Chapter 02: Saturday

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3rd Person's P.O.V

It's finally Saturday. Y/n got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. She took a bath, brushed her teeth and put on a black t-shirt, wearing a sports bra underneath then she put on her dark blue tracksuit.

She went downstairs to make coffee and made pancakes for breakfast. She finished her food and coffee (but if you don't like coffee then milk, if you don't like milk or you're lactose intolerant then tea, or just ignore it) then went to the sink to wash the dishes. She then took her bag from the couch and put her keys in her bag, then put her headphones on her head, playing her utaite playlist and left her apartment, locking the door.

She arrived in front of the gym to see Kageyama and Hinata laying in front of the door. "Morning King." She turn her head to see Yamaguchi and a smirking Tsukishima behind her. Kageyama just glared at the blonde and they all went inside the gym and went to change their clothes.

Y/n went to the bathroom and went inside one of the stalls. She took off her tracksuit and put on her volleyball shorts. She returned to the gym and changed her shoes, put on her kneepads and went to warm up.

They Sugawara looks around looking for something or someone.
"What's wrong Sugawara-san?" Ennoshita asked his senpai.
"Well, have you seen Kuroko? The practice match is about to start." Sugawara asked worriedly.
"Maybe he's late...?"

"I'm here."

They flinched as they heard that familiar monotoned voice. "Have you warmed up yet?" Ennoshita asked as Y/n nods before walking towards Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

Daichi turns to Hinata and Kageyama. "You two will be playing a 3-on-3 match against them. Tanaka will be playing on your team."


Hinata spoke up.
"Where's the third person we're going up against?"

"He's right here."

Tsukishima said as he puts his hand on Y/n's head.


she said with her monotoned voice.

Hinata and Kageyama widens their eyes with a shocked expression on their faces.

"He was right here the whole time and you didn't notice?" Tanaka asked them as the duo shook their heads.

"A-actually, I just noticed him as well."

"Tch. He was right between us the whole time how did you not notice our little babyface over here?"


"Sorry Tsukki."

The blonde let go of Y/n's head and turns to her as he cleared his throat. "That little one and Tanaka-san, which one shall I crush--I mean--block first?"

This caught Hinata and Tanaka's attention.

"Oh, yes, yes. I'd like to see the king lose too."
"Tsukki, they can hear you. Watch it." "I'm saying it so they can hear it. I sure hope they lose their cool." "Tsukishima-kun, you got character problems."

'And a salty bitch.'

Y/n continued in her thoughts. "Our special feature is the king who's been abandoned by his underlings."

"Hey, hey."

Everyone in the gym turns to Tanaka who is walking(?) to Hinata and Kageyama.

"Did you hear that? My, the things he says. Tsukishima-kun, I'm going to really..." Tanaka glares at Tsukishima and said, "Crush him to a pulp."


Hinata stuck out his tongue out which Y/n thought was cute.


Tanaka spikes the ball and got past Tsukishima's block, earning them a point. He took off his shirt and swing it around as he screamed.

"Tanaka shut up!"


"Don't take your shirt off!"

Y/n managed to stop herself from giggling as she heard those words from her upperclassmen before turning to face Tsukishima beside her. "Maybe you shouldn't have razzed him." The blonde just clicked his tongue.

Y/n serves the ball and Tanaka receives it. Kageyama tosses the ball to Hinata and he spiked the ball. However, he was blocked by Tsukishima.

"You surprised me the other day, too. You sure can jump. If only you were 30 centimeters taller, you could've been a super star."

"One more time!" Yelled Hinata.

As the match went on, Hinata keeps on getting blocked by Tsukishima.
Y/n would secretly cheer for the ginger in her thoughts.

"Tsukki nice."

"Nice block Tsukishima-kun."

Y/n and Yamaguchi said as they walk to him.

The blonde turns to Kageyama as Y/n thought, 'Don't tell me you're going to taunt him again.'

"Hey there. He's constantly getting blocked. You should do the king's toss. The toss that decimates his enemies and decimates his teammates as well."

"Shut up."

Kageyama said as he walks away.

