First Recording Session

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It's a rather great morning for special activities and what better way to start with a cup of coffee, while laying down the comfy couch. Sighing in ecstasy as I think about the recent events from the past few days. The girls in general are the sweetest, and entertaining people to hang out with but I can't help but shake the feeling that Ahri is up to something. Recently she's been eyeing me left and right, it gives me the creeps but I couldn't blame her. She's just probably worried since I'm a still a new guy, but that spot still goes to Kai'Sa who's reactions are priceless whenever I get to talk to her.

She's just the cutest.. Man, I can't think of any words to express myself towards them. They're just down right extravagant. They still call me Golden boy for some reason but who am I kidding? I kinda like that. No, I ain't the type to be prideful. More like, humble. I took a sip of my coffee, wandering around the mansion's living room. Still can't believe I'm here living with five gorgeous women that everybody in the world would die for.

Closing my eyes, I thought about those days where life is just simple. My parents were quite supportive of me especially my father, an intimidating yet soft personality that has a tough-love attitude which is basically an everyday lifetime you can have from a dad. My mother on the other hand was overprotective. She would spoil me and my dad, calling us "my two babies" type of thing which is cute in my opinion. Hopefully they're doing just fine.

A lot of times we had struggles and arguments but that love between us can't be measured. Life is tough, but we're tougher. That what my dad used to say to me all the time when we're alone in the house. I'll always cherish the both of them-.

"Hey darling~." Eve suddenly springs to action, interrupting  my silent thoughts and putting me back from the real world. Gone were the days that I can be silent all the time, now I have to deal with a woman like Evelynn, the so called Diva herself. Let's be real, she's quite terrifying in the naked eye... But somehow I don't feel that kind of tingling sensation whenever I look at her. I've seen some of her fans shake in fear with those mesmerizing eyes, but not for me. If anything they look quite normal.

Then again, that could just be me becoming a cheeky bastard.

"Hey Eve. Want some?" I ask, gesturing to the cup of coffee I'm holding but she denies it with a shake of her head.

"I was just asking if you're free for today? We're pretty busy in schedule and we-.. I could use some help~."

This might not end well for me.

"W-What do you mean about that?" I stuttered like a pussy. Great job Y/N.

"Oh, darling~. It's not what you're thinking~.. You remember what Ahri said yesterday right?" I suddenly got embarassed but I tried not to mind it, turns out I did remember what she said. But not without me forgetting the spoiler I announced for the rest of the world to know.

"Oh.. Right."

"Come on, it's your time to shine big boy~." She gently caress my hand and I quickly slapped it away, but not too hard since Eve can kill me at the spot, fortunately she just giggled seductively and struts away before following right beside her.

I mean, it's not like I hate the affection she's giving me. I'm just not used to girls wanting attention. Clearly this is the first time that women are engrossed to me in my life. I started to think that these girls just saw a male for the first time but that's a stupid thing to say to the literal demoness right beside me. She's definitely been through a lot of men before and I may be overreacting here but I don't like her guts. At least Ahri's devotion towards me is real.

The elevator ride was silent and I for one think that's great instead of talking to her. We're not awkward to each other but I would be as soon as she-.

"So, who do you thinks the cutest out of all of us darling~?"

..You just gotta open your damn mouth huh?

Well to be fair, I can answer that.

"Ahri. Definitely Ahri."

"No hesitation.. I like that from a man~." She starts trailing her sharp claws to my arms and I stood there stiff as a rock. I slightly glanced at her eyes and now I can start to agree that she is terrifying.. Nah, she's just so beautiful.

What? You thought I'm a scaredy cat? Jokes on you, I like getting dominated.

"Eve, not here. And you gotta stop bursting everyones bubble, it might not end well for you in the future." I reasoned, but her reaction was not what I expected.

"Oh? And who's going to stop me from getting what I want~? You~? Darling, you're making me blush. Hehe~."


I internally screamed with Eve now touching every nook of my body, ranging to my chest and face, even going as far as to licking my cheek. She really gets what she wants...

But before she can inch closer to my lips, the door finally opened in what felt like hours so I quickly pushed her to the other side and ran away towards our recording area where Akali was waiting, patiently sitting on the chair in front of the studio that I think where they work their songs.

"Oh! Hey young sport, how's your day-."

"No time to explain! Please help me, Evelynn is trying to rape the fu-!."

"Where do you think you're going, my baby darling~? You weren't running away from me right~?" Dark and black shadows puffed away right behind me as soon as Eve teleports. Her two rough yet soft arms immediately dragged me away the studio, yelling for Akali to atleast help me, to no avail.

