There's A Fire In The Base?!

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I plopped down on the couch, feeling elated after a celebratory evening. Aquamarine was absorbed in her phone, while Mom was taking a shower. "See you soon!" I waved to Aquamarine, before heading to my room. As I opened the door, I saw Genesis sleeping in her bed. I quickly changed into my pajamas and lay down, scrolling through my phone. Suddenly, the sound of the fire alarm jolted me awake. Smoke was seeping through the door cracks, and I frantically looked around, only to see Genesis still fast asleep. "GENESIS! WAKE UP!" I screamed, shaking her violently. "What?!" She muttered groggily. "The base is on fire!" I yelled. She immediately jerked awake and pulled my hand. We tried to open the door, but it was locked! Panic set in as I realized there was no window we could use to escape. "OMG, we're going to die!" I cried. "It's probably Zoey and her clones who locked us in here!" Genesis speculated. I took a deep breath, stepped back, and ran towards the door, kicking it down with all my might. Genesis stared at me in amazement. "How did you do that?!" She exclaimed. "Extensive self-defense training," I replied. The base was in chaos, with people screaming and pushing to get down the stairs. I spotted Raven and a wounded Aquamarine tugged on my twin's arm to get closer. "What happened to her?!" I demanded to know, but Raven glared at me with anger. "You know what." He spat before walking off. "What did I do?!" I yelled after him, but he was long gone. To my horror, I noticed people giving me dirty looks, including Keisha and Madison. I overheard whispers around me. "She is a monster!" "Should we feed her to the toilets?" "I trusted her!" "We saved her, and this is how she repays us?" Tears welled up in my eyes. "Earth to Christina!" Genesis shook me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I mumbled. Without another word, I ran out of the building. Outside, I saw Audrey battling a Skibidi Toilet, and I decided to help her, but she brushed me off, saying, "I got this." Suddenly, Camerawoman and my roommates appeared, except for Zoey and Genesis. "We are not friends anymore. End of discussion." TV Woman declared, and the others nodded in unison. "W-wait, what" I stuttered, my voice barely audible. "You know what you did," TV Woman added before walking away. I was at a loss, not understanding what I had done wrong. I tried to get Madison and Keisha's attention, but they continued talking as if I wasn't there. I flicked Madison's forehead playfully, but they still ignored me. Aquamarine was next on my list. "Hey sis, I feel bad about your injuries. But I hope they feel better soon." I told her, but she glared at me and snapped, "You did this to me, so stop pretending you didn't!" I was speechless, not understanding what she meant. As I looked around, I noticed everyone giving me nasty looks, except for Gigi and Genesis. I ran up to Gigi, hoping to get some answers. "What did I do wrong?" I asked her desperately. "I don't know what you did. My cameras malfunctioned," she replied. I looked back at the building, trying to rack my brain and figure out what I had done wrong.

A/N: Hey there! Exciting news - we've got a mystery on our hands! Something, or someone, caused a fire in the base and we need your help to figure it out. Keep your eyes peeled and stay tuned for updates!

Words: 603

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