Heartless And Stone Cold

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"You're sick" Leon spat, glaring at Ivan who was sitting on the stairs before the machine. "You are very right." He nodded with a small smile. "But I wasn't born that way. Human Pest made me into this sick monster." He continued and Obi-Wan sighed. "You didn't have to become like this" He started, but Ivan stood up with an angry and hurt look. "You think I had a choice?! I was a child when it started! An innocent child who didn't know anything about the brutality of humans!" He cried out, his eyes filling with tears that never fell. "When I heard about Captain America for the first time in the middle of the war, then in 2012 I heard about the Avengers, I knew they would be the only ones who maybe, just maybe, could understand me, from where I came. Then, when I discovered Mathilde was your mate, I backed out. I made a silent promise, that I will never hurt my Goddess again, I will protect her from betrayal, pain, and sadness. So I watched your every move, heard your every word and my anger raised in me each day. I saw Mathilde's tears, whenever you went out on a private mission. I saw the fear, whenever you made her take blood tests or made her train with them. I saw the hurt, whenever you pushed her away. I was there, every step you took, I was the one to clean the mess you made. I was the one, to give Paul the idea of bringing all of you back together, to make Mathilde happy. I was the one, to kill those, who tried to hurt Mathilde when she defended innocent Broken Souls. I was the one to take her place in prison when she was accused, as a thirteen-year-old, pregnant girl, of a crime that she never committed! She was sent to prison for three years, but I was able to take her place after a year and a half! I was the one to take her out of prison, the second time she was sentenced, for protecting the LGBTQ+ community and the Black Lives Matter community! And You?! You did nothing! You never even knew about any of this, did you?!" He screamed and everyone besides Ali, Ramona, and Anakin looked shocked at the unconscious redhead. Ramona cried. Bad memories of her little soul sister being sent to prison, made her sick. Obi-Wan was shocked to hear about this, and so was the rest. Aliara looked up at Ivan and took a breath "She knew you were the one to help her, Ivan. She knew from the beginning, that you were far from being evil, no matter how badly you treated her. And I knew it too. We let your fury, betrayal, and sadness be let out on us because we preferred that than for you to hurt others, who would never understand or do something worse... Hurt yourself." Her voice was different. It seemed a bit raspier, a bit lower, and more motherly but still sounded delicate. As she spoke softly, The Avengers started to protest, saying that she was wrong. But their protests stopped when Aliara sharply looked at them. "Are you innocent?!" She glared at them and when she heard no response from the Mighty Heroes, she scoffed "That's what I thought. Most of you call yourselves heroes. Nearly none of you knows what it really means nor how to be them." She looked a everyone with a strong coldness in her eyes. Ivan wanted desperately to yell at her to shut up with her nonsense, yet he had to stick to the plan Mathilde, Rami, Paul, Mike and he made a long time ago. So he just glared at the white-haired girl, not noticing the confused stares of the others. Coming back from his trance, his glare hardened at Aliara's words "All of you had a difficult past. But only some of you changed. You take every person who did something bad as a villain, but you never listen to their story, nor want to understand them. Look at you. You never understood Loki, you never understood Bucky, and you never understood Bruce, nor the Twins. You never understood or listened to each other, making a mess that ended in the Civil War, which, fortunately, Mathilde was able to stop. But that's the thing isn't it?" She sighed "The only thing you are good at, is being arrogant, closed off. Because that is just who you are. You would save the world without any problems but you would not save those who need your help, who are the closest to you because you don't know how" She finished, shaking her head and looking at her sister. "Is she in pain?" She asked Ivan, who was silent. "She always is in pain" He answered her venomously, then he sighed and went to the machine, Mike rubbed his temples, the whole mess, making him tired. The silence, that followed after this, was very much welcomed. Even if it was tense, everyone was buried in their own thoughts, guilt, and shame.

