Me And Devilmond Got Into A Fight?! (Part 1)

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I sprang back around when Devilmond said that phrase. I knew he was lying because me and Aquamarine were hanging out with each other an hour ago. "Liar, liar pants on fire sitting on a 300-pound tire," I yelled. "No, I'm not lying! She's in the hospitalized room lying there dead!" He smirked, again! I rolled my eyes at him. I pretend to fall for the trick. "Oh no! My sister is dead even though I met her an hour ago!" I said, sarcastically. He just stared at me. He knew that I found out. He then took a deep breath. He walked up close to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. He looked like he was about to say something serious."Christina, sorry if this offends you, but you look like a foolish girl and you don't even act grown up at all! I'm sorry, but you are a disgrace to this team. Our team is losing because of you. Even your sister acts more mature than you. You are going to make this team break into two million pieces." He said, trying not to laugh. I could feel my heart shattered into a million pieces. Did he actually say that? Was I useless to the group? But then my sadness turned to madness as my brain exploded! "Excuse me! Did you actually say that 'bout me?" I said, offended. "Well, it is true-" Before he could finish his sentence. I punched him hard in the face! "Say that again, do I look like I'm young? No!" I said, dodging punches. "You're a woman who acts-" Devilmond tried to finish the sentence, but I pushed him, resulting in him landing on the ground with a big thud. Attracting the Alliance to stare in our direction. I placed my foot on his chest to restrain him. He tried to squeeze out of my grip, but I held my foot harder on his chest. Man, I do feel the pain, but, he needs to stop insulting people. After a while, it got boring so I let go of him. Getting into my fighting stance, then, I got two blows in my head. Stunning me. I then saw two helicopter speakers flying toward me. They landed on the pavement, blasting music. I saw the note and read it. "Have a cookie, a moonstone sword, and an enchanted healing potion for Christina" "Wow, whoever sent this is kind!" I held the sword, trying not to hurt myself. "Wh-what? That's not fair!" Devilmond said, having a tantrum. "Let's just fight already!" I yelled out, trying my new sword and the cookie...

Shoutout to @Sunflower3780 for giving me weapons, you can also give me weapons in the comment section and mention whose side are you on. Who do you think is going to win? See you all in the next chapter, which might take forever.

Words: 481

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