My Sister Got Skin Disease...

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As I stood in the waiting room, feeling groggy after I fainted. TV Woman walked out the door, displaying a sad emoji on her screen. "Wait, you're a nurse?!" I said kind of loud in a puzzled tone. "Well, I used to be a nurse before this apocalypse struck this land of Gati, I had to travel from Newland City, NLC ( based on New York City) to this one since this apocalypse had started, and had made a comeback with my sister, Camerawoman." TV Woman explained to me. "Well, anyways, is my sister doing fine? Did you all accidentally unplug her life support? Just tell me?!" I said, desperate and impatient. "She got skin inflammation because the toilet had some roses on his head for decoration, she must be allergic and got an allergic reaction to the roses so that's why her skin inflamed if you ask me." TV Woman said with a saddened tone. I ran inside the room, seeing my sister her throat stitched together and a Nasal Cannula down her nose. She finally woke up, but her skin was inflamed with rashes, redness, and swelling. She was scratching herself like crazy! " that you?" Aquamarine said in a tired tone. "Yes! It's me!" I said in excitement as I cried of happiness, and wrapped her in a deep hug. "Um, Christina? You're irritating my rashes." Aquamarine said in pain. "Oops!" I said, sheepishly as I hugged her softly...

Words: 243

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