"Nice serve." Yamaguchi serves the ball but it hit the net as Tsukishima clicked his tongue.

"Sorry Tsukki."

"Don't mind." Y/n said as the game continued.

It's now Kageyama's turn to serve.

"Go, killer serve!"

Hinata yells as the ravenette dribbled the ball. Y/n watches carefully, observing and figuring out Kageyama's next move as he tosses the ball and hit it.

'A spike serve.'

Y/n was quick to react as she successfully receive the ball. Tsukishima tosses the ball and Yamaguchi hits it, earning them another point.

"Nice kill."

"Thanks Kuroko. That was a nice receive too."


Y/n turns to Kageyama and said, "If you're thinking of scoring a few points by serving then you're sorely mistaken if you think I'd let you do so. I may not have a lot of experience in volleyball but I'm pretty good at it. Don't think you can get past me that easily."

Hinata mumbles.

"Hey, king. Maybe you should start getting serious."

"What's your problem? You haven't stopped getting in our faces since the other day. What's this "king's toss" you're talking about?" Hinata asked.

Tsukishima grins, pointing at Kageyama.
"Don't you know why they call him "king"?" He asked.

"He's called that because he's so good that guys from other schools are intimidated by him, isn't that it?" Tsukishima chuckles.

"I'm sure there are other who think that's why. However, his nickname "king of the court" was given to him by the guys of Kitagawa Daiichi. By the teammates of the king. What it means it... He's the self-centered king. The oppressive dictator. I heard rumors, but was convinced when I saw that match. He got too oppressive and had to sit on the bench."


Y/n thought to herself as the blonde continued blabbering whatever he's saying.

'Also, is a match supposed to have this much conversation?'

"Dude. You've been yammering too much."


Daichi shook his head, making Tanaka stop. Y/n may look calm on the outside but on the inside, she really wants to punch Tsukishima so hard.

"He made a toss, but no one jumped--"

"You're right."

Kageyama cut Tsukishima off.

"I made a toss, and no one was there. It's truly frightening."

"But you were only in junior high, right?"

Everyone turns to Hinata.

"You toss me just fine. It makes no difference to me."

The ginger then points at Tsukishima.

"The real problem is how I'm going to get past you."

Y/n stiffens her laughter as everyone in the gym laughed (except for a certain salty french fry). "We'll win against Tsukishima, become official members, and you will bravely play setter. And you'll toss to me. What else is there?"

"How pure and straightforward... and irritating."
Tsukishima said, walking away as Y/n looks at him, confusion visible on her eyes.

Tsukishima serves the ball and Tanaka receives it.


"Kageyama! I'm here."

Kageyama tossed the ball to Hinata as he managed to touch it but it went out.

"That was close. I almost missed it. It's was out though."

"What was that for?"

"But the ball came to me."

Kageyama was taken aback at the ginger's words.

"Forget about junior high. I'll take any toss I can get. Gratefully. I'll jump anywhere. I'll hit any ball. So... toss it to me!"

"Hey guys. You know how to do quick hits?"

"Quick hits?"

"A fast attack like the one you just did."

Hinata shook his head then proceeds to explain that he only spiked balls that get tossed high up. Then Kageyama said that doing a quick is impossible.

"It's not like you, king." said Tsukishima.
"I'll spike it past you. Wait and see!" "There you go again, all psyched up. Just getting psyched up isn't going to make things right. Some people aren't cut out for some things. Clearly, you're not cut out to be a spiker."
An irk mark appeared on Tanaka's head before he walks to Tsukishima to punch him but Y/n held him back.

"That's true. Even when I was in junior high, I would jump and jump, but I kept getting blocked. Height is needed for volleyball. No matter how high I jump, I can't get past their overwhelming height. But, I know I want to become like that. So I don't care if I'm cut out for it or not. I'm going to do battle with this little body, win and win, and be on the court as long as I can."

Tsukishima sighed.
"But you don't have what it takes. This isn't a matter of psychology. You can't make up for height with feelings. If you could play libero, that would be a different matter."

Kageyama spoke up. "To break the wall in front of the spiker...that's the setter's job." He then pulled Hinata.