"Mathilde?" A voice, followed by three pairs of footsteps was heard after what seemed like hours of silence. Aliara looked up and nearly fainted at what she saw, or who she saw "Dad?" Ali whispered, her eyes becoming wide. "Ah, the family is nearly complete! Welcome back to life, Mister Mercury!" Ivan smiled widely, skipping the stairs and going to the new people. "Mister Mercury, I am such a big fan of yours! I remember everything you did in your glory days, I hope for it to come back better than ever!" He joyfully said and the man before him raised his eyebrow. "Darling, I am glad that you want the girl to be saved from all the hurt, but this is villainy... Understandable and appreciated, but still a bit too violent" He crouched before Aliara, giving the frozen from shock girl, a stern look, before he went towards the unconscious girl, inspecting her for any wounds. "Ivan, I thank you for everything but you need to stop this now before someone loses their life." Paul walked towards Ivan, while Lucy moved towards Mathilde. "Do not panic, Paul. No one important will die today." He reassured, walking towards Mathilde and the three adults. "Her powers are still dormant. For her to become herself fully, we need to help her." Ivan started "Why? Hasn't she become herself, when she took back her soul?" Ben asked, speaking up for the first time. "Yes, but remember, that she doesn't have a heart. It makes her incomplete." Anakin answered and the mates looked at him with a glare. "Mike, it's time. Activate the machine." Ivan said and Mike nodded. "Ivan, no. No matter how much you feel obligated to do this, Mathilde will be crushed if you do!" Aliara yelled, figuring out what was happening. "Paul, free them." Ivan ignored Aliara, as the other man used his powers to free everyone, but Mathilde. When everyone felt their energy and powers come back, they rushed to Mathilde and Aliara, only to be stopped by an invisible wall. "What the Hell, do you think you're doing?!" Scott yelled only to be ignored. "Guys, we need to do something!" Natasha yelled, over the loud sound of the machine. "There is nothing we can do! She needs this!" Luke spoke, knowing that nothing could be done anymore, especially if their family was involved in this and doing it as well. Mathilde woke up, groaning in pain and coughing. Her eyes were milky-white, and she couldn't see anything. Ivan walked towards the machine. He sighed and looked back at everyone. "Ivan! Don't! We will find another way!" Lucy begged the man to stop whatever he wanted to do. "I've spent years in the darkness. I have been manipulated, threatened, used, and lied to. I have become a monster to my fellow Broken Souls, to my family, and to my Rulers. I have killed innocent Broken Souls. I have kidnapped, raped, and manipulated them. I killed two of my lords. Now, all I wanted was revenge on the Human Race, who turned me into this sick bastard of a monster!" He yelled and the machine started emitting a bright blue light.

Ivan sat down, and three robotic arms positioned themselves in front of him. "Ivan!" The four adults yelled, trying to free him from the machine, but it made sure to hold him tightly. Ivan chuckled humorlessly. "Once I'm gone, everything will get back to normal. Humans will pay for everything they've done to our Rulers." He breathed out. Mathilde let out an ear-piercing scream, feeling her blood boiling. "She needs to become her true self." Ivan took a deep breath and closed his eyes when Mathilde let out yet another scream of pain. Paul ran towards the machine, trying to stop it, but as he did, the machine sent powerful waves that sent the man flying. The machine started to make the noises of a starting vehicle and before anyone could react, with one last scream from Mathilde, the mechanical arms ripped out Ivan's heart. 

Everything went deadly silent. Everyone tried to comprehend what just happened. Ivan's dead body was still on the machine's seat, while the machine's arms let his heart fall to the ground, right before Aliara. No one spoke, afraid to react. Only a sudden sharp breath snapped them out of the shock and they all looked towards Mathilde and saw that the girl's once chained body was now free. "Holy shit, it worked!" Freddie announced, taking Mathilde's upper body in his arms and kissing her on the crown of her head. The girl opened her eyes weakly, her hand, shaking, and her throat in a flaming pain. "Da...ddy..." She breathed out before her eyes closed again. "Fred, take her and let's go," Mike said softly. "Stephen, make a portal, back to Ireland, please," Lucy asked her son-in-law, to which he immediately obliged and created a portal. Logan, Clint, Quill, Thor and T'Challa ran towards Aliara, helping her to her feet, while the others patiently waited for Freddie to come closer to them with their true mate in her father's arms. Anakin and Luke hugged their father - Paul, and went to the portal with Mike, leaving the rest alone. "She will distance herself from some of you. This time, just give her time and space. She'll come back, when she's ready" Freddie softly advised, feeling pity and compassion, knowing that all the Avengers wanted, was to help. But Mathilde will not be this happy, or understanding and she has every right to be furious at them. Though it was just a way of protection, it was toxic. And it didn't come only from the Avengers, but Aliara and Salomea were overprotective of mainly Mathilde. They became so overprotective after Alex and Louis died, that it became toxic. Especially, since Mathilde tried to kill herself multiple times. "Come on. She needs rest." Paul said they went into the portal, which sent them right into the castle's living room. "Mum!" Aramea yelled, running towards the unconscious girl in her grandfather's arms. The girl, who was once saddened, over losing a big part of her mother, was now more than worried for the redhead. The Avengers froze, hearing her voice and seeing her run towards Mathilde but they soon remembered what Ivan told them, how everything around them was an illusion. That Aliara was never herself, carrying a part of Mathilde's soul inside her. Which meant all their children weren't Aliara's but their true soulmate - Tilda's. "She will be alright, Honey, tell your siblings to come down here," Freddie asked his granddaughter before going to Tilda's room, laying her down on the bed and kissing her head. 

Meanwhile, in the living room, The Avengers and the rest of their soul siblings met their mate's family and some of her other mates, who just got brought back. Though the atmosphere was tense, they felt the family's positive emotions, when they introduced themselves to the Goddess' mates, which made them feel a bit more relieved, even if most of them were terrified of the consequences that followed, after betraying their mate.