I'll get my revenge. Just you wait you wannabe rogue!


3rd POV

"All right! Now that our precious boy is here, let's start the session. The Diva enthusiastically announced to the rest of her sisters as I gave her a blank, unamused face, filled with lipstick marks and a lingering love bite that still aches.

"Umm.. What happened to him?" Kai'Sa concerned, asks.

"He just got molested, that's what." Akali bluntly remarks.

"I will give you something more than this, you fucking midget." I said, annoyed.

"Midget! Who are you calling midget you hot- I mean..." She blushes.

"Wow, way to show off Akali hehe!" Seraphine teases.

"Well, well, well. Look who's aboard the Y/N hype train~." Ahri teases.

"Girls, girls. Settle down please~. We'll have fun with him later."

"I'm not a damn toy!"

"Whatever you say. Now, Y/N if you can kindly step inside our recording panel that would be much appreciated darling~."

Grumbling some words from his mouth which Ahri's the only one who gets what he's saying with her ears as she giggles, Y/N went inside, putting on the headset and crossed his arms, still irked towards Eve.

"How can you act so normal when doing indecent stuff! You're such a bad image Eve."

"You'll understand sooner or later darling~. Besides, you were never resisting our passionate time earlier, so who's fault really was it~?"

"You could've killed me if I fought back..." Y/N answers honestly.

"Smart, darling~. Alright, did you memorize the song yesterday?"


"Okay, let's start then shall we? Music will start in 3. 2. 1..."

(Play Song)

"Your light voice that passes by me. Would you please call my name one more time. Although I'm paused underneath the frozen sunset~. I'll walk towards you one step at a time. Still with you."


"Dark night, with no light~. I shouldn't get used to it, but I've fell for it. The sound of the AC if I don't even have this~. I think I'm going to fall apart."

"Together we laugh~, together we cry~. These simple feelings were maybe all I had. When will it be when I see you face to face~. I'll look you in the eye and say I missed you~."

"In the fascinating memory~! Even if I dance alone the rain still pours~. When this fog is lifted~. I'll run with my feet wet~."


"The moon looked lonely. It looked like it's crying brightly in the night sky~. Though I know that the morning will come~, I wanted to stay by your sky like a star~."

"The day~, the moment~. If I knew it will be like this, I would have kept more of them. When will it be if I see you again face to face~. I'll look you in the eye and say I missed you~."

"In the fascinating memory~! Even if I dance alone the rain still pours~. When this fog is lifted~. I'll run with my feet wet~."

(Oh, oh~. Oh, oh~. Ah, oh~. Mmh~. Mhm.)

"Behind that faint smile that looks at me, I'm going to draw the beautiful purple light. Though our steps may not go along together~. I still want to walk this path with you."

"Still With You~."

(End Song)

Evelynn stops the melody with a wide smirk, slowly clapping in genuine amazement while the rest were totally silent throughout the session. Usually they would sometimes retake their parts and examine their mistakes... But he's perfect all the way. No critique. Nothing. Just pure talent.

"Amazing darling~. Truly amazing~. Now give mama some sugar for a reward~!" Eve hops off her chair, her arms open wide for a hug which Y/N reciprocates chuckling.

"Did I do good?"

"Darling, you were simply out of this world~."

"...What the hell did I just heard?" Ahri asks, genuinely confused to her maknae. That isn't no ordinary song either, she wrote that and explained to him it isn't going to be easy. But he nailed it in one take.

"That. Was. So good! You were so cool Y/N!" Akali gave a gentle noogie.

"...Please marry me-."

"Kai'Sa calm down!" Seraphine warns her.

"Thank you so much guys, however I'm really tired right now so can I take a good rest?"

"Go ahead.. I'll be there shortly~.." Eve whispers to his ear but Ahri snagged him away from the demoness with a cute hiss.

"Evelynn! That's not how you should treat our boy!" Ahri scolds.

"Oh come on darling. You know you love him~."

"..S-So what if I do?! T-There's no problem with that!"

The rest of them were not expecting that from their fearless leader, Evelynn on the other hand...

"Oh I like what I see~. Yes, I do so much~!"

"..You set us up bad Ahri." Y/N sighs, accepting his fate.

"..Yeah, I think I did."

The day finished with everyone in Y/N's bedroom cuddling their hearts out, in the end, Y/N proved himself once again why he's deserving to be a Popstar.

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