"Tsukki nice serve."

Kageyama tossed the ball to Hinata but he missed.

'The toss was too fast.'
Y/n thought.

"Hey! What are you doing? You have to be fast-" Kageyama cut himself off.

"And there it is, the king's toss."

They tried again and again only to fail each time. Hinata managed to touch the ball at some point but ended up getting caught in the net like a fish.

"You've got fast reflexes, so go like "pah", like "gwah"."

""Pah" or "gwah", which is it?"

"You just don't get it."

Sugawara picks up the ball. "Kageyama. You're repeating what you did in junior high." Kageyama and Hinata turns to their senpai as the taller points at the ginger beside him. "Hinata has the reflexes, speed and the springing power. If he gets used to it, he can do fast attacks." Sugawara explained that Kageyama's toss is killing Hinata's weapon which is his speed.

Sugawara continued. "Hinata has no technique and no experience." "Sugawara-san..." "He's not an outstanding player who can match your ability. But his potential is tops." "Don't call me a genius or anything. That's an exaggeration." "He never said that." Y/n and Tanaka said at the same time.

Y/n dozes off in the middle of Sugawara's speech as she dives deep in her thoughts.

'What should I have for dinner today? Oh yeah, I should probably catch up to (favorite streamer)'s streams/(favorite anime or series). I missed a lot of their streams/episodes.'

Kageyama was in deep thought for a moment before turning to Hinata.
"I envy your athletic reflexes."


"But you waste your treasure and that infuriates me."



The black-haired setter points at the ginger.
"So I'm going to use all of your abilities. Use your highest speed. Use your highest jump. I'll bring the ball to you."

Hinata tilts his head in confusion. "Bring the ball? What's that mean?" He asked.

"Get to where there's no blocker at your max speed, and jump. Then spike the ball with all your strength. You don't have to watch my toss. You don't have to synch with the ball."

"But if I don't see the ball, I'll spike in air."
"But I want to try this."

Hinata nodded. "Alright."

The game continued once again. Kageyama closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them.

'Now let's see what you're going to do, Kageyama-kun.
Y/n thought to herself and serves the ball.

Tanaka receives it as Hinata ran. Kageyama tossed the ball anf Hinata spiked it.

'His eyes were closed just now.'
Y/n thought to herself.

"It hit my hand!"
Hinata exclaimed happily.

"He's so over the top."

"Excuse me. I just wanted to point something out."
Everyone looks at Y/n.

"Hinata-kun's eyes..they were closed just then."



Tsukishima asked.

Y/n proceeds to explain, her stoic expression and monotoned voice not changing.

"From the moment he jumped until he spiked, Hinata-kun had his eyes closed. Which means Kageyama-kun tossed it directly into Hinata-kun's palm when he wasn't even looking. He synched the toss to the moment he's swing with total accuracy."

Tsukishima looks at her in disbelief.

"Awesome Awesome. Hey, what was that? What was that? It hit my hand. Right then. Hey."

"Hey you! Why did you have your eyes closed?"
Kageyama asked/yells.

"You told me not to watch the ball. When my eyes are open I can't help but watch the ball."

"I said that, but..."

"It worked though, right? What's wrong with that?"

"Sure, but who trust anyone one hundred percent?"

"Well, I have no choice but ti trust you right now."

Y/n turns to face her teammates.

"Um excuse me."

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi flinched and turns to her.

"Could you pass the ball to me next time."

"Huh? What can you do?"
The blonde asked.

"Like you said earlier, you don't have a lot of experience with volleyball."

"Like I said earlier, I'm pretty good at volleyball. I can play any position, but I can't spike. But I want you two to trust me. I have a plan."

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima looks at each other, then nodded.


Tanaka serves the ball and Yamaguchi receives it. Y/n tosses the ball to Tsukishima as his eyes widen. He spikes the ball earning them a point.

"Tsukki nice."
The blonde looks at Y/n then to his palm.

'It looked like the ball just bounced in mid-air just now.'


Kageyama tosses the ball but it hit Hinata's face.

'I wonder if that last one was pure luck.'
Y/n thought to herself.