When Freddie came down, he saw everyone gathered in the enormous living room. Mathilde's mates and the rest of the Avengers with Fury, Coulson, and Hill, her 30 siblings eight of which were missing or dead, 17 of her children, her soul mother with her mate and soul sisters, some other family members that were still alive, some other friends and The Queen band's mates with Fred's soul mate- Jim. "Kids, go to your mother, this is not a meeting that should involve the little ones" Theseus suggested and the little ones obeyed, seeing their parents' serious faces. The only ones that stayed were the oldest and Miles, who stayed close to his mate. "That is one kind of a family meeting" Wade commented, sighing and sitting down on one of the couches. "This matter is serious." Gregory sat on the armchair, playing a bit with his cane to try and relieve some worries and stress. "How serious, are we talking about?" Jim asked. "Deadly," Harry told them, looking at the small Quinn who was sleeping in Patricia's arms. "First of all, can anyone explain to us, what the Hell just happened? How are you alive and what happened to Mathilde?" Bucky asked, crossing his arms, looking at Freddie and waiting for answers. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing where to start. "I brought him back to life, just like I did most of my soul siblings and family" A new voice was heard. "You!" The Mikaelsons recognized his voice and his outfit. The hood of the cape was covering his face. "Me. I guess it is a good time to explain everything to everyone, don't you think?" He turned to Aliara with a glare, Robert crossing his arms at his triplet sister and Salomea looked down in shame "Wait, what are you talking about?" Phileas asked, their worry growing within them. Everyone patiently waited for any of them to start explaining. "A long time ago, when the Earth didn't exist yet, I was born with my triplet brothers. When we were kids, we played inside the Yggdrasil, where the Crystals were. I accidentally fell, touching the one that belonged to Mathilde, who was not born yet. Though she was not physically with us, as The God, her Crystal was shining brightly, signifying that she was alive... one with Nature. When I touched the Crystal, it showed me my sister's future. Her every death, birth, happiness, and sadness. If it was not for what I saw next, everything would have been different." Aliara said. She was not looking at anyone, the only ones knowing about this were the Hooded man, Robert, Rami and Salomea. "What are you talking about, Little one?" Her mother asked and the girl's eyes watered. "I saw her downfall... I saw my sister's final death..." She cried out loud, making everyone freeze. The Mikaelsons did not want to believe her words. The Avengers had wide eyes, trying to figure out how and what would cause Mathilde's death. The four wizards and the muggle were silent. In shock, at what they've just heard. Both Doctors, Narissa, Ben, Henry, Leon and Obi-Wan clenched their jaws out of frustration. Gustaw, Tommy and Phileas narrowed their eyes, trying to understand what did it mean, while Eddie, Billy and Thimothée took a sharp breath. The rest of the family was speechless. "What exactly did you see, Love?" Brian asked softly, knowing that it was a tough subject. Ali sniffled. Her nephews and nieces that stayed, looked down, suspecting the next words that will come out of her mouth. "Those who were brought back to life weren't. Dad, Jim, Arthur, Ben, Anakin... you were all dead. She defeated Thanos but Rami and Robert died in the process. Most of your children died as well not being able to be brought back. She became closed off. A dead girl walking. And it broke you more. You never gave up on her. On helping her. But she became so sneaky, so good at hiding things, she..." She stopped, taking another breath and seeing everyone's worried eyes. "I saw her in that room... She was terrified, not able to move. And you were there, chained, just like you were now. Once you managed to somehow get out of here and killed Ivan... But she was never the same... So she... wrote notes to each of you, spent her days with those children, that were still alive and... and..." She choked on her tears and started to sob loudly. Freddie swallowed, hiding his face in his hands. The Mates had tears in their eyes, Lucy covered her mouth, and Patricia cried softly beside her mate. Gabriela and Ramona tried not to burst into tears, as the rest was just shocked. The hooded man, seeing Aliara's outburst, spoke "She killed herself. She jumped off the Avengers Tower's roof, her wrist slit, she was drugged and drunk, and she tied a belt around her neck..." He ended and Robert took his queue to speak. Though it was hard to talk about his beloved sister's death, he had to tell the truth. They had to know what Aliara has done, and what the consequences were, now. "Her death was permanent. She returned Home... To those who she has lost." Silence. Nobody dared to speak. The children looked down, not able to face their family. They were angry at Aliara for keeping secrets. When Aliara calmed down a bit, she continued telling everyone the story. "When I saw this, I knew I had to do something to prevent this. So I preyed on Mathilde and asked for her permission to be her soul's vessel. After a few days, I woke up, my eyes have changed, my body and voice too. Symbols appeared on my body and I had more soul marks. Mum and everyone else thought it was the Tree that decided to change some things, but I knew that I was not Aliara anymore. Not fully. My mind blocked my own thoughts, replacing them with Tilda's, though not at first... That is why it took me so much time to figure out why Mathilde hated and despised the Human Race so much. Though I could show my true physical appearance, it was never the true one. The eyes and my DNA were still hers." She looked around and then she looked at her hands. She sighed. One of the difficult parts of the secret was almost out of the way... "The machine, Ivan used, was made to help Mathilde gain her powers back but she did it by herself... Though she still needed the machine because of her lack of heart. It worked on Mathilde's blood which has been collected and frozen throughout the centuries. When the machine started, the blood in it started to boil and since Tilda is connected to the machine by blood, it made her feel as if her body was on fire. Since she doesn't have the heart to be complete, a sacrifice had to be made. And that is where Ivan made a decision. A heart for a heart..." She finished looking up at everyone. Logan, Clint, Thor, Quill, Ten, Clark and T'Challa wanted to hug her dearly, but she only shook her head. She did not want any affection from her mates or family. She wanted to see her sister. And though she knew she shouldn't go see her, for she was not worthy, she needed to make sure she was alright. Robert and Rami along with the rest of the family glared at her, leaving the mates confused. The Daddy's girl that was once full of life and now lifelessly lying in bed. She got up and quickly made it to her sister's room. She sat down beside her and cried herself to sleep, waiting for the girl to wake up. The little ones were asleep in their mother's room, all cuddled to each other and the older ones only smiled sadly, watching as their fathers came into the room to take them to their rooms. And Andromeda put little Quinn to sleep, while her older siblings and she sat down, all hugging each other tightly and waiting.

