Storytime Of What Zoey Did To Me In Middle School

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After following Titan Speakerman at the restaurant, we ate some food! Him and I ate beef Jamaican patties! They were delicious "Hey Titan Speakerman! Follow me!" I said to him and going to the top of a building. The Alliance looked at me. "Hey guys? Enjoy the short show!" I shouted out before slapping Titan Speakerman VERY HARD that almost his Speaker fell off. They audience gasped before laughing really hard. I made Titan Speakerman a laughingstock! He cried really hard! We all then got inside the bus, we all arrived at a campfire! They all sat down around the campfire as everyone looked at me ready to start the story. "OK Christina, you can start now." TV Woman said, eating her popcorn. "Okay so, it all started one day in 7th grade, I was getting out something from my locker 'till someone shouted out, "GUYS! THERE'S A NEW STUDENT!" So I ran over to the entrance to find out who is she/he. I then saw a Zoey standing there. People crowded her and stuff. I ran through the crowd to talk to her. But when she saw me, she gave me a dirty look. I was quite offended but still talked to her. Camerawoman, can you pretend to be Zoey for a moment?" I started then asked her. "Sure!" She replied before standing up. "Hey Gurl! What's her name? When's your birthday? Do you have siblings? What's your birthmark? What's your zodiac sign? Where do you live? What's your favorite season? Do you prefer to have a vacation at the mountains or the beach? Where do you come from unless you born here? I'm from Negril, Jamaica! Where were you from? Do you wanna be friends? How old are you? Can I borrow your hairbrush? Do you believe in unicorns? Are you allergic to anything? I'm allergic to applesauce! Do you wanna hang out?" I bombarded her with questions. She looked overwhelmed. "Dang! I can see how Zoey hates you!" Dark Speakerman said, annoyed. "Here's your line: No way! You ugly and a midget!" I whispered to Camerawoman. She then stood in a way a mean girl would. "No way! You ugly and a midget!" She said in a sassy tone. "Well... at least I'm not a grandma! You're wrinkly and have white hair!" I said back to Camerawoman. "Oh yeah! You can sit down now." I said to Camerawoman. She then sat down. I then continued with my story. "I then walked out from there, feeling hurt. But then Madison comforted me and said, "It's okay Christina! She doesn't deserve you anyways. You're way more beautiful than her." I then replied with, "Thanks Maddy..." The bell than rang and we ran to class." I said then stop there. I was scared to say this part because it brings bad memories and made me think out my cuts. "Um. Christina you can continue about your story." Speakerwoman said to me. I gulped five very big gulps before continuing. "After two months of having her around the school, the principal announced that we are going to Sunnyside Beach! The popular beach in Gati city! After a day later when it was the day of the field trip, Zoey came up to me and said, "Hey Christina! I know how I acted that day and I'm sorry! I just was in a bad mood! Anyways, do you have like a fear of dolphins? I know it's weird to ask you this but I'm begging to know!" She pleaded. I nod my head in response. She then slightly smirked and said, "Good to know!" I then shook my head in confusion but then just shrugged my shoulders before talking to Maddy-" I talked before getting cut off. "I'm sorry to interrupt but who is this Maddy girl?" TV Man #2,301 asked. "She's my bestie!" I said before continuing on to the story. "Then, when we got to the bus, she was giggling with Genesis and Penny. I wasn't bothered by this so I went on the School's Group with the whole middle school students! When we got on the beach, we applied our sunscreen and went to go have fun. I bring out my floatie. Now, here's comes the part that I'll never forgive Zoey about. Even if she gives me the world just to show how sorry she is, I won't forgive her. Anyways, when I was floating in the water-Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that I wasn't able to swim 'till 9th grade! Anyways, Zoey came up to me and said, "Hey Christina! Did you ever know that you are a midget and ugly! That's why you have no friends! You're such a tomato head and an annoying girl that no one wants to talk to. If you didn't know the info, I just gave you some. That's all you need to know!" She said before popping my floatie! I was already at the deep side of the ocean and I panicked as I was in the water, "Oh Anthony! Come on!" Zoey said, calling her dolphin! I was so scared I tried to swim away but I couldn't! The dolphin pushed me deeper to the water. I tried to swim back up but failed miserably! The dolphin headbutted me hard in the stomach! I held my stomach in pain! Screaming very hard! I slowly went deeper into the ocean! Then the dolphin and it's friends all slapped their tails into different parts in my body! My eye was swollen and I was bleeding pretty badly! I wanted to scream so loud but couldn't! Then two or three dolphins bit me in the leg, arm, and face! I heard the lifeguard swimming to get me since he must had found blood in the water. But I blacked out and floated to the bottom of the ocean! I don't remember what happens next, but I know that Zoey got in BIG trouble! It still haunts me through this day and forward! But I still remember how hard I laughed at how Zoey had be the school's janitor for three months!" I said, ending my story. The audience looked at me with shocked faces. "Woah! I'm-I'm sorry that happened to you! Plunger Cameraman said to me, patting me on the shoulder. Devilmond surprisedly came up to me. "I'm so sorry! And I'm also sorry for how I treated you! I promise I'll be nice to you from now on." Devilmond said, feeling sorry. "It's fine." I said even though I wasn't fine...

A/N: Okay qwertyuio1000 I completed your request! I hope you had fun reading this chapter everybody! See you next time!

Words: 1,119

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