"What're you smiling about? That's the second time it hit my face."
Hinata said as he held his cheek.

"I don't get it. The last one must've been sheer luck. Yet he keeps trying the same thing."
Tsukishima said as he stood beside Y/n.

"But maybe Hinata-kun will keep jumping without looking at the ball." Y/n blurted out as the blonde looks at her.

"Truly, I don't get it either. No one can trust someone one hundred percent. Not to mention your own rival. Also, don't let your guard down. Don't always keep your eyes on Hinata-kun. Watch out for Tanaka-senpai too. Keep your eyes on both of them. You never know when they will score."
Y/n said as she got back in position as the game continued.

Yamaguchi serves the ball and Tanaka receives it. Tsukishima stood in his position. "He'll toss to the shrimp and fail again. He should mark Tanaka-san instead--"

"Dumbass! I told you to not let your guard down..!"

Hinata started running towards him.

"You come here too!" Yamaguchi went beside Tsukishima, preparing to block Hinata.

Hinata then ran to the opposite direction, avoiding the blockers as Y/n tries to catch up. Then Hinata spikes the ball and Y/n failed to receive it. Earning Hinata's team another point.


First set

'Looks like we're starting to see Kageyama-kun's true abilities as a setter. His tosses are getting more accurate every time.'
Y/n thought as she looks at Hinata. 'And the one who pulled it all out of him was Hinata-kun.'

Hinata jumped, preparing to spike. "You're not jumping anymore." Tsukishima said, jumping to block him. Kageyama tosses the ball to Tanaka and he hit it. Making them win the first set.

Y/n suddenly appears behind Tsukishima and kicks him on his shin. It's not strong nor weak, just in the middle.

"Dumbass! I told you to not only focus on Hinata-kun, didn't I..?!"

"Well I'm sorry, I forgot about what you said earlier..!"

"Well you shouldn't have forgotten about it."

The two continued bickering as Yamaguchi stood there nervously, trying to stop the two.



The two ask harshly at the same time as they turn their heads only to flinch seeing Yamaguchi. Tsukishima and Y/n turns to look at each other one last time before looking away, making a "hmp..!" sound.

Tanaka took off his his shirt (again).

"How do you like it now Tsukishima? Weren't you going to crush me and Hinata?"

"Yeah! Yeah!"

"Try it if you can!"

"If you can!"

"Why are you bragging the most Tanaka?"
the said boy stopped and looks at the side.

"That's right. You're scoring thanks to the first years."

"You have a big attitude."

"Don't take your clothes off baldie."

"Who's trash-talking me over there?!"

Y/n wiped her sweat with a towel and drank on her bottle as she think of ways to stop Hinata and Kageyama's attacks.

'What should I do? I can't keep my eyes off Hinata-kun for a second. But I also need to keep an eye on Tanaka-senpai. I have to think of something soon or else...'

The second set started and all the players went back on the court. Yamaguchi spikes the ball but was blocked by Kageyama.

02 - 04


Y/n tossed the ball to Tsukishima and he spikes it, accidentally hitting Hinata's face but earned a point.

10 - 10

Kageyama did a setter dump.

11 - 13

Tsukishima took off his shirt, revealing a dark t-shirt underneath. "Looks like Tsukki's fired up." Yamaguchi said as Y/n stares at him. "I guess. You guys are pretty close." "Tsukki and I are friends since middle school."


25 - 20

The practice match ended with Hinata and Kageyama's team winning. Y/n sat on the edge of the stage, drinking from her bottle, towel around her neck as she read a book.

She saw Kageyama and Hinata walking to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi at the corner of her eye. She continued reading her light novel as she listen to their conversation.

"We're supposed to shake hands before and after a match. Though we didn't at first. Besides, we're teammates now. Though that doesn't make me happy."
Hinata said as held his hand out.

Tsukishima just stare at Hinata's hand.

"Hurry up."

Hinata took a quick glance at Daichi's group behind them.

"Don't you know? They'll kick you out of the gym if you don't show team spirit."

"The reason you two got kicked out was because you ignored the captain, started your own competition, and finally, blew the vice principal's rug off his head."
Tsukishima said as a matter of factly, making Y/n stiffen her laugh and Hinata and Kageyama flinch.