"So, uh, how much we fucked up?" Eddie asked, closing his eyes and rubbing his face. "You mean Wanda, Nat and Ramona, alongside Salomea and Aliara?" Roger asked, pointing at those who actually did something bad. Anger was greatly present, though it was much more pointed towards Aliara. "Yeah, I guess" Eddie answered, not wanting to be too rude at first, but saw that Roger was right. Not everyone fucked up. Freddie rubbed his eyes and shook his head. His little girl was in a terrible state and it made him not only worried but also pretty angry. "Oh, Then it's a thousand precent fuck up" Wade sarcastically said, huffing. "I told you that keeping Aliara free was a very bad idea" Moriarty crossed his arms and smiled angrily. "And we should have listened... But she was needed for the ritual, James." Lucy teared up, guilt started to fill her body. "To be honest, Aliara, Robert and Salomea fucked up the most, while Luna tried to stop them, taking their blame... right after mum and dad..." Anakin glared at the two. Salomea looked down in shame. "We know, alright?! We don't need others to tell us that we have fucked up, we know!" Robert stood up, faking his frustration with everyone, especially with himself. "Then don't just stand there doing nothing and start acting and figuring out how to get out of this mess!" Rami looked knowingly at his brother, slipping into his mind and telling him to keep the act for as long as he could and Robert softly nodded "But do you think we had a choice? No matter what, it would never be good!" Rob growled and Rami huffed "Your choice was simple! Not believing Michael and Jehovah! Was it that hard to see the hunger for power, when Mathilde named Jehovah the co-leader of the Celestial Realm?! Even Devil was sure that something was wrong with him and Michael!" Rami yelled at his triplets and Salomea, before mumbling "You had no choice, my arse..." Standing up, he walked towards his brother and pushed him a bit before walking out of the room. "Where are you going?" Jim asked his soulmate's son and without looking back he yelled "I need a drink before everything goes to shit again! I need to think!" Fred just crossed his arms. "So, what now?" He asked, looking annoyed at Lucy, Paul, Robert, and Salomea. The last bit the inside of her cheek and stayed silent, while Arthur spoke up. "How about we find our children and bring the other soulmates? Besides that, I think some of us should give her space. Let her decide who she wants to spend her time with and let's not be overprotective. We have no right to be toxic towards our mate, after all." He spoke. His ice-blue eyes were full of worry. He looked at Bradley and Merlin seated next to him and they nodded, thinking it was the best thing to do for now. "How will we find them? How will we know if they are still alive?" Newt asked. It was not impossible but this mission needed time... and they did not have it. "I guess that's where I come in..." The tall hooded man said. He took his hood off, revealing a young handsome face. His hair was curly, his eyes as dark as coal. His face was sharp but had a soft look. 

