raised her voice, but she had to catch her breath. She started looking pale. Sulejman looked at her with pain in his eyes. "My pain was as big as yours...." He said softly. "I know you want to know where Samara is... But I am the only one who knows... And I'll never tell you... Sh... She... Will... Ah... Die... In pure agony..." She started to cough and fall. Sulejman caught her. "What have you done?!" He asked panicked. From her hand, a little crystal bottle fell, rolling towards where the Avengers stood with shocked faces. Wanda squeaked in shock while the others gasped.
"Sister?!" Sulejman yelled panicked, holding his sister close. Mahidevran, Hürrem, Missandei, Gabi with the redhead girl and Gülfem entered the balcony with shocked looks and fear written on their faces.
"Brother... Remember... How you told me... That time will... Heal... The wounds... of my past...?" She coughed... "I waited... I waited so long... But peace never came..." she choked... "... Find Samara... Make her pay... I forgive you...I... Love... You...." She breathed out... "T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗?... T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗! Come back, sister! Wake up!! T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗....!.... T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗...." He cried. From the girl's eye, a tear dropped on the floor... That was it... The death of The Queen...

They came back into the Chamber with puffy, red eyes... Peter, Miles and Henry hugged their mother tightly while the others tried to control their emotions so they can see more... Know more... Understand more...
There is only so much a little broken soul can take... And their mate and her five siblings... Took so much... And even more... The story of The Family was tragic. Not even the Greek tragedies were so painful.
"Need a break....?" Asked Robert quietly. The team shook their heads and Steve walked to a drawing. XVIII Century..... One of the peaceful-ish centuries... There weren't many of those...
"Ready?" Steve asked and the team nodded.
He touched the drawing and they saw the first vision...

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