"N-nevermind the minor details. Come on! Shake hands!"

Hinata charged at them as the two childhood friends dodged.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima continued to dodge Hinata.

"Get away from me!"

The freak duo finally left them to find Y/n as Tsukishima stares at his hand in horror.

"Are you all right, Tsukki?"
Yamaguchi asked his friend in worry.

'He just held your hand. Stop acting like it's the end of the world.'
Y/n thought, rolling her eyes as she continued reading.


Y/n looks up from her book to see the freak duo in front of her. Hinata held his hand out.

"Nice game..."

The ginger said, averting his gaze from hers.

"We haven't formally met, have we?" Y/n said, putting a book mark before closing her book and putting it down beside her. She shook Hinata's hand and said,

"I'm Kuroko Y/n from class 1-5. Nice to meet you Hinata-kun and Kageyama-kun."

"Nice to meet you too."


The two let go and the freak duo left once again as Y/n continued reading.


Daichi, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi who were talking just now turn their heads to see the freak duo, holding their club application form. Daichi took them and called for the manager.


The dark haired girl known as "Shimizu" turns to Daichi.

"The stuff is here, right?"

She nods before leaving to go get something. Kiyoko came back, carrying a box.

Y/n puts a bookmark on the page she was reading before closing her book and setting it down beside her bottle. Y/n stood up and got off the stage to check the contents of the box. Kiyoko took out a black jacket that says "Karasuno High School Volleyball Club" at the back written in kanji. They handed one to each of the first years. All of them put on theirs except for Tsukishima. "The sizes should be okay but let me know if you need anything." "Thanks."

"Come on. Put it on."

Sugawara said as he points at the jacket in Tsukishima's hands.

"No, I'll do it later..."

"Are you shy or something?" Tanaka asked.

"Please don't be shy Tsukishima-kun. Put it on." Y/n said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Wear it! Wear it! Wear it! Wear it!" in the end, the blonde put his jacket on.

"Woah!" The five first years stood side by side in a line. Y/n stood beside Yamaguchi, zipping her jacket all the way before putting her hands in her pockets. Hinata turn around showing his back, "Looks good on you." "Yeah, looks good. Looks good."

They all turned to Daichi. "We're the Karasuno Volleyball Club from here on out... Ready and..." They put on their jackets. "Good to have you with us."

All the first years gathered around Tanaka as he teaches them a new pose. "And so... Like this!" "Like this?" "Yeah exactly like that." Y/n stood between Tsukishima and Kageyama as she copied Tanaka's actions.

Kageyama picked up a volleyball. "Hey Hinata, are you rested? Are you ready to go? Let's practice quicks again. Let's do it while you're still in the zone."


"Tanaka-san, please bring the balls."

"You're moving around already?"

The gym door suddenly opened. "It's decided! It's decided!" They turn to see a man, panting.

'Looks like he ran all the way here.'
Y/n thought to herself.

The man looks up, holding a piece of paper. "The practice match. It's against one of the top four teams in the prefecture. Aoba Johsai High School." The man said as he entered the gym.

"The one nicknamed Seijoh?"


"No way."

"A practice match with one of the top four!" Hinata exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes as Kageyama mumbled,
"Aoba Johsai..." The man turn to them, fixing his jacket.

"Oh. So you two are the controversial Hinata-kun and Kageyama-kun. I'm the volleyball club advisor. I'm Takeda Ittetsu."


"I have no volleyball experience, so I can't help with your technique, but for anything else, I'll do my best. It's good to meet you."



Sugawara and Daichi went to Takeda.

"Ah... I've been running around everywhere setting up the practice match, so I haven't had time to drop in here." the teacher said as he put a hand at the back of his head.

"But sensei,how did you get a powerhouse like Seijoh to agree?"
The gray-haired setter asked.

"You didn't get on your knees and beg again, did you?"

"No no. I'm good at getting on my kneew and begging, but I didn't do that this time." Takeda said as the two third years sighed in relief.

'What did her say?'
Y/n thought to herself.