When he looked up, his eyes landed on the Mikaelsons. "My name is Henrik Mikaelson... But it is a long time since I changed my name to the one that the world knows me as... Mika." He said. Freya and Rabbekah started to cry, while the males were frozen. Especially Niklaus. Mika saw his brother's grief and guilt and he came up to Nik, giving the man a tight hug. "Brother... It was not your fault. It never was. Fate wanted me to be attacked by this werewolf, but she also wanted me to live for our mate. I lived for many years on the Other Side, only to come back and live in the Shadows to protect her. Nik, let your guilt and grief go. Forgive yourself and never blame yourself for what you couldn't have changed." He wisely told his brother, but he also meant for the others to do the same. The youngest Mikaelson then hugged both of his sisters and then his other brothers, before smiling sadly at the rest. "A great mess has been made indeed... But as Mathilde said many a time... Nothing is Impossible. Getting her trust back will be extremely difficult but not impossible. Start with what Arthur said. Getting our children back is one step to achieve our goal. Patience. That is the most important thing in this situation. The other one right next to it is understanding and determination. Have that and we will fulfil the so-called 'impossible'." He said and everyone nodded. Freddie smiled at the man, his wise words giving him Hope. "Maybe we can..." Narissa started, only for a scream to be heard, from Mathilde's room. Everyone rushed to her room immediately, finding the girl shaking and pushing her sister away. Freddie ran towards his little girl and hugged her tightly. The girl tried to escape the man's embrace, not fully awake. "Shh, it's alright, Dear, it's me, Darling, it's daddy." He softly spoke, until he felt her calm down. When she snapped out of her trance, she looked up at Freddie with wide eyes. "Daddy? Am... Am I finally dead?" She whispered, looking at the man and gripping his arms tightly, afraid that he would disappear. Aliara's breath hitched at her little sister's words. Freddie kissed the redhead's head tearing up a bit as well. It's been so long since he has seen his little girl. Too long. "No, Rosie-Lily. You are alive and so am I" He whispered, breaking the embrace and cupping her face in his hands, looking at her and seeing how much she has changed. The girl rubbed her eyes with her fists, just like she did when she was a baby. It was one of the habits that stayed with her and even was passed down to some of her children. Jim smiled, seeing this little gesture, reminded him of the good ol' days. "Daddy?" She finally snapped out of her dream world and her eyes watered. She looked at him, then at the man behind him. "Jimmy?" Her voice was soft and full of joy. Mathilde put her hands up, wanting to be embraced by her father and his mate, to which both men happily proceeded to embrace their little Foxy girl. "I missed you so much!" She sniffled. Everyone watched this reunion with pure joy and their hearts warmed up. Lucy smiled sadly, watching the three of them, wanting nothing more than for her daughter to be finally happy. Fred and Jim broke the hug and let the little ones, who ran into her room, rush to their mother to hug her tightly. "Mommy!" The younger yelled, while the older siblings just hugged their mother and cried softly. "Oh, My sweet little Loves!" Mathilde chuckled, letting some tears escape her eyes as she kissed every child on the head. But this one child made her eyes go wide, as confusion made its way into her mind. "Blue? How...?" The boy gave her a small smile and looked behind him. As Mathilde looked up, she realised that her room was filled with people. She looked around, seeing the Avengers, nearly all of her mates, her family and her children. "Oh, Dear... Oh, Gods! You are all here!" She started looking slowly at everyone. She then looked at Gabi, George and Patricia and she smiled at them, while their faces were stained by tears. Then she looked at Ben, Henry, Ronnie, Eddie, Billy and Arthur. The men that she has lost. The men that died before her. "Holy Biscuits and gravy! How are you even here? All of you?" She asked while some of them chuckled softly at her very careful first words. They chuckled, happy to be reunited with their mate finally. "Merlin, Mika, Pete and the Marauders helped us come back... And some of us were brought back by Ivan. I thought that Ivan told you what happened to us?" Ronnie smiled softly. Each of her mates, no matter how much they wanted to hug her, kiss her and just be with her again, knew not to overwhelm her, especially after such a painful and long event. So they just kept their distance. "I can't remember some things that happened there... but I guess I need to thank you" She smiled softly at those who helped her mates come back to life. She then smiled brightly at Tommy, Henry and Leon, before looking and giving the same smile to the other mates. Seeing the girl's expression, her stepfather spoke softly, smiling as well at her "How do you feel?" He asked slowly, a bit afraid of her reaction. The girl looked at Aliara with an emotionless expression and nodded her head "I will be fine." She said averting her eyes down at Lisa, who was hugging her mother's waist tightly, hiding her head in the woman's chest. Mathilde stroked the girl's short hair and then looked back at her dad. "Daddy, I think I'm going to sleep again... Can you sing me the song you wrote for us?" She smiled softly at the Queen's band as they happily smiled. Mathilde kissed her children goodnight and Lucy guided everyone out of the room, knowing Mathilde will not say anything to them anymore. As everyone left the room with sadness, leaving the girl with only Freddie and Jim, Fred proceeded to tuck his little Queen to bed, Jim kissed her forehead before sitting down on the armchair beside the bed, while Freddie sat on the bed, beside Tilda, taking her to his arms and starting to softly sing.


When he finished his song, he looked down at the sleeping girl and sighed, looking at Jim who had a sad smile on his lips. Jim stood up, walking towards a beautiful music box that represented a violet crystal Piano, where four people were sitting. There was Freddie with Mathilde on his lap, Alex and Louis sitting beside them. Robert and Rami were standing next to the piano with smiles. Next to them was a sofa with Jim, Roger, Brian and John sitting there and looking at the father and children with smiles. "I remember when we went to this old man and asked him to make this for them," Jim said softly, not wanting to disturb the girl.

Fred smiled, remembering this moment as well. "I remember how happy he was when we told him that it was for our little ones." He answered and Jim put the large music box on the bedside table turning the key, to activate the soft music.


"I wish Alex and Louis were with us. The family is incomplete without them and Tilda is broken beyond repair." Jim sat back down leaning his head on his hands. "There is nothing we can do Jim... Only wait for the time to pass... and it goes so fucking slowly..." He sighed. He missed his little troublemakers dearly. He never had a chance to see them grow up and he never saw how they looked like and behaved as adults. The little ones were nearly six years old when he died and after his death, Jim was left with the little ones but then, but they died, five years after Freddie, at the age of eleven and since then, Jim closed himself to the world, going back to his Home Land in Ireland, living there till 2010, when he died. Such a tragic end for the Mercury family. And somehow even now, when Fred and Jim are back, it is still incomplete and the Mercury girl is still so broken right with her father and her father's mate. Rami, Robert, and Aliara were also Mercury's children, but only Mathilde was a daddy's girl and the boys was "Like father, like sons". Aliara was more of an independent person. She loved her family dearly, but the one she loved the most was Mathilde, or so it seemed, since she did something unforgivable in the past more than once, and the young girl was the only one that was the most important to Aliara. "What about Robert?" Jim asked, knowing of the boy's promise to Mathilde. Freddie just sighed. "I am not mad at him, no, more like, I know what his plan is..." He spoke softly, still stroking his daughter's head, while the music box softly played in the back. "Knowing Aliara, she should be on her sister's side... And Rami will be neutral but more towards Mathilde's side... This won't end well" Jim shook his head and closed his eyes, sighing and watching the father-daughter duo. "No... No, it won't but it's not something we can avoid. No matter how much Aliara tries, there is no chance for her to be forgiven. She wouldn't let these mistakes slide." Fred kissed his daughter's head. 