"But they had a condition."

"A condition?"

"Kageyama-kun must play setter the entire game."

"What's that about? Sounds like their not interested in Karasuno. They just want to assess Kageyama. Are they underestimating us? Are they?" Tanaka asked with an intimidating look on his face. "Well, that's not quite how it is."

"Sounds good."
Tanaka and Takeda turns to Sugawara.

"We don't get chances like this that often."

"You're going to agree to that, Suga-san? You're the official setter of Karasuno Suga-san."

"I..." Sugawara trailed off. "I want to see how effective Hinata and Kageyama's attack will be against the top four team." He nodded at Daichi. "Sensei, may we have the details?"

Everyone gathered around Takeda as he start to explain the details. The practice match will be held on Tuesday next week after classes.

"So make sure you're not late."

"Yes sir."

Takeda looks around the gym.

"What's wrong sensei?"
Daichi asks.

"Other than Hinata-kun and Kageyama-kun, you also mentioned that there's a student from Teiko that joined the club, correct?"

The third year captain nodded.

"So I wanted to meet him before I dismiss you all today."

"Well, I'm sure he's right here somewhere."

"I'm here."
they all jolted and looks toward the back. Ennoshita looks behind him to see Y/n peeking out.

"How long have you been here?"

"I've been here the whole time."
Y/n replied.

"Oh!" Takeda went to Y/n and helo her hands in his.

"So you're Kuroko-kun. I've heard the rumors but I never thought the rumors were real."

"Uhm..yeah..I guess."

"Um sensei."

Takeda turns to Hinata, still holding Y/n's hands.

"What is Teiko?"

"That's what I want to know as well."
Takeda looks at the other boys then lets go of Y/n's hands and turns to face them all.

"Teiko Middle School is a school with a very strong basketball team with over one hundred members and three consecutive championship wins."

The boys awed in astonishment as they listen to their club adviser.

"Last year, there were five prodigies from Teiko called "Generation of Miracles ". "However, there was a rumor concerning those five prodigies."

"A rumor?"

"Despite being unknown and lacking game record, there were two more members recognized by them. A pair of twins."

"The Phantom sixth man and the Phantom sixth prodigy. I also heard some rumors about them, but no one knew if these twins actually exist or not. Only the Generation of Miracles know the answer."

"You sure know quite a lot, Takeda-sensei."
Daichi said which made the said teacher chuckles awkwardly.

"W-well, I was just saying it based on the rumors I've heard. There are a lot of people talking about it."

"So...what does Kuroko have to do with it?"
Hinata asks, tilting his head.

"It's because I used to be in Teiko's basketball club."

Y/n said before facing Takeda.
"You wanted to confirm if the rumors about the twins were true right, sensei?"

Takeda nodded.

"Well, the rumors were true I guess..."

"You guess?"

"You see, some of the rumors were false. Well, a rumor's a rumor anyway. But yeah, the twins exist."

"Then, where are they now?"

Y/n stays silent for a moment before glancing away.

"I don't know, probably somewhere in Tokyo attending school and playing basketball as always."


Daichi exit Sakanoshita store, holding two paperbags filled with meat buns. He handed one of the bags to Hinata as the ginger took out a meat bun and start eating it.

Tanaka and Kageyama gripped the collar of Hinata's shirt and lifted him up. "Why are you eating first?!" "Are you kidding me?!" "Hey volleyball club!" a blonde haired man wearing an orange hoodie and apron came out of the store. "Don't make a ruckus in front of the store!" "Sorry." Kageyama and Tanaka let go of Hinata's shirt, dropping him.

"Eat your dinner properly."
The owner said as Daichi bowed at him.
"Hey, you guys come and eat too." Tanaka said as he saw Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walking down from the hill.

Daichi approached Tsukishima.

"Do you know where Kuroko is?"

"I'm right here."

Daichi jolts and see Y/n eating a meat bun.

"A-about the upcomming practice match, I was wondering what position would you like to play."

Y/n pondered for a moment.

"Any position is fine for me. But I can't spike so..." Daichi nods and went to talk to Kageyama inside the store.

To be continued....

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