With The Others

"If mum wakes up before us, can you tell her that we love her?" Lisa asked Gabriela and Rami, who were getting the younger ones to bed. The older ones were helping and smiled when they heard the girl ask this. "Of course, little Fox. And She loves you very much as well" Patricia came into the room, giving each kid a goodnight kiss before going out to put Quinlan to sleep. "Helena, Hugo, it's time to sleep. You can continue your projects tomorrow. Mum would not want you to be tired" Henry said, coming in and smiling softly, taking the boy into his arms, while Eddie took Helena and they put the twins to bed. "How is everyone downstairs?" Rami asked, holding a half-drunk bottle of whiskey in his hand as Tommy answered, walking in with some of his soul brothers and sister to bid their children goodnight. "It's pretty tense... Considering that most of the family is trying to find a way to let Aliara out of everything they are planning, they are trying to find a solution to the problem at hand" He said. "So now what?" Andromeda asked, looking at her fathers, mother and siblings. "I guess we wait for the outcome...." Phileas sighed while the Scamander brothers stood silent and looked at each other. "You know it will not end well, right?" Billy crossed his arms while Eddie and Henry looked at him with wide eyes, trying to tell him to stop talking. "What?!" He asked loudly, making the others look at him with a seriously?  face. "Come to the next room, let the little ones sleep" Gabriela smiled, everyone bidding the children goodnight and going to the next room to speak calmly about the matter. "Answering Billy's question... Yes, we know... but this is not the question to be asked. The real question is... How bad it will end?" Rami sighed and everyone in the room went stiff. "What do you mean, how bad?" Obi-Wan asked, stroking his beard in thought "It was not the first time she has suffered. And now, when her own soulmates and siblings messed up... well let's say, that I really doubt that she will just come to us and act as if nothing happened." Aliara answered, crossing her arms and looking at everyone. Robert and Rami shared knowing looks. Tommy, Ronnie, the Mikaelsons, Loki, Stephen, Billy, Eddie, Henry, Narrisa and Thimothée clenched their jaws, knowing something most of them didn't. "How far can her hatred and fury go?" Leon asked, feeling a bit scared of the outcome... "Honestly? No one knows. But I guess that now there is no limit" Rami said and it only made them even more worried, and as he glanced at Aliara, he saw her panicked gaze. "How can we help her?" Ronnie asked, leaning on the wall and watching everyone. "We don't piss her off more, that is the first thing we can do to help her," Pan answered narrowing his eyes in thought. "Second thing is not to cloud her with our presence" Thimothée continued, watching as his soul siblings nodded in understanding and agreement. "As we established before, we will search for our children and soul siblings and bring them all back" Ben then followed, pointing to Arthur who came up with this idea before. "Is there any way to bring Alex and Louis back?" Narrisa was the one to ask, as she was one of the fewest who got to know Mathilde's triplet brothers. Rami and Robert looked at each other with sad expressions. "I'm afraid there is nothing we can do... Their bodies are not on Midgard anymore and their spirits seemed to leave." Rami said. "And a God from Jötunheimr cannot bring them back?" Loki came into the room, followed by Bucky, Steve, Stephen, Natasha, Wanda, Pietro and Tony. "No power can bring the only Gods from the Dead Land. No power can even bring our kind back to life... Therefore our family is still and probably always will be incomplete." Ali said, giving both men sad smiles. "What about getting them from another time? Doctor?" Gustaw asked the man "We cannot do this. It would create a paradox or even worse. They are dead, they were meant to be dead" He replied bitterly, not liking this either. "Alright, what else can we do?" Phileas asked, feeling as if they could do more to help her. "Well, maybe listen to her and agree with her? That might help a lot, actually" Bucky suggested, knowing very well that it will be one of the most important things to help her. "Buck's right. It could even be the only thing to help her most" Narissa agreed, nodding her head. Aliara then wanted to say something, but Rami poked her side, reminding her of the children's presence. Robert understood what was happening and they looked at the kids. "Children, go to your rooms now. It's time for you to rest." He turned to the older children and they only looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Listen to your uncle and go to bed" Rami smiled softly at them and they proceeded to walk out of the room. "There is something you are not telling us, right?" Peter said, and his siblings were right behind him in that statement. If there was something wrong, they had the right to know what it was, especially if it involved their mother. Aliara looked at Rami and Robert, while the rest was a little lost, as they didn't really know what they were talking about. "We are not like you know who, Peter. If there is something we are not telling you, it means that you will know at the right time. Lying to you about things is not a part of us and you know it." Rami explained and Andromeda cut him off "Yet, you did hide the truth from our mother and her brothers about the curse for years. How can we trust you?" She asked, making them sigh, while Robert continued for his brother "We made a mistake, we know, and we will not do anything like this again. We don't want you involved in this, because like Rami said... You will know in time... For now, it is too dangerous and unclear for you to know. And your mother would kill us if something happens to you." He calmly said and saw the children's faces become calm and understanding. "You're right... Sorry..." Anthony Jr smiled softly and waited for his siblings to say goodnight to everybody, then they all went to their rooms. "What was that about?" Newt asked a bit lost. Ali looked at everyone in the room and then at her brothers not knowing where to start. "Come on, what is it?" Kol asked, starting to feel impatient. "Well... we might have a slight issue with the coming days and months, and maybe even... years..." Rami scratched the back of his head nervously. "What are you talking about?" Nik started to lose it, while the others were still lost. "Loki... You remember the time, after the End Game, you were with Mobius, and then you um... you and Tilda were together?" Ali started slowly... Loki looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Yes? Why are you asking?" Rami sighed as Robert continued for the woman. "Well... Because of the events there... both of you kind of... messed with the universes..." He slowly said and the Doctor understood what was going on "Are you serious?" He silently said, rolling his eyes. "What do you mean, messed with the universes?" Theseus asked intrigued. "Well, first of all, Loki did not start it... Aliara did, this by changing what was meant to be... What the Crystal showed her, was the true reality... But now, this is the true reality, while somewhere out there, there are a lot of realities, alternate universes, that Mathilde is controlling..." Rami clarified, making Aliara nod. "Alright, but what will happen, now? What does it mean?" Phileas asked though he started to understand where this was going. "Because I changed the reality and then you, Loki, ended up with Mathilde and Mobius... It kinda... started to create a multiverse..." Robert calmly started. "What the Hell is a multiverse?" Leon asked looking at everyone. "Well... we all know there is more than one universe and that in each universe something is different... And since we had to go back in time in The End Game, it kind of started the chain reaction of the Universes to collide with one another or collapse..." Henry explained. "This can be really bad since you should never interfere with another universe since it creates paradoxes and time rifts that could be very dangerous." The Doctor explained starting to pace and ramble about the consequences of the Multiverse. "Wait, wait, wait... So what can happen, now?" Ben asked. Ali sighed. "Nobody, besides Mathilde, Alex and Louis know. They were the ones to create the Multiverse, but we were the ones to activate it..." Rami ran his hand through his hair. "The realities I know of, are cruel... for example, there is one, where everything that happened with The Avengers, happened, but there is no Mathilde... Most of the Avengers died in the End Game... Loki was not with Mathilde but with a girl called Sylvie... and None of you was even in the story..." Aliara said, pointing at everyone outside the Avengers, at the end. "And the second reality I know of, thanks to my sister... Well... All of you are just Humans, Actors... Celebrities and your stories were just fiction... and there was nothing like soulmates... There was no Mathilde... Well, she was just a teenage girl, who wrote our story, as she knew that in this reality, celebrities such as yourselves, will never get to know her, or be with her because this universe is strictly a Mortal reality, with only imagination, songs, movies and books who hold the greatest and saddest stories of different realities... Although she believed in soulmates and knew that on Earth there are Humans and Broken Souls... They were just not marked, like here" She continued making everyone shocked. A world, where there was no way of knowing who your soulmate was? Or a World, where all this was just fiction? It sounded terrible for them and they understood why the Mathilde from the Mortal Universe was so lost in her own reality, in her own imagination and beliefs. "Sounds awful... But we made movies here too, does it make any sense?" Tommy asked, his blue eyes observing the woman and man, that were his soul siblings. "Yes... You made the same movies as in Mortal Reality, the only difference being, that you are not actors, but real characters. Your stories were based on real-life stories, whereas in the Mortal World, it was just fiction or real-life stories but not yours." Rami explained and it all made sense for them now. "So what do we have to be wary of?" Obi-Wan asked, stroking his beard and looking at Aliara. "Of big differences... You may feel weird as if you are belonging to more than one  Universe. We also should be careful... The enemies might know of the Multiverse... Actually, I think that is why the Dark Side is growing stronger... They found out about the Multiverse..." She sighed, closing her eyes. "What about the others?" Elijah asked, crossing his arms. "Stephen knows about it already... The rest will know at the right time." She said feeling that the worst is yet to come... And that is only the beginning of probably the worst story to ever exist... And she was the cause of it...


I found myself in a big room, sitting at the computer and writing these words. My mind and body felt out of place. As if the Reality I was in, was wrong. I looked around and saw my messy bed on the left, my corgi dog, Greta, that I have in my other reality, sleeping softly beside me,  a notebook with the names of Mathilde's Children, Mates and Family members in it, on my right. As I was writing this, my phone was playing a video of Smii7y's Sea of Thieves. My adoptive mother was walking in and out of my room, cleaning and doing my bed... I felt lightheaded... As I was writing these next sentences, I realised that I shifted to the Mortal Reality, where all that I've lived through throughout the centuries, with Pan, Kit, Ben, The Avengers and many others are written here... On Wattpad... For you to get to know my true story... Not the one I am living now, as a writer... as a future singer... But the one, where all the Broken Souls are free and living peacefully, and where the Human Race is slowly dying because of their ignorance, intolerance and because of how destroying she is. I smile when I hear another of Smii7y's jokes and write some more. I wish I could live in the Universe, where all that I write about is true... I have two realities that I am truly connected to. One, where all of what you read here is true, and the second... Where I am mated to 79 people... Celebs and Youtubers... All of us have at least one reality, where we can be ourselves and where the ones we love but cannot have in this reality, love them here and are with them, on their own... My eyes feel heavy and so does my head, as I start to shift back to my real world.

I opened my eyes, waking up from a long sleep and shifting through another reality. As I groan, I feel my dog nuzzling her head into my chest. "Hello, Greta!" I softly greeted. I felt even more drained than before... The Mortal Reality is terrible, as it's too real and not enough magical... I slowly sat up, caressing my dog's soft fur, before standing up. I looked around my room and saw my music box there. I smiled and lit up the candles.

Going to my office, I passed by my fountain, then passed my small living room area, and went up the stairs, to the platform, where my office was situated.

I immediately went on the Wattpad site to see, if what I wrote in the Mortal Reality was there, and surprisingly... It was... Fortunately, the rest did not know about this, and I made sure they did not find out. Closing both computers, I turned in my chair and opened a box that was there. I Looked down at my neck, to see three lockets, two of which belonged to my brothers. I sighed, taking off the two lockets and locking them in the little box. I then took out another box and put one necklace on myself and took six others, putting them in my pockets.

I sighed again, feeling my anger rise, as I remembered what happened throughout my whole life and the things that had occurred just days ago. I remembered who were my true enemy and my blood boiled. "Now, how am I going to look at her and act as if nothing happened?" I asked myself. Then I felt my left wrist hurt and as I looked down at it, I saw my veins turn black for a second. I hissed in pain, as I felt my eyes turn black, and my arm started to hurt as if it was burning. "She needs to pay, for the LIFETIME of misery!" My mind screamed. I started to cough, falling from the chair to my knees and trying to catch my breath. "Hyde, now it's really not the time!" I breathed out. I then felt a presence near me. As I looked up, I saw the Destroyer coming near me and kneeling in front of me. "Let it all go, Your Highness... You cannot fight it" He said in a soft voice and with a sad smile. Now I knew that he was on my side. So I listened to him. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and felt myself becoming one with my powers. With my soul and with my mind. "Be who you are meant to be. Become yourself, do not act as anyone..." I heard him say again. And so I concentrated more and felt myself becoming... well, myself. My true self. Breathing out, I opened my eyes as he wiped the tears, which I didn't know I shed, from my face. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I looked at him with no emotion. How did I feel? Well, I guess he wanted me to feel calm and controlled. But all I did, was look at him. Destroyer slowly took his hand back and looked at me terrified. "No... No..." He whispered, looking at me with wide eyes and shaking his head. I smirked, got up and started to walk down. His eyes followed me, as I muttered "Heartless and Stone Cold" I said with a cold